Fast food while traveling around the city In the name of Paramis

Hello friends, today I want to take you to one of the fast food restaurants which is a short trip to one of the most border cities.

Although I know that fast food is really harmful to human health, but sometimes its taste is very attractive to me and I decide to have this experience in new places.

Partanisa fast food attracted our attention because of the beautiful appearance of its shop that could be seen on the street and made us go to this fast food. The fast food menu was very interesting.




Well, my friend, have you seen the pictures of the outside of this shop? Do you think it does not look attractive and spectacular???
Now I want to introduce you to the interior of this place. It was interesting like the outside of the shop. It was clearly arranged with special taste and special and romantic items were used.




In all the photos, I tried to take pictures from far and close of the interior designs designed in that place so that you can see the beauty of this beautiful place more.



Wall decorations that were different types of plates, walls with natural flower arrangements



Look, its beauty is not lacking, I enjoyed it a lot, both the calm and romantic environment. And it was luxurious. The taste of the food was also delicious.


I have also prepared a picture of the food menu for you, of course, it is in Farsi language. I ordered a hamburger sandwich with my family members, I must say that the taste was very special and was unique to this place.


This beautiful bird, which you must all know, was talking to us at the reception, he was funny and talkative. The words he kept repeating: welcome, it's delicious, yes, hello, how are you? And all these words kept repeating. He was doing it and his owner was calling him to talk less. The name of this beautiful bird was "Pepper".

Look at this engine. When I asked the attendant there, he said that this is the engine that the owner of this shop wished for when he was young. Now that it is no longer a valuable tool, like in the old days, he installed his photo in his workplace as a symbol of his wishes. I think many people like me had asked this question, because they explained it to us very completely and without interruption. It is really a small and interesting world, sometimes a tool becomes all you want and sometimes it is the tool for you. With the passage of time, so worthless.
The point of this post: Appreciate the moments of being together. The world is much, much smaller than you think, time passes and if we get upset by the events that we have nothing to do with, I must say that we have lost.