Christmas Market In The City Center

in Worldmappin10 months ago

The second week of December is ending and a good part of the world is getting ready for Christmas. This is the time of the year when people are making plans and cities are dressed in Christmas lights and decorated with all kinds of garlands to make the whole month special.

Christmas Market In The City Center - 1.jpg

This is what is expected each year, it can lift any spirit, not to mention the memorable time kids can have before Christmas. This year I decided to visit the Christmas market in Marosvásárhely (Târgu Mureș) so today I'm inviting you to enjoy what the market has to offer to visitors through my post.


The market is situated in the city center, at the Theater Square to be precise. It's a wide space that has been used to host craft markets in recent years and now the Christmas market found its place there too.


This is a new trend though as for decades the market was held in the alley of the city center, where there always has been a very tall Christmas tree, which was a real pine. A few years ago the municipality decided to end this tradition for several reasons, among which the most important was the costs of moving such a huge tree from the woods to the city and the environmental impact. Instead, they decided to buy a plastic tree that can be reused every year. I know, some of you will say plastic is not environmentally friendly, but still, it is the best solution for now. So last Sunday the lights were turned on on this tree and the fun started.



The beauty of it is that the lights are changing colors and the tree never gets boring.



Right at the entrance of the square, two reindeer pulling a sled are greeting you. Is it free to use? No. Not this one and there's a sign asking people to behave. Are people behaving? Some do, others don't know what behaving means.


Teddy was there too, although he has nothing to do with Christmas, unless he's a Christmas present.



Stalls are surrounding the place, offering everything you need, even before you know you need it. The idea behind the market is to offer visitors Christmas decorations, as well as gifts to buy if you're in pursuit of finding the perfect one. However, this is not all, but about the rest, a bit later.


In case you want to visit the market, be prepared financially as what you will see here is not for pocket change budgets. Yes, it is for a special occasion, but the costs of renting a stall here are ... 😬 and the products are also quality. Here for example you could buy bags, purses and wallets of all kinds made of genuine leather and leather is not cheap.




What makes this place special compared to the other shops selling Christmas decorations is that what you find here is limited series and very different from mass production goods. You can buy these wooden items that in my eyes worth a lot more than any shiny plastic thing. I'm adding to my collection slowly each year. I'm buying a few pieces each time and apart from those made of glass, these don't break. I don't know about you but these look better on the tree, than those shiny plastic ones. Makes the whole decoration more natural.


Handmade jewelry can't be missing from the market. I bet many ladies will be happy to receive these beauties under the Christmas tree.


Although this Sunday we're going to light the second candle of the Advent wreath, it's never too late buy one.


There were more amazing wreaths there and trust me, those with orange candles looked really great. The red ones too :D. And if you look at those red designs on white, those are wall clocks, hand painted ones. I have one in the kitchen and love it. It makes a really nice Christmas gift.




Stalls like this are a huge danger to the budget of those who are celebrating Christmas. I had my eyes on a few cute angels, but at the end I left without buying any.


Then what do you think happened? I met Santa! Santa himself was sitting on that bench and had presents with him as well. And what do you think happened? He waved at me. I was very surprised, at first I didn't know if he was waving at me or at someone else, but after looking around I had to realize he was waving at me after all, as there was no one around. I waved back to him, as that's the polite thing to do and was thinking of having a chat with him, maybe give him my list. You know, DA LIST! But that was a thought just for a second as I knew I'm not going to give him any list, nor ask anything from him. I want one thing and if I have it, the rest I can get myself.


There was more jewellery here, but I'm not really into this kind of jewellery. However, those mugs were calling my name. So I needed all my strength in my legs to not go there and buy one. A few years ago I did an inventory on my mug collection and counted more than 50 😳, some sets were unused, so I gave a good few of them away and made sure not to hoard any more.


I love those barrels, it was a really original idea to use them, also to paint them in red and white.


Before you jump to conclusions and think this is some kind of fancy Christmas dessert, no, it's not. These are candles. Fancy candles. Trust me, you have to be strong and resist temptation as these are lovely, but extremely expensive and once you light them, the whole composition is ruined for good.


Lavender can't be missing from the fair, but as usual, I increased my speed and got out of there. I'm sure the products are amazing, but me and lavender are not best friends.


Can't have Christmas without some nice Christmas design tablecloth. I was seriously considering buying one, but then I remembered I have some canvas at home, waiting to be transformed in a nice table cloth.



There's no Christmas without gingerbread! These however have become more than Christmas decorations. Looks at the design on them. How can you eat them? However, each piece can be a nice present to someone you love.


Brandy? Anyone?



Another product that can never be missing from any fair is honey. What drives me crazy (in a good way thought) is those little honey bears. We had several when we were kids and I keep saying I'm going to buy one and never do. There were nice candles too, perfect for Christmas.


And then I saw Santa again. He was waiting to receive the guests traveling on a sled pulled by reindeer, I mean on a horse pulled carriage 😄.



You can take a short ride around the square, which most likely is not for free, but kids love it.



Then look what happened. There was Santa again, driving the Christmas train!


There are many ways to empty your pockets or bank account and buying Christmas decorations and presents is just one of it. The other is buying hot drinks, which is kind of a must as it's part of the good vibe dominating the Christmas market.


After a good drink (or before?) some tasty food is always welcome and kürtöskalács (horn cake) can never be missing from any event, regardless of the nature of the event. I was eyeing this one but the price was 😬


Here, in case you're wondering how it looks like once it's baked. They had plenty ready to be sold, but not many were ready to buy.


Hot tea, mulled wine, hot chocolate?


And there was a photo booth as well. For 2€ you could have your mug shot taken. I've never seen this photo booth before, but most likely I'll be seeing it at events from now one.


While Santa was taking the good people for a spin, there were other interesting things going on. The building you see on the photo is the national theater and there were lights projected on the building. The lights were basically projected all over the square but I could only catch them on the theater building. Identifying the source was impossible. It was nice though.


Then I saw a lion. It was a pretty scary experience, trust me. I needed all my strength and courage not to run away 😆.


He must have had eyes on the back of his head as well, as at some point he turned around and looked at me. Boy, was I scared that I would become his dinner?


Then what do you think happened? He not only turned around and waved at me, but invited me to take selfies with him and that's when I realized, she was a lioness. Very nice of her, but I said no thank you.


After a good tour of the market, I could not leave without tasting some mulled wine. Last time I had mulled wine I think it was 5 or 6 years ago, as I'm not much of a drinker, but the market vibe was good, so I bought a cup of wine for 2€ and it was heavenly good. Actually I can't get it out of my head and am planning to go back next week to have another one. Or maybe 2? 2 is always better than one, don't you think? 😂

Did you know that mulled wine has a long history?

The first record of wine being spiced and heated can be found in Plautus's play Curculio, written during the 2nd century BC. The Romans travelled across Europe, conquering much of it and trading with the rest. The legions brought wine and viticulture with them up to the Rhine and Danube rivers and to the Scottish border, along with their recipes.

The Forme of Cury, a medieval English cookery book from 1390, which mentioned mulled wine, says: "Pur fait Ypocras ..." grinding together cinnamon, ginger, galangal, cloves, long pepper, nutmeg, marjoram, cardamom, and grains of paradise ("spykenard de Spayn", rosemary may be substituted). This is mixed with red wine and sugar (form and quantity unstated). source

All in all it was a lot of fun. If you have a bit of self control, when it comes to spending, it can be a fun event. I'm planning to go back, have another cup of mulled wine and buy something, but not spend like crazy. The food was very expensive and just not worth it, the handmade sweets as well, but we only have Christmas once every year.

If you're passing by, you can't leave, without visiting the market.

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Lovely post. What a fun market! and such a busy Santa haha I love treats. I would have not left the cookie booth without a cookie or two.

Oh God! If you would only know how difficult it was not to buy a bunch of things 😁, but I'm going back this week 😂

Looks like you had some fun! I've yet to visit one nearby! I hope to tick that off some day this week!

Mery Christmas!

I had a lot of fun and planning to go back this week again :)

I hope you can visit one near you as it's a good occasion to forget about the problems for half an hour :)

Merry Christmas to you too 🎄 🎅

The market is beautiful and you made it even more so with your commentary. I do agree that 2 wines are better than one, though, so absolutely another visit is in order lol.

Lol, I knew someone would agree with me on having 2 glasses of wine, instead of just one 😁 Maybe I'm going to take more photos, of the wine, especially.

Hot tea, mulled wine, hot chocolate?

I would go with hot tea but I don't blame you for going for the wine 😛

The Town center is a great place for decorations. Tree looks good despite it being artificial. Hey I haven't seen a van converted into photo booth. That's pretty cool in itself. Hey if they took my picture they could roll away afterwards, hehe.

Hot tea is a good choice, but I can have that at home, I think I have 1k tea in total, so the better option for me was mulled wine 😁

That photo booth was a surprise, but people were interested. You know how it is, you need to bring something new in order to make some money.

Ya I suppose the wine helped calm your nerves around the lion 🦁 as well, haha.

Yup now I think about it a lot a vehicles are used for businesses such as food trucks, ice cream trucks, and others. Hey it's good idea there not limited to one place.

Sounds like a fun Christmas market visit! Your words and pictures made it feel like I was there. It's cool to see all those decorations and crafts. Thanks for sharing your awesome time at the market.

Then it looks like I've achieved my goal. It's good to know you felt like visited the market with me.

A lovely report of this Christmas City Market with the great quality we are used to in your works!!!... A round of applause and thanks for sharing @erikah friend!... Have a great week!

!discovery 35

Oh, you're always too kind to me Jesus! Thank you so much for the nice words and I'm really happy to know you liked it.

Have a fantastic week! Soon I'm going to check what you've been up to 😎
It's been a busy period.

Wow, that is quite a market @erikah! So much to see, buy, eat, and drink; I simply love markets, and this Christmas market is a real jolly affair, made more so with a glass of Mulled wine.
The year has flown by, not a good one for me nevertheless, I will make the most of it, and wish you a wonderful Christmas and holiday season!

My dear @lizelle, I'm really sorry to hear about your year. I hope things get a bit better for you and time can ease the pain to some degree.

Thank you for the nice comment! I wish you Merry Christmas, happy holidays and looking forward to seeing you more on Hive. (I've been busy and my engagement hasn't been the best, but things are different now.)

A big hug to you dear 🤗😘

Hi @erikah, thank you for the warm wishes. Yes life goes on and I am slowly making new memories, even though my heart still aches.
Nevertheless, wishing you a wonderful Christmas and look forward to seeing more of you as well❤

Wow, for me Christmas is the most beautiful time of the year. This place is wonderful. Thanks for sharing ☺️

For you and me both 😊 I love this time of the year and really enjoyed the market.

Wow what a beautiful market and I am regretting everyday not drinking mulled wine when I was in Cologne.

Fancy candles. Trust me, you have to be strong and resist temptation as these are lovely, but extremely expensive, and once you light them, the whole composition is ruined for good.

Darn, those are gorgeous; trust me, I wouldn't lit them if I had bought them. They are super cool but yes, not worthy to buy.

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful local market with us... 😀

I am regretting everyday not drinking mulled wine when I was in Cologne.

I know what you mean, but please don't. What's done is done. I'm sure there's mulled wine in Almere or Amsterdam too, so instead of torturing yourself with regrets, just look forward to having one when you come across a stall that is selling mulled wine.

There were so many nice things there, but you know, I always have to think if i really need those things or just want to buy them because they look great 😁

just look forward to having one when you come across a stall that is selling mulled wine.

You are absolutely right, such great advice...

I always have to think if i really need those things or just want to buy them because they look great

I am learning this process slowly because, in the end, money is wasted because most of the things I don't like after buying and don't feel attracted to them anymore...

Woohoo! The Christmas tree is so huge and beautiful.
The Fancy candles got me thinking it's some sort of ice cream😅 they look too adorable to be candles

I knew people would think it's some kind of cream with fruits as that's what it looks like, but it isn't. I can't blame you as they looked extremely good 😁

Wow this is very beautiful and big market pack with everything needed for the Christmas. I love my market

As you say, they had everything one would need for Christmas.

Wow, you really had fun. Christmas is season is fun every where. I love your work for I'd of good quality.

Thank you! I had fun indeed, that's why I went there :D

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To support your work, I also upvoted your post!

Very beautiful.

It was indeed.

Merry Christmas @erikah

Merry Christmas to you too :)

I really enjoy this style of Christmas market. While it is not a long cultural tradition in Canada, we do have what we call a "German-style" Christmas market that has become a tradition in recent years in Vancouver. These are great shots from the market in your area.

everything looks great. hope you have a happy christmas . @erikah

What beautiful photos!

Just yesterday I went to a new store and what stood out the most were the Christmas decorations.

I really liked the picture you took of the Christmas tree, it is very big, although it looks better at night with all the lights on. I also thought the bear was very cute hahaha.

On the other hand, I had never heard (or read) about mulled wine. Does it really taste good? I don't usually drink alcohol, however, I have tried only a few (and few) alcoholic beverages, including wine, but the one you drink cold hahaha.

It really caught my attention. My dad knows a lot of drinks, I'll ask him if he knew anything about mulled wine.

I hope you enjoyed it a lot and you can go again so you can have your two glasses of wine hahaha, happy day! 😊❤ @erikah

Now I can have the real feel of Christmas even before it's Christmas. As I read your post, I followed you through and I really enjoyed myself. Thank you for sharing.

QUE VIVA LA NAVIDAD!!! Que hermoso están todas esas decoraciones, felicitaciones a quienes se esmeraron y gracias por esta publicacion está hermosa

Se ve muy divertido pasear por esas calles.
Gracias por compartir.

Ah those barrels painted in red are really an eye catcher ! There is just one thing missing: snow! Ahhh I miss snow, I remember when I was a kid and during this time we would have so much the winters are so mild

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I still wonder why you still advocate for newbies, how do you want the hive to grow if you keep on Downvoting others..thinking you are the only person doing the right thing..
Such hypocrisy at the highest level @erikah