Santuari de Lluc in Escorca

in Worldmappin2 years ago

We have a favorite hotel in Mallorca which is located in the middle of the island and only about 15 minutes drive from the place of peace and serenity called Santuari de Lluc.

When we're on the island we come here regularly. This is where we wander around and enjoy ourselves. Surprisingly, there are not that many tourists but this can be because as usually we keep coming when it's the hottest outside 🙂

The Santuari de Lluc is located in the heart of the mountain range Serra de Tramuntana, so be prepared for beautiful views of the island. It is in the region called Escorca which is the least populated municipality in Mallorca. Being situated in the mountains means that there are many cyclists visiting the monastery too. It is also a pilgrimage meeting point, and there are even some rooms to accommodate tourists.

There is a ticket office next to the parking, so it's easy to find. The entrance ticket is 4 EUR per person which is a great price for what you get to see. There is a restaurant, a bar, a souvenir shop with local jewelery (I recommend to have a look when you're there as they have many original pieces), a church, a museum, large gardens, a botanical garden, a swimming pool, and a viewpoint on top of a mountain. You need to work out a bit to get there but it is worth it. I'm certain that there is something for everyone.

Let me take you on a tour in the complex!


The Santuari de Lluc is the first monastery on Mallorca dedicated to Virgin Mary. It dates back to the 13th century, and its origins are linked to a young boy who found a statue of Virgin Mary in the mountains and brought it to the village to give it to a priest. However, the next day the statue has returned to its original location. There is no explanation about why this happened and the locals interpreted this as a miracle and as Virgin Mary wanted to stay at that place they built a small chapel which was the foundation for the monastery as we know it today. Legend

I have also read that there are discussions about how the monastery got its name. Some say that the name of the young boy was Lluc, while others say that it's coming from the location of the monastery called 'Lucus' or 'Sacred Forest'.


We have walked around the monastery before entering the church and the museum. All buildings have stone constructions which is adding to the medieval feeling of this place.



This is one of my favorite spots as you can sit here under the trees and read a book. I always have a book with me.


Statues of Virgin Mary in Plaça dels Pelegrins. This is where you can find small shops with local produce. We bought two jars of spicy olives. They were delicious and so hot! We also got the best olive oil ever here.


In the back, there are Els Porxerets, also known as former pilgrims quarter.


Look at the view! And we haven't even climbed the mount Rosario route.


We will start our tour of the complex in the church called Basílica de la Mare de Déu de Lluc. This square is receiving sunshine all day, so it's better to first go inside and cross the building instead of going through the main door.


Once you enter the church you will feel a relief. The temperature there is so pleasant and it's dark as well, so also your eyes can take a break from the brightness outside.

The church is dominated by the altarpiece. It's richly decorated with many golden details. In the middle there is a painting of Virgin Mary.


Its construction started at the beginning of the 17th century. It's certainly not as old or as big as other churches in Spain but it has that something that makes you want to sit down and enjoy the moment.

Basílica de la Mare de Déu de Lluc has also received several honorary achievements. King Charles III of Austria granted it the title of royal chapel and Pope John XXIII declared it a minor basilica.

It's an active church until today. You can attend scheduled masses in a small chapel. I'm not sure but I guess that the main church is used for celebrations such as weddings as well.


Next on our tour will be the museum which was inaugurated in 1952.

The museum is situated on two floors and contains 8 rooms. You can learn about Mallorcan culture and traditions, see their traditional clothing, ceramics, textile, paintings or sacred objects.


This room is called Mallorcan Chamber. It is built as a bedroom of a wealthier family. The clothes come from the 19th century. They represent formal attire of that time.


I love ceramics, so this was my favorite room. The exposition is divided into three parts, each of them representing a certain part of Spain. There is also a smaller part which is dedicated to imported ceramics.


Those who know me know that I never miss a chance to sit down. My husband enjoys expositions at different pace than I do, so it's always a plus when there is a place for me to sit and wait for him. I will never understand how he can be that slow.


This room is called Pinacoteca. It showcases canvases painted by different artists. Honestly, I'm not a big fan of paintings in general but these ones caught my attention because of their lush colors and passion.


Next stop is the botanical garden.

Botanical garden is located less than 100 meters outside of the complex. It was opened in 1956 and it holds a wide variety of endemic plants. Watch out, there are mosquitos too!

It focuses on local plants, and currently there are around 200 varieties of plants from Mallorca.


There is only one path which will lead you around the botanical garden. It's different to any botanical garden that I visited before because it's situated in the nature and there is no greenhouse.


On the way you can enjoy the views of the monastery too.




I think it took us about 20 minutes to walk around in the botanical garden. We were on the way to the car when we saw this stairway. We visited the monastery on several occasions, but never went up the hill. It was getting a bit late but we decided to give it a go.


Who would resist walking up such a pretty stairway?


We knew it was a good decision only a few minutes after we started walking as we could already see Serra de Tramuntana mountains.


This hill is called Hill of Mysteries or Rosario Mountain, and it's used as a Rosary route by pilgrims.


The stairway is steep at times and also a bit slippery when you're wearing beach sandals like I was 🙂



When you reach the top with the cross you can contemplate the panorama of the Lluc Valley, mountains and sanctuary.

Let's have a look!





















After a while it was getting hot and we had a dinner table booked at our hotel, so it was time to go.

We were sweating once we came back to the car but it was all worth it. We visited a place that we know so well and manage to see something what we haven't before. Let's see what we discover next time 🙂

Thank you for reading!



An exquisite example of Masonry work and I always wonder how this stonework still looks so beautiful in the concrete jungle. This is truly a sanctuary where not only you can get introduced to the history but also can relax a lot. I love the detailed interior of the church, it is very nice. This is a worthy place to explore and probably spending a night there would be a great idea as well...

Thanks for sharing this wonderful location with us...

Thanks a lot for stopping by and for your kind words.

If you need somebody to talk, let me know on Whatsapp 🙂 I might be in Holland at the end of March for a week - not sure yet but I will let you know.

Thank you, dear, I will definitely text you there... That would be amazing if you visit again...

Wow, tak to je nádherný komplex! Trochu mi to připomnělo komplex benediktinského kláštera Tyniec v Polsku kousek od Krakowa, který taky nabízí kromě různých obchůdků s výrobky místních mnichů i výhledy do krajiny, protože je postavený na skále, ale to prostředí je samozrejmě úplně jiné :) A není tam botanická zahrada, ta vám v tom vedru musela přijít vhod :) Jo, čím jsem starší, tím víc mě kláštery a jejich tajuplná atmosféra zajímají. Díky za tenhle parádní report z Mallorky!

Dakujem za tip! Pozrela som Tyniec a vyzera to tam super. Nie je to ani daleko, tak sa mi mozno podari vytiahnut mamu na vylet, ked budem doma 🙂

To aj mna.. ako starneme, tak si zaciname vazit veci, ktore sme si predtym ani nevsimli 🙂

Rádo se stalo. Kdybyste se tam rozhodli opravdu jet, tak kromě Tyniece doporučuju navštívit i kamaldulský klášter na Stříbrné Hoře, ten je zhruba na půl cesty mezi Krakowem a Tyniecem. Ten kamaldulský klášter se nám líbil ještě víc, protože je fakt tajemný, postavený na skále uprostřed lesa :) Ti Kamaldulové jsou strašně zajímavý řád. Jsou to poustevníci, žijí v úplné izolaci od okolního světa už stovky let. Mluvit můžou jen v určité dny a jí pouze to, co si sami vypěstují. Fakt zajímavé :) Však mrkni na články, které jsem o těch klášterech napsal...

Tady je Tyniec:

A tady Kamaldulové:

Zaujimave, podobni su mnisi v Holandsku (teraz si nespomeniem na ich meno), len ti nemozu hovorit vobec. Tam by som teda asi neprezila 🙂

A dakujem za info. V Krakove sme uz boli a velmi sa nam tam pacilo, tak si spravime este jeden vylet a zajdeme pozriet aj klastory.

Nemluvit vůbec? Wow, tak to si musím najít :) My jsme si právě po návštěvě těch krakowských klášterů pak vyhledávali různé filmy s touhle tematikou a tak, fakt nás to hodně zaujalo. Hlavně ti Kamaldulové. Oni si ten klášter postavili tak vysoko, že je vidět z mnoha míst po celém Krakowě, takže vždycky, když jsem ho odněkud v dálce uviděl, tak jsem si představoval, co tam asi zrovna dělají a jaké je to žít bez moderních technologií a všech těch informací, co máme... My tam byli zrovna v době covidu, svět byl vzhůru nohama, ale Kamaldulové o ničem nevěděli a jeli si svůj svět :)

I really like these stone built cities, I have visited Malta, Israel and they are built in almost the same style using stone.
And the surrounding terrain resembles that of Israel and I think more like Albania.
Amazing photos and this place is sure to be visited by many tourists.

I've been reading quite a few posts recently about Albania and I'm really starting to consider it for next vacation 🙂

Thank you for stopping by!

When I first heard about Albania and the resorts on the Albanian coast, I was reluctant to plan a holiday here, but in the meantime, a few friends convinced me to agree to spend our holiday together in Albania and, honestly, I don't regret making this choice.

Seeing the photos proves that Mallorca is an island full of history and amazing surroundings. It is as if you are teleported into another time full of wonders and amazing architecture and where nature still has the power to bring true beauty to those willing to open their eyes and hearth.

Indeed, there are many things to visit, and when I visited the island for the first time I didn't expect to see so much 🙂

Thank you for stopping by.

Wow, beautiful place! Mallorca has been escaping me for quite some time now, might try to finally visit in a near future! !LUV

You definitely should! But on the other hand, living in Portugal you have quite a lot to see there too 🙂

For sure! Though I can say I've visited quite a bit of Portugal too. So many thing to see, so little time... :) !LUV

Hi @delishtreats
I agree with you on the point that it would be a bliss reading a book under that tree, I could just imagine the peaceful vibes and a feeling of sweetness and love sitting in that environment.
The place is mesmerising.
Keep sharing.

Thank you for stopping by!

The work done in this post is wonderful, I love each and every picture you have shared in this blog. Most attractive thing for me was Mallorcan Chamber where they have showed the Clothes from the 19th Century, I love these clothes as they represent the past and the People who lived in the past, I'm a guy with Old thoughts. Pinacoteca also got my attention, The art work present in the room is unmatchable. Thanks for sharing this wonderful and historical place with us @delishtreats.

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words! 🙂

Always welcome ;) You are truly a Gem here on Hive platform ;) Keep posting and keep growing.


:P Why the heart is of white color ? :P it should be red, right ? :P

😂 It's showing black on my side. Either way, be happy with what you get 😂😁

hahaha :D Okay Okay I'll take it as white flower is for purity and innocence :P Yes I'm pure and innocent :P

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The stunning views of the island from the heart of the Serra de Tramuntana mountain range are certainly a highlight, and it's no surprise that the area is popular with cyclists and pilgrims alike.

That's true 🙂 Thank you for stopping by!

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It looks you was see some cool history there 😁👌👌👌🍺... and strong good sun.

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Hi Martina,

I really enjoyed reading your blog post about Santuari de Lluc in Escorca. It looks like a beautiful and peaceful place to visit. I also liked your photos and descriptions of the botanical garden, museum, choir school, and restaurant. Thank you for sharing your experience!

Hi Awildo 🙂

I'm glad that you enjoyed it. Have you been to Mallorca yet?

Have a good start of the week!

I was living in Spain for many years, but never had the chance to visit Mallorca.

Monday is the worst, I just miss a meeting called by 8 mins.

But hey, is not about how we start, is all about how we finish 😁

By the way, I have in mind to create a Slovakia community. What do you think about it?

Isn't it all about the journey since we don't know when it will finish? 😉

Honestly, I don't know any other people from Slovakia on Hive. Do you?

I'm usually participating in Pinmapple community, so I'm not sure what could be my contribution to a Slovakia community. Would you expect posts from Slovakia, posts in Slovak, or?

I'm not expecting anything right now, because I don't know how to maintain a community.

Just to create it and go from there. To have a place where people can talk about it in whatever language they want and organize local meetups.

The local meeting is the part that excited me the most.

I'm not asking you because I want you to take on any responsibilities, just know to know your thoughts. Do you think it can work?

I didn't assume that you would want me to take on any responsibilities. I was rather saying that I would probably not be an active participating member as I'm posting somewhere else. For community you need people to be active and that's why I asked if you knew anyone in Slovakia. But I guess you're trying to onboard people, right? 🙂

Frankly, I would love to help you with that, be it sort of moderating of curating, or any other activity. It would be great to have place where people would agree on meetups. There is also a Czech community, so maybe some members from there would join as well.

Anyway, I think it's a good idea 🙂

Cool, thanks for your support.

I'm going to reach out to someone who already maintains a successful community and ask about it to follow up on all the rules that #hive has. 👊

Wounderfull blog. I really enjoyed it . Please thanks for sharing this blog.excited to see your next blog .kee it up

It dates back to the 13th century, and its origins are linked to a young boy who found a statue of Virgin Mary in the mountains and brought it to the village to give it to a priest. However, the next day the statue has returned to its original location. There is no explanation about why this happened and the locals interpreted this as a miracle and as Virgin Mary wanted to stay at that place they built a small chapel which was the foundation for the monastery as we know it today

It’s really amazing how there’s a back story to literally everything in this world . Who would have thought such story existed.

Beautiful shots @delishtreats

Un mundo hermoso, cada detalle demuestra su magia ✨

how gorgeous! It looks like a beautiful old castle from the outside, very nice place.

What a beautiful place!!! The photos are great.

I fell in love with Mallorca when I was there. Seeing your photos took me back to less than a year ago, when I was walking the streets of Palma in May. Although I was there for a few days, you have shared some places I was completely unaware of, thank you for taking me on this walk!

How was the weather in May? I can imagine that it was much more bearable than when we visited it in July 🙂 We keep making the same mistake.. we know how hot it is there in July but we keep coming back in the same time every time 😁

Thank you for stopping by! When you get a chance to go there next time you'll have some tips and know where to go 🙂

I think its perfect place for outing. The biggest advantage of visiting such places is that one feels very relaxed and the tension is not running in one's mind for some time. This hotel is very beautiful, the way its entrance is made, it turns out that the inside will be very beautiful. natural views are very pleasing to man and from the way we are seeing these mountains are looking very beautiful and this green is also very beautiful. After reading about such old buildings and their history, one's knowledge increases a lot. Thanks for sharing your happiness with us. I really like it.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed it 🙂

Muy buenas fotos, pura historia, muchas gracias.