Hohenzollern Palace in Sigmaringen

in Worldmappin2 years ago

Honestly, I don't remember when was the first and until Sunday the last time when we visited Sigmaringen. It must be about 10 years ago already. Time flies!

Some time ago, I came across an article about Sigmaringen and was amazed by its beauty. This is not how I remembered it! Well, we visited it in winter and there was a Christmas market going on, so the atmosphere was very different, but after seeing that article I decided that we must go and visit it again.

Sigmaringen is about one hour drive from our home. We were driving through many villages and enjoyed sightseeing of Baden-Württemberg in Germany. The Hohenzollern Palace (also known as Sigmaringen castle) is open until 5:30 PM and we left at 2 PM, so we had more than enough time to explore it.


The parking garage is next to the castle and it's only a few meters walk to get right in front of it. The gardens are not accessible and there is a large grid gate, but I just put my arm through it to get the photo 🙂

We were welcomed by the Monument of Prince Karl Anton of Hohenzollern on the pedestal surrounded by plenty of roses. The scenery with the castle in the background was rather ideal.

He was the last reigning prince of Hohenzollern before it was taken over by Prussia. Even though Hohenzollern became part of Prussia he kept most of his powers and retained his title: Highness. Prince Karl Anton


Last time, we didn't know that we could walk around the castle, but this time we noticed a sign of the castle tour, so we followed it. And it was good that we did!


The first mention of the castle dates back to 1077, but at that time it was a much smaller fortress. There are still some remains of the original construction from the 12th century. The castle was heavily renovated and its parts were rebuilt between the 17th and the 19th century. All these alterations changed the fortress into this majestic palace that we can visit today. History

The palace is built on a cliff, and it's surrounded by the river Danube on one side, and by the old town of Sigmaringen on the other side. There are plenty of cafes and restaurants that you can choose from, and some of them even offer amazing views of the castle which add to an unforgettable dining experience.


There is a large green field between the river and the castle, and I was surprised to see that it was empty. If we would have taken some food with us, this would be the place where we would eat it. I can imagine having a picnic with such views!


I have seen many castles and palaces before, but I don't remember seeing one with so many various levels, towers, and arches. I couldn't wait to go inside!


The entrance is located on top of the hill, and it's a short but steep walk to get there. We came late, and this might be the reason why it was empty. I cannot imagine that it's like this around lunchtime. But there is nothing I can complain about as this is exactly how I like it.

The ticket office is located right behind the main gate. There are various tickets and I was glad to see that we could choose from a guided tour or an audio tour. We opted for the audio tour as we could explore the castle at our own pace. They are available in several languages and included in the ticket price of 14 EUR per person.

Let's go inside!



The entrance to the courtyard is directly through a small door in the ticket office. The courtyard is not that big, but you need to look up to see the beauty.


The palace was the main residence of the Hohenzollern family between the 16th and the 19th century. They are one of the most important families in Germany and ruled the country until the World War I. The family is currently led by Georg Friedrich Ferdinand and the palace is still in their possession.


We will continue our tour through the palace including the residential chambers, but first we will look around the courtyard...


Can you see the white sign in the middle of the photo? This is from where we came as the ticket office is right next to it.


I couldn't miss my chance to take a photo of pretty flowers 🙂


There is a bust of Carl I. who was the King of Romania, so we can see that the power of the Hohenzollern family and German empire extended far behind the German borders.


The palace tour doesn't only show us medieval furniture, paintings and other artifacts, but it also shows us the lives of its former inhabitants. It served as a residence of a royal family for centuries, and their presence is still palpable within those thick walls.

The first rooms have medieval appearance, but it will not take us long to get to the impressive chambers of former residents.

It is called The Cannon Hall and it was named after two field guns used by Emperor Napoleon III which he gave to the family of Hohenzollerns.


The first note that you get to hear through your audio guide is that you should only walk on the red carpet and take photos from there. I must admit that it was tempting to walk freely and admire the details, but we stuck to the request and stayed on the carpet.


I was in awe of the staircase. There were several paintings hanging on the walls, decorated high ceilings and even the handrail was impressive! I realized once again that I couldn't remember it from the last time at all 🙂


The upper floors are not open to public which initially disappointed me, but I realized later in the chambers that more than enough rooms are open to public.



The royal family enjoys porcelain, and there are many porcelain items, such as the blue pillar with two angels below. They also travelled a lot, and collected various objects from their trips.


Let's check out the chambers!

There was a sign in each chamber reminding visitors not to touch the exhibited items written both in English and German. There was a woman walking a few meters ahead of us who touched everything that was in her reach. First I thought to let it be, but then she annoyed me so much that I asked her if she speaks English or German. She said she spoke both, so I said: And you can read, right? She was confused, but nodded to confirm that she indeed could. Then I pointed to the sign and asked her why she was touching everything if she can understand what is written there. She got embarrassed, turned red and walked away quickly. It is impossible that she missed the signs as there were many of them in each chamber.

I understand when children touch things and it's up to parents to correct this behavior, but I can't imagine why an adult person would do that. It is so disrespectful.

Anyway, when I got it out of my mind I could continue the tour with no interruption 🙂

We continued in The Princess' Chambers. There were a few chambers, each of them served another purpose. We started in the relaxation chamber where they prepared themselves for bed.


Next chamber was used to dress up and prepare themselves for their official duties. It was imperative for them to wear pompous dresses and a perfect make up as this was what differentiated them from the plebs.

The chamber was decorated with huge glass chandelier.


From The Dressing Room we moved to The Bedroom. This is where the princess took rest.

On the left, we can see a hidden door. There are many of them in the castle and they were only used by the servants when they were needed by the royalty as they were not allowed to show their presence in the representative chambers.


There were big windows in each chamber letting a lot of light inside...


The doors between the chambers are decorated with various paintings.

There is a light sensor and the light only goes on when you enter the room, and goes off when you don't move for a few seconds.

Behind this door we will see The Corner Room which was used as the princess' lounge.


The main color in the chamber is gold to show the wealth and power of the family.


This chandelier is by far my favorite object in the castle. It portrays countless flowers with so much detail. You can't see it well on the photo, but it is huge. I haven't seen a thing like this before.


Let's move to The Blue Salon which was used for writing. Imagine that they had a room which was only used for writing...

This chamber is decorated with portraits of Joséphine Caroline, wife of Prince Karl Anton with their children.


The Blue Salon was used as the reception room from time to time as well.


The Green Salon looked more golden to me. I guess that the original color has faded a bit.



The Red Salon was used to meet before dinner. It is attached to the dining room, and it was designed for ladies to enjoy their companion before dining. The long sofas were designed to accommodate their big dresses.



The ceiling caught my attention as it was symmetric which was a pleasure for my eyes.


From The Red Salon we moved to The French Salon which used to be the royal dining room.


There was a large table that could accommodate up to 30 people.


Imagine you go down such stairs for supper 🙂 I was feeling royal and I wasn't even there for dinner!


The ceiling in The French Salon is decorated with paintings and wooden plates with various carvings.


On each side of the stairs is an impressive clock and a candleholder - all in gold of course.




The Ancestral Hall was built in the 18th century and it shows paintings of 26 counts and princess of Hohenzollern.



One of the last representative rooms that we visited was The Imperial Room. This was the most decorated room in the entire palace.


As the name says it was dedicated to the rulers. Dominant colors in this room where gold and red. It reminded me of overdecorated rococo style, and it was a bit too much for me.


The room is dominated by this delicate mirror. It was made in Italy and in order to delivery it safely to the palace it was submerged in melted butter. Once the butter hardened it was safe to transport the mirror to its location.


Look at this door!


The Portuguese Gallery is the last representative room in the palace. It was built during the renovation and its name comes from the tapestry hanging on the walls.




Let's look at some door decorations before we leave the palace...


Is this a mermaid warrior? Who knows...



It took us almost two hours to see all the rooms, but we took our time and walked slowly. You can easily make it in about one hour if you don't take a photo of every single small detail.

We got discount vouchers for an ice cream with our tickets, and we were more than happy to use them. I asked the waitress which flavors were vegan and chose chocolate and banana. She must have been mistaken as the ice cream made me sick for two days!

This photo was taken before I got sick 🙂


Luckily, we arrived home before I was sick, but I learned a lesson to only take sorbets even when they claim that the ice cream is vegan/dairy free.

I hope you have enjoyed our trip!

Thank you for reading!



I remember passing by this castle on my first bike touring trip back in 2009. Considering our common history with the Hohenzollern family I always wondered how it looks on the inside considering how spectacular is on the outside and now I finally know thanks to you :) I agree with you on that chandelier, a true masterpiece, so beautiful. I'm sure you'll also like the Peles castle built by Carol I after he moved here in Romania, as their summer residence in Sinaia, our little Switzerland like mountain area. I attached a picture for you and by the way my invitation is still valid :)

I was actually planning to come to Romania for Untold festival, but the days are not ideal this year, so I might not make it, but if I'll come I will let you know for sure 🙂

I forgot so much from the history lessons and I was surprised to hear that he actually became a king of Romania. I can imagine they spent lovely summers there.

The castle reminds me a bit of a Kempinski hotel in High Tatras in Slovakia 🙂

Have a lovely start of the week!

Wowww, I can't stop delighting in these beautiful photographs. I love castles deeply.

I find the first photos incredible, such beautiful views of those towers.

Then when I look inside the palace I just marvel at the details, the floor, the ceilings, the lighting and the stairs, I love the stairs.

The paintings on the walls are classic of the period, but I was struck by the chandeliers hanging from the ceilings.

I love everything that is art and this palace is a work of art in its entirety. Thank you for showing these beauties @delishtreats ❤️

Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy that you liked it 🙂 It is indeed one of the most beautiful castles/palaces that I have ever visited and I have already visited quite a few of them 😂

Have a lovely day!

I was amazed, congratulations again! Hugs!

Have a wonderful day!😀

Wow, these are breathtakingly beautiful and amazing pictures.

Now if I ever made it to Sigmaringen, I'll definitely pay The Hohenzollern Palace a visit. Everything about this place looks perfect.

To think that you found a spot that could serve as a picnic spot blew my mind. And the interior is dope. The flowers you take shots of are beautiful too.

The medieval appearance, the furniture, paintings and other artifact plus the royal touch to almost everything is simply awesome.

I love reading and looking at the pictures. The are indeed lovely. Thank you for sharing. 😍🌹

Thank you for your thoughtful and kind comment. I really appreciate it! 😍

There are many castles in that region, so if you ever make it there you need to plan at least a week to see them all 🙂

Have a great day!

Wow, this palace is impressive, both outside and inside,these places attract me like a magnet.
Places that can't wait to be explored in peace, I also noticed in this palace the attention to details, elegance, refinement, the air of the era.
I hope you are over the period of feeling sick.
Best thoughts from Romania!

Yes, yes, it took two days and now I feel better, thank you! 🙂

They attract me too! 😉

Have a lovely day!

Glad to hear you're okay.
Have a wonderful weekend😉

Now this is what I envisioned castles/palaces to be like. Situated in higher ground to protect against attacks, while also overlooking your subjects. Everything looks so over the top. From the majestic chandelier to the walls, ceilings, and door frame, and even down to the custom door handles, it all screams excessively and unnecessarily rich. Thank you so much for sharing these.

Oh, now I understand 🙂 This is a palace even though they call it also castle. Palaces are usually richer than castles and they were normally not used for protection, but rather as residence of the wealthiest families.

I agree, its all excessive and somehow too much, but still beautiful 🙂

Thank you for stopping by!

I actually read up a bit on the difference between the two because of your reply. Castles are usually made of stone, fortified, on a high ground, surrounded by moat. Palaces are usually over the top, and where royalty actually live and call home.

From your pictures and description it falls under both. The old structure has a lot of stone materials, is on a cliff, with water on one side, making it a castle. I'm guessing they just later converted it to a Palace when the royalty decided to live there.

I actually learned a lot today, so thanks again for posting this.

I must have missed your comment before..

I believe that most palaces are originally built as fortresses or castles and converted later. This palace couldn't really have a protection role as it is accessible from the other side of the cliff easily, so that would not be difficult for enemies to approach.

My pleasure! This Thursday I will post about a castle from the same family, so you can compare them 🙂

Oh that is a good additional information, thank you. And I look forward to your next post.

Too bad about the ice cream 🙁 I love that chandelier with the flowers. So unique! and the photos at the start are incredible with the views of the castle from below and the blue skies. Gorgeous 👍

I hate when it happens because I really get sick. Many people don't realize that those with intolerances can get hurt, but I learned my lesson 🙂 Usually, I don't eat ice cream at all, but it was such a nice warm day and somehow seemed right to get one..

Thank you for stopping by!

I have never seen such a beautiful and luxurious place in my life. It's really a dream place. I don't know if I could get a chance to visit this place, but I am saving this place in my must-visit places list and let's see if I get a chance to visit this place or not. thanks for sharing this beautiful place with us @delishtreats

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words 🙂

Your always welcome mate. Have a blessed day

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A palace on a cliff-- now that's one place I wouldn't mind spending the day in. Amazing pictures!

I'm glad you like it 🙂

I can't believe such a beautiful place exists.
Wow, how wonderful it is.

There are many even more beautiful places in the world 😉

Thank you for sharing your experiences of visiting Sigmaringen Castle. I would love to visit it myself as soon as possible. I enjoyed reading your post and liked your photos.

I wish you more exciting travels in the future :)

Thank you! 🙂

I love your passion for castles and so the passionate way you talk about them ! This visit by your sides was great, so many things to see and admire and as you, I think this chandelier is my favorite... Maybe with that rococo room - probably for the fireplace ^^ - but I join you also about that, there is a bit to much to imagine living here a modern life haha !

Thank you a lot for this tour you taken us in, I really enjoyed it from A to Z and I even didn't talk about your first pictures of the site 😊

I wish you a lovely day !

Thank you for your kind words! I have apparently missed your comment before...

I indeed love castles! I enjoy walking through places of history with their thick walls and imagining how the life was at that time.

There was too much of everything in this one 😂

Have a lovely start of the week!

You're most welcome, I also love those places, but don't so much have the occasion to visit some :) So each of your visits are a great pleasure :)

There was too much of everything in this one 😂

Indeed, feels like they were qui no limit haha !

Thank you, I wish a good week too ✌️

Dneska stíhám prohlídnout jen obrázky a ty jsou jako vždy úžasné, takže s potěšením předávám Tipáky, na vyvážení downvoťáka by to mělo stačit ;) Text přečtu po víkendu a pak se zastavím znovu s normálním komentem ;) Hezký víkend!

Edit: Tak už jsem přečetl i text :) Tomu teda říkám palác! U takových staveb na skále nebo na útesech mě vždy fascinuje už jen to, jak to vůbec dokázali postavit, navíc před tolika staletími... Neskutečné. A ta pestrá minulost, na takových místech si fanoušci historie opravdu přijdou na své :) Btw je dobře, že jsi tu ženskou napomenula, taky mě tohle ignorantské chování u lidí vytáčí, zvlášť u dospělých, jak píšeš... Zrovna nedávno tady v Praze nějaký neukázněný turista poškodil tři figurky na Staroměstském orloji, museli je odmontovat a poslat na opravu, takže teď na orloji ty tři figurky chybí... Předloni zas nějaký magor posprejoval Karlův most :/

Díky za tenhle parádní report a doufám, že příště už ti nikdo o složení zmrzliny lhát nebude. Nebo radši kupovat jenom ty vodové no :/

@tipu curate 5

Waaaw. A very beautiful and magnificent place. And very beautiful photos.

The architecture and the interior designs are so grand indeed that they fit for a royalty family. The photos were captured beautifully and I seemed to also have been to this magnificent palace myself enjoying every moment! Thanks for this virtual tour.

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words 🙂

I was such in awe while reading your blog. I always dreamed of going to places like these because I only see them in movies. How i wish I could touch and experience them someday. Thank you for sharing this bit of experience of yours!

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that you can't visit such places where you live but I'm sure you have other places around you that are worth a visit 🙂

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 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words! I'm glad that you enjoyed my post 🙂