Buenos días comunidad!
Good morning community!
Last Friday we went out with my brother Fabricio to fulfill the obligations that we had pending, in passing we walked around this beautiful square in Montevideo called Plaza Matríz

Without a doubt it was very hot and the bars were full of people having lunch, we had just passed by a food court before arriving at the square and we had lunch with chicken Milanese with Russian salad. Fabry se había tomado una lata de cerveza y yo una sprite pero más allá de eso el calor era insoportable así que decidimos descansar un poco.
Fabry had a can of beer and I had a sprite but beyond that the heat was unbearable so we decided to rest a bit.
Luego de permanecer un rato en la plaza (sin hablar mucho ya que nos faltaba nuestro cannabis sativa emprendimos nuestro viaje a esperar el bus comiendo algunos dulces!
After staying for a while in the square (without talking much since we lacked our cannabis sativa we started our trip to wait for the bus eating some sweets.
Las fotos son de mi autoría
The photos are my authorship
Good post..