Everywhere I go is National Disrespect California Day—DanDays birth state. I've been coast to coast across the U.S three times, toured and experienced at least 40 of the 50 states and lived in seven of them. When someone in 2021 asks where I'm from I avoid heated arguments by saying "the other side of the country" or "I'm not from here" instead of Los Angeles or California. California's a bad word in America unless you're in California.
It's bad enough having to be defensive abroad for reasons we have no control over like being born such as, but not limited to, flesh, language, hair, fashion, origin, yata yata but in my own "Divided We Fall" country?! The fuck's that about? I catch more grief here in the United States of America about where I'm from than anywhere else we've traveled and I'm not sure how much longer I can contain myself.
I'm telling you this because I went to the Red Bull National Downhill mountain bike competition last weekend at Windrock Bike Park in Oliver Springs, Tennessee. As soon as I found a comfortable place to enjoy myself and snap photos of a sport I'm really passionate about, I was reminded of a deep hatred these Southerners have for California. On my left and right, both behind and in front of me, F-bombs from every direction—verbal assault on California.
Images - GoPro. Motion - iMovie
It was a fluke I even learned of the event. Someone said something to Pura somewhere when they noticed the bike carrier on the Subaru. Pura's gorgeous—irresistible to engage conversation with, "goin to the downhill competition ma'am?" "My husband probably is," or however she tried to politely avoid the guy, "he's really into that." He asked her if I was aware of the downhill competition the following day which I wasn't. When she got back and told me about it, I looked it up, 'sold!' Loaded up the bike the following morning and drove west for an hour.
Zoom in on this next riders back tire, he completed the downhill on a flat. This was the best viewing section. We'd watch the riders come into that 90 degree turn as fast as they could before hitting a 50 foot platform jump followed immediately by a six foot step-up jump to the finish line. One mile race against the clock they were completing in under three minutes—25'ish mph.

By the time I got there it was a packed event between over night campers and daily arrivals. I could hear all the action on top of the hill, cheering and clapping, but the main parking lot was already full. I didn't see any parking on the road.

Overflow parking was full too. I ended up parking about a mile down the road at the first available opening and peddled my way to the event. They had vendors, raffles, exhibits, all that event type stuff. I wasn't interested so I bypassed that section.

The rain was soon to come anyway. As much as I like a good downhill event, not so much in the rain. It was a pretty steep incline to get to the viewing spot. Just then a truck with about 20 bikes and riders in tow passed me on their way to the top of the mountain—next heat race.
Can't see much from here. Need to get a little higher on the mountain and see if both jumps are visible from the same place. Somewhere around.. here.
Perfect! Kinda. Only problem with the view is the closer I got, the louder they got. I thought I heard it on my way up the mountain a few times, guess I was in denial. No denying these people, though! I got a nice location now, sitting on my bike minding my own business, waiting for the next group of riders to come down and all I heard:
Fuck fuckin California!!! I'm so sick of hearing "California, California" if they say that shit one mo'again Ima shoot someone mmmkay!
'How the hell do they know?!'
I don't know how they knew. I got long sleeves on, gloves on, no tattoos are out. I haven't said a single word and these people are all talking about shooting someone from California. Then the event announcer echoed across the PA system:
In first place is..... from California.
The fastest rider in the country..... California.
Last years champion..... California.
Youngest to win back-to-back..... California.
Ok, they're talking about shooting the announcer, not me. You kinda have to take those threats seriously around here, gun laws are a facade in Tennessee. Whether they shoot anyone is highly unlikely in this state but they all got concealed carry permits and they're all carrying.
I listened to the announcer say California about 20 more times while silently laughing to myself at the reaction from the crowd each time he said "California." They hated it! I watched a little bit of the next heat race but it started raining, something it doesn't do in California. I got outta there before the ground turned into that stuff pigs play in.
These first 3: 14 year old girl from California
Next 3: 16 year old semi-pro young man from California
Last 3: Elite male rider.. California
I checked the results the following day to make sure everyone in attendance didn't want to shoot the announcer in error. They didn't. California's 22 hundred miles west of here, riders from all over the country competed last weekend, I don't see what the big deal is. Two riders from Tennessee are mentioned in the winners circle including Elite Women's first place, that's better than nothing. More than 50% of the entire winners circle in their back yard is better than nothing, too, but keep your head up. There's always next year.
:bang: :bang:
You mean to say that cult in Hollywood with a lot of clout that uses its platform to manipulate and shape an entire populace into a state of never ending inner turmoil and despair is starting to piss off the rest of the world? Who woulda thunk it.
Are you always this hostile? That was you at the track wasn't it! What's good Up there today? Still waiting for you to tell me how you really feel......
So you're saying it has nothing to do with sun shine 365 days/year so we're forced to siphon water from ALL the surrounding states because they like avocados, peaches, strawberries, well.. produce in general I guess and where else to grow it better than 365 days of sunshine. Rhetorical
The women in Ca don't think "why this bbq sauce is just a shade lighter than the dress ain't it??" whatever the reason, it's kinda starting to get to me, can you tell?
No hostility intended. Just didn't feel like mincing my words, again.
It's common knowledge an extremely loud minority is herding minds into echo chambers and abusing their power, and that state just so happens to be their headquarters. When you're on the outside and not a part of any of the political shenanigans taking place in your country, I think it's easier to see the whole picture. I could take the whole left/right approach but all that does is limit ones ability to think for themselves, plus I don't need to be on any kind of team in order to feel special or whatever. Everyone is fucked, equally. But I don't hate them for it. It would be like hating all those people in Jonestown just because Jim Jones was a lunatic. They were good people who just so happened to drink poison one day because they thought it was the right thing to do.
Mincing huh? That word isn't usually funny. So like don't like read everything like it's in like all like CAPS or anything. Oh hey, I got a new camera holder, by the way, attaches to my backpack at chest'ish level. Watched some clips.. tested the new mount. Much better.
Right/left. We don't need much to div/ide us. I've never voted so I'm excused from that bullshit.
I couldn't see shit until we were abroad that whole time. I wouldn't judge a joint without at least being there physically for a month but it's really easy to see why we're despised when looking from the outside.
We'll have been back one year this September and we're about 8 months late to gettin right the hump back outta here if that tells you anything.
🥤 Don't trip, it's just ice tea.
Looking forward to seeing the new vids. Hopefully you can capture more of the action now, and that scenery is probably more important than the event taking place.
And those people trapped on the inside are further secluded from reality the instant algorithms kick in and begin feeding them with more of what they want to hear. Many don't even know there's a problem and on both sides, when a problem is pointed out, that's just the boogieman talking. It's very hard to get through the brainwash. Not one human who ever signed up for a cult knew they were in a cult. What's happening is so common in history. blah blah blah blah this is actually boring to talk about LOL
I've been considering a big move for awhile. Something crazy like Panama maybe.
I edited this time say as soon as the weather eases up, I'll do some more filming
You ever been to Panama??? I have. We should talk.
Billboards are crazy here, unless you're somewhere else you don't understand that, you just think the billboards are normal. I'm not exaggerating, some robot will call my phone soliciting for car insurance, vehicle warranty, something at least three times a day. Every.single.fucking.day algorithm after algorithm. As many as 15/day.
Until you're looking in from outside, it's not possibly to understand that's not only abnormal, it's completely fuckin perverted.
You ever been there though?
I haven't been there. Would I regret it?
This would have been a cool day for all !!
I'm glad you think so, you woulda loved it. I had a lot of fun until it started raining. Thanks for stopping by @andrew-charlea.
That rain would of just made it more interesting 🤣
98 comments! - Holy cow - and I missed your post
Back in the day (90's) I was a downhiller racer and used to own a bike shop too. The sport was pretty new in the early 90's. Suspension was just being developed and there were no disc brakes. Most of us rode hardtails, and there were no big jumps. But the hills were much bigger - up to 1500 meter vertical descents!
A guy who used to hang out at our shop went on to become NZ downhill champ and moved to America to race professionally.
He won the 2005 New Zealand National Championships in both downhill and four cross and finished third in the NORBA downhill series overall. He also took fourth place overall in the downhill in the 2004 NORBA series and sixth place in downhill at the 2004 UCI World Cup Race in Calgary, BC (Canada). He was also the 2004 New Zealand National Champion, and took NORBA championships in 2000 and 2001.
Man that's fuckin cool! Well I'm glad you didn't miss it either Frot, I'd be lying if I said I noticed you didn't stop by. 😉 I wouldn't normally do this but did you get a chance to see the downhill video I put together before the weather went to shit?
It's just now starting to ease up so I've been putting some miles back on the bike, plan on filming some more today actually. Just got my bike back Sunday from the seasonal tuning so I'm ready. Oh fuck man! First time I took it out this season was about six weeks ago and I smacked my knee so fucking hard on the frame I thought I got shot! Could hardly walk for a few days. But now I got a knee pad for my good wheel that protects the inside of the knee, too, oh it's on now!
Hard tails. I'm new to this area so the terrain is unfamiliar to me but they say this eastern region of Tennessee is the Mecca of downhilling because it's all rolling hills. But dude, the amount of rocks and exposed tree roots, there's times my full suspension isn't enough, a hard tail wouldn't work.
Thanks Frot!
PS - 101 comments
Last time I was in Kali was 2003.
CA. Is one of this countries greatest states.
It is the Management that sucks.
I have been to a few truck stops with the same problem. I never go back... Juss Sayin'
Thanks man! I appreciate you not judging me because of where i was born and at least you've been there!
Is that the tree just north of McKinleyville? I can't remember the name of the river right there and looking it up is cheating. Anywho.. that tree, I'm sure that's it. I've driven through it too dude. As a kid in my grandparents RV once. Pura and I drove through it around 2016, then the 2,000 year old marvel burned down last year.
Much love from wherever I am!
Holy Friggin Crap.!!
Came down outta Oregon to pick up in Eureka so probably the same one.
Like Johnny Cash sang...
"I been everywhere man"
More Proof...
Rainbow in Klamath? Crescent City? Around thereabouts...
2 photos joined

Toes in the Pacific

Windy City

Wyoming Whitecaps

Klamath, that's the one—the river I didn't search.
That's so cool. I've been to each of the places you pictured. Last time we were in Chicago was about February around 2015 and Pura only had Converse. Man I never heard the end of that one, 'well if you're hungry, you're gonna have to walk in it.'
So what exactly did California do to deserve the other States' wrath? The only thing I know about it is bushfires. Kind of like us.
Probably something to do with the women in Ca look like Pura instead of someone who thinks the bbq sauce matches the dress. It's kinda starting to get to me..
Can you tell?
Thanks for checkin this one out. What's good in SA this weekend, anything exciting to tell me?
Probably not! 🤣 I'm a bit boring on that front. I think the Fringe Festival is still ongoing. They've still got the fairground rides going around the city. It might even be bringing interstate visitors in, as long as they aren't worried about borders being closed with little warning again. Not keen on crowds, myself, so I don't attend.
Fringe festival. I'm imagining a buncha people in biker jackets with long fringe hanging off the arms, dancing in circles to rave music.
Am I close?
🤣 Way off! Although some of the titles for these festivals do have that confusing aspect. WOMADelaide runs during the Fringe and I thought for a while that it was some sort of women only festival. It's not, apparently, but I'm still not entirely sure what the title stands for.
We're apparently known for festivals in Adelaide and the Fringe is a couple of months each year when the festivals extend into the surrounding suburbs and towns, the fringes of Adelaide. Not that I know what festivals we're supposed to have in Adelaide itself at other times. Seems like the Fringe is our main one really.
Interestingly, as you mention biker jackets, there's a bit of a stigma against bikers here and a couple of states, ours included, have passed anti-association laws with the excuse of biker gangs being drug traffickers and criminals. They are called the "bikie laws".
Are you for real? Are they calling all clubs "gangs?" Kinda irritates me when the people who invented words like trafficking and criminal are the traffickers and criminals.
Thanks, Woman, I was thinking the same thing. But the link looks like a great time! All that and you didn't go? Not gonna check it out tomorrow either? I'd have a tough time passing that up.
No, not going. Parking in the city is a nightmare and public transport from where I live is abysmal...plus crowds...
for @dandays
whatever day this is.Cheers @eii! Happy
You’ve been saying it wrong your whole life. It’s called commie-fornia. Lol, looks like a fun time! You ever participate in something like that? I know you like to bike...
Commie, ha ha, fuuu the fuuu? Fornia, I didn't know Arnold was so popular in Minnesota. 🤔
I've never competed like that, I know I'll get too excited and do something stupid and break myself off. I've ridden a lot of tracks like that and taken gondolas to the tops of ski resorts with buddies and stuff, we get down... but not anything official like that.
Thanks for checkin this one out dude. Stop by before Mexico and I'll show you my favorite trails.
We'll see! I'll keep ya in the loop ;)
Love it!!! This is something we’d enjoy too! My cousin immigrated to St Louis with his American wife and he LOVES riding and downhills, although he’s getting on (he’s my older cousin 😊) said with love. I need to get him onto hive - he’s love this stuff.
Heck yeah you do, tell'em the platform ain't the same without him. Thanks for keeping an eye on me @zoed, your content is refreshing, too. 💖
Did you see the video I released on 3speak a few months back? If your cousin would like this one.. he'd probably really enjoy that one.
Been through St. Louis a few times, longest I ever stayed was a weekend. I was there in the winter though and all I remember about it was the arch and it was FREEEZZIIIIINNGG!!!!
No 'Sconnie riders placed? That's too bad - for being in a flyover state, there are actually some decent trails in the state.
California is indeed a bad word here too; it's a state that might as well fall off into the ocean (or please secede from the union, etc). Per work associates would identify as being MAGA.
I have a brother who lives out there with his family so I am neutral on the situation.
Wassup Sagesigma? Thanks for hangin out on a Saturday. Got any plans this weekend?
Funny you say that like that. I've slowly been writing notes for a comedy piece and one of the jokes is something about if the rest of the country had their way, they'd just send California floating across the Pacific.
It's too bad, really. I try not to judge ever, I'm human, though, so occasionally I'll catch myself doing it. Quickly I stop that shit! I like to think my judgments are stupid shit like tires too loud on a truck or maybe blowing cigarette smoke around kids causes me to judge people. I'm pretty sure I've never judged someone based on something they have no control over like geographic location upon entry into this world.
Abroad, whatever. Pura and I change peoples opinion of Americans one person at a time. I shouldn't have to do that in my own fucking country. Disappointing. Boo hoo waaa!!!! Waaa!!
Yeah, I deal with quite a few MAGA folks at work; never short of an opinion on how the world should work. Of course, they are always first in line for a handout; but I'm not judging that. And it's not just MAGA folks that are so judgemental, for sure.
Speaking of handouts and this weekend, I splurged on some astronomical binoculars Friday night once the stimulus checks came through. Not sure why I'm obsessed with backyard astronomy, but I am...so this weekend I'm going to plan out some views from my backyards and grill out some burgers. I have some grand plans to take some photos with these things with my Droid - lol...I can smell massive disappointment on the way. Nothing too exciting. How about you?
I'll just be patiently awaiting the arrival of those images and not saying how unbelievable it is I keep hearing about the toys acquired via stimulus. 🤔
It's a sadistic loop, isn't it? I purchased those binos from a store not known as Amazon/Walmart; I'd have gone local, but all the local astronomy stores are long long gone.
Someone should really do a study on how much of this stimulus cash is indeed going back to Amazon. The USD is the penultimate ponzi scheme...everyone says it's going to collapse, yet it keeps on going. It really is magic, isn't it?
This is all your fault
If I changed a 20 to a 5 or vice versa nobody would believe my new number. They only believe what the original print says, the only difference is a couple shapes. The paper itself is the exact same consistency as the stuff we wipe our ass with in the am. But they still believe that number.
All of ours has gone directly to a money account. Dude, my autocorrect had monkey instead of money, that's funky monkey funny.
And about the private thing. I tried three bike shops locally for knee pads before I got the online pair. The last shop even told me "your best bet is online." I tried.
ha it's messed, isn't it? There is a used record store in town that just re-opened up; I was looking for an old Beach Boys record for our daughter, so I went to ask the kid working if I could order it through the store. I kid you not; the guy was like "yeah, you could probably get it cheaper online." I go, "Well, I thought I'd support you guys and order through you..." Nope. He tells me "Go online man, we're too expensive for that - you can get it cheaper on Amazon or eBay."
I mean, it's like mass-induced reduced consciousness or something. I appreciate his concern for my record buying budget, but you wonder, you know? More than happy to spend a few more dollars to help them with rent
Yo, Homes... Ex-New Yorkers get the same sentiment anywhere south of Trenton N.J. With perhaps Florida these days, because most of the population there is now from New York...😜
It used to be worse though, back in the 1960's when I was first there; they actually hated "Nordners"... The Civil Rights movement, fueled the old wounds brought about by the Civil War a hundred years prior. I was called "boy, yankee, nigga lover, cocksucker and a host of other things and this was from U.S. Army southern sergeants and some officers... while in Boot Camp😥 Talk about sad... Kind of blew my mind concerning military service, as a potential career choice...
I've heard it's changed now EXCEPT if you're unfortunately from CALIFORNIA...😆🤣😏
Edit: By the way... I did notice ALL the effort/work you put into this post and actually read it all the way through.
And I noticed how thought out this comment was so I saved it for last. Thanks man! Angry, whatever..
See how many people agree with that Ca hatred in this comment section? You know what I'm talking about then, you feel my pain. They should be ashamed of themselves—fucked up. I hear it abroad, I hear it here and now you're telling me the military isn't excluded. That's embarrassing, sir. 🇺🇸
Sun shines every day in Ca so we steal water from surrounding states but wtf?!? They like to eat food don't they? Where else does the sun shine 365? And seeing how since it shines so much we run solar panels there and sell energy back to surrounding states that didn't cost us shit covering Ca's energy bill like a tuned machine. What's the big deal?
I wish they'd judge me for the right reasons like women in Ca are beautiful like Pura instead of shit I can't avoid like..... birth.
Always a pleasure AngryMan. 👍🏿
Seems to me, most comments here about Cal. are merely indicating they've heard others refer to Cal. negatively...??? Maybe I read the stuff wrong? I don't know... I don't know much, and no longer care about knowing more nor, that I finally realized 'I don't know much' (compared to what can be known) if one cares to seek more knowledge about mostly useless crap.
😎This isn't a rant... it's an attempt at humor, of which most probably would not realize, cause they don't know shit!!!😎 <- Double smiley faces with shades...
I have to go now...I'm starting something new. Gonna start upvoting myself just to piss certain people off and pretend I've gone back to being the ANGRYMAN...!!! (This makes no sense...?!?!?!?) Does it?
Fuck it...!!!
Only thing that didn't make sense is the part that said this makes no sense. That's where you lost me.
The Ca despise isn't necessarily in the comments, guess that's not what I meant. The acknowledgement I think is what I was getting at.
What's on the agenda today? Anymore genius literary works coming down the line?
Of course... I'm working on a twenty part series, which will be combined within a single post. (27,003 point 5 words)🤑 It's going to be EPIC...!!!
If you tell me what the .5 is I won't ask for anymore insider info.
Wow, awesome! Thanks to share with us. I leave you a !WINE :)
My pleasure! Glad you enjoyed it. And I leave to you an !ITHANKYOU.
Lemme know if that doesn't work
Was the part about pigs too far? I didn't take it too far did I?
Rain, yeah.. that's what they call the water that falls from the sky around here, "rain," and get this!! Sometimes it freezes mid-flight.
So exciting @dandays, this reminds me of when we have the BMX riders staying with us for the SA Nationals! We always go and watch on one of the days, it's really exciting watching the young riders. We had a little 12 year old who just does it for fun, is not really good so when we asked him how he did, his answer was that he came last of last! Beeeg smile on his face though! You've really brought the rides to us here on our screens, just an amazing post! Thank you Mr @dandays.
My pleasure young lady! I look forward to what you have to say so much I drop everythi......
...when you stop by.
And I bet them little BMX'ers are comfortable and well fed while at Lilly's Cottage too. They're fun to watch. Ok, they're really fun to watch but I'm more interested in what's for breakfast.
And here it's way past my bedtime so good night kind sir, enjoy your breakfast;)
Oh boy...me popping in again...you can see it's way past bedtime here by my reply ...my brain registered that you're ready for breakfast now...then a little spark said go back and edit...sorrry will show you some breakfast next time..
Not as nice as your comment.
Now that was a great post. You are really expanding your presentation skills.
From CA to Tenn, I always wondered why you picked Tenn. to settle down in. I have only been there once , had a great time and enjoyed the friendly people. But I could never live there, too far from my family, besides that though, just not into gun carriers and funny flags all over the place, if you know what I mean.
Nope, I am an east coast gal, I 💓 New York.
Anyway, keep up the good work, looks to me that it's really paying off. Kudos to man.
You mean like the ones flying on the backs of trucks that say Fuck Biden in red, white and blue? Nah.. no idea what you're talking about.
loooonng way to go and I'm blessed to have this place and ya'all to instigate whatever this is. I know I'm still far from my potential and without this platform I wouldn't know that. I got a crazy story about a proposition I was just made day before yesterday as far as writing.. it's fucking insane Farm Mom and please excuse the
FrenchThank you so much @farm-mom. The ones who have been loyal through my ups and downs and still acknowledge my improvements mean a lot to me. I believe I have a English. In-fucking-sane! I can't say no and I don't know where to begin. I should probably reach out to @thebigsweed via email and see what he thinks, it's far from something I'm prepared to announce to the platform right away.Enough about me
⬆️ That sub-lined sentence was totally false. Like someone who bad mouths a location they've never been to.
That reminds me, piss on Jersey!
"Picked." Well, we didn't plan on returning to the states in such dramatic fashion. We thought we'd hang out for a minute and, if anything, purchase property in the middle of nowhere, raise some dogs, x, y, z. Tennessee is tax free, I got a good weed connect here, flights are easy, everything said "yes." We were back in the states all of maybe two months after learning what we learned while abroad for two years and now we're an American born and raised couple who can't
waitweight to get the hump back outta here!Much 💖 from wherever we are Farm Mom.
OKAY, now ya got me thinking, sounds like something big . Since you excused the French, it must be HUGE.
Can't wait to hear the shinny from the sweed.
Seriously though Arts, we both think you are so talented in many ways. Your writing is awesome, as well as your drawing skills, computer skills, photography and videography .
Now throw in good humor and sarcasm, we have a winner!!!
Oh, wait one more, a gentleman with a good heart.
Just remember to excuse your
FrenchEnglish . 😄Also add to that list, good teacher, you did notice my newly acquired skills from the man @dandays
How.. am.. I ... Uh, supposed to respond to.. that?
My goodness. 💖 If this virus wasn't distracting us we'd take ya'all out to to (still Stu-studdering) the nearest rug-cuttin-joint and show Sweed how a gimp can get down on the dance floor with the coolest grandma on the blockchain.
Okay, I'm all ears. I have no idea what you're talking about, but your show of respect by wanting to run it by me first is humbling.
That is what our kids would do before jumping into most anything, excluding the sac of course. 😁
Not sure if I should admit I laughed out loud at that.
I'm going to your email...
Just call me George the II.
🤘 ✌️
👊🏼 💖
Thank you @dandays for sharing an interesting post.
My pleasure! Had you not checked it out you never would've known so thank you for that!
Simply. Superb. Writing.
As a Brit. What's wrong with California? It's strange that one place is universally hated by the rest of the country. In Yorkshire, we hate the rest of the UK. Perhaps hate is too strong a word. 'Pity' would be more apt.
Anyway. The only point of writing that last sentence is to stop this comment from being seen as spam, but sometimes 'superb writing' is all that needs to be said!
Best wishes.
I really appreciate this, thank you!
My wife is British, that's how much this American didn't judge the north or the south. 😉
We were in Yorkshire actually when this lockdown began back on March 14 last year—7 MONTHS!! We stayed in Ilkley and Todmorden that time. With the exception of Greeks, you Brits are the most hospitable culture we had the pleasure of engulfing ourselves amongst and I mention that whenever I have the opportunity.
Ca. Yeah, it sucks!! Doesn't matter where I am.. strawberries, almonds, doesn't matter, they'll flip the fuck out in the market about "I ain't eatin these fuckin strawberries!" Everywhere I go dude, gas station, phone store, doesn't matter, they hate California and we can't wait for this pandemic to subside so we can get the hump back across the Atlantic.
Thanks a lot for stopping by, I didn't appreciate this comment at all, can you tell?
I doubt them boys would shoot anybody just for being from California but I'd still check the course for piano wire before I rode it...
I told you lately it sucks when you're on break?
I hear it everywhere man. Got dang! Market, car wash, bike races...
Possibly. Hell, if hive keeps going up just a bit more then I will be able to be on break a lot less.
I feel it man. With the way I talk, everyone has some notions on where I'm from, and especially outside the south, some serious opinions to go with it.
Lol, every once in a while it has its perks though, cops really go for the 'dumb hillbilly' act.
You mean that stuff you're always saying about critters wasn't just a dumb hillbilly act??
I gotta do stupid shit like hide my tattoos when I see a cop.
Even the the gas station man. Maybe you don't notice because it's regular but I can't get away from: "this ain't California!" Over gas prices.. oranges.. flowers..
Nah, the dumb hillbilly act is when the cop stops you and asks where you're going and you just point down the street and say 'thataway" and then point in the opposite direction and give the same response for 'where you coming from'.
Ha, I'd only get it in the gas station when I started bitching about cigarette prices. Part of the reason I have no tattoos is because I thought nobody gave a shit about them (aside from the cops), may have to reconsider that...
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