
Haha, thanks... I'm just an amateur biologists, and got'll post more from S Africa, was pretty amazing, but tough to top sharks...

Please send some of that luck if you can spare it! I look forward to more photos.

lol.. ok I will try my best to send you some... I do have some stunning pics coming up, the shoreline was amazing, and beaches... we had 6 great whites around the boat, people are swimming and surfing 900 yards away....we then went in for dinner and went night diving about 2 miles away..... they are all biologists and experts, said it was

You dove on a full stomach?? with sharks??!! lol

lol...never looked at it from that angle, but I was thinking there were 5 other people for them to choose odds....

I've actually read/heard that most shark attacks are mistaken identity, that we are not very tasty but when it's possible we could be a seal it's better to taste us and find out than miss out on such an easy target.

Yes true, not nearly as dangerous as people think, if you spent one hour in the ocean then you probably have bee been within 200 yards of a shark.. don’t splash.. that’s the biggest attraction…