Love the pictures! It’s indeed one of my favorite things to see what the locals area looks like, not the area they design for the tourists. That part is a lot more interesting I think!
Gross how the toilet emptied into the river, makes my stomach turn thinking about it lol and people just throw trash into the river.
Yeah. Even on land the toilet situations in Laos were a lot to get used to. In Thailand they usually have the butt sprayers to clean up afterwards. In Laos I ran into a lot of squat toilets and a big jug of water and a dipping ladle. I guess you just pour water on your ass to clean up? I always felt like I was inches away from disaster in those bathrooms.
I have a LooLoo Community if you ever want to do a post about toilets 😄
Holy shit (get it 😄) that's awesome! It seems like half of my facebook posts from this trip was about the toilets.
well, now you know where to dump it next time!!!!
Hahah that's a good pun too!
I actually like the bidet concept! It’s pretty efficient and doesn’t use toilet paper lol. A little weird to get used to but it’s clean! I’m not sure about the whole ladle business though hahaha