The story of an adventurous boy exploring the Savannah of Aceh Besar.

in Worldmappinlast year

Hello my friends, true adventurers, nature lovers, travel lovers and challenge enthusiasts. Warm greetings and peace from an adventurous boy and nature sends longing greetings to those of you who have not met them for a long time. Glad to meet and greet me again in this post. How are you, your beloved friends? Surely you are in the best condition and may health always be with you. By the way, how was your trip and adventure these few days? It must be exciting and fun. I will be happy to hear good and pleasant news from you.
Well, your friend, this time I will again share about an adventure with my best friend. Maybe this lali will be different from before. Previously I told you about my experience exploring the forest for one purpose, namely Waterfalls. But this time I will share about climbing and traveling through high hills. I think it will be fun. And will be able to arouse the adrenaline of you hikers and lovers of hills and high mountains. That adventure will start now. I hope you feel the excitement and feel as if you are in it.

Bukit Siron, Bak Sukon, Kuta Cot Glie, Aceh Besar, Aceh.


This adventure started when I was enjoying my bed in my room. While playing with my phone, it suddenly vibrated and made a sound indicating an incoming call. I saw that the call was from my friend. I picked up the call and he asked, "Where are you right now?" I replied "I'm at home, what's wrong?". He replied "Let's go out, let's have coffee together!" . "Alright, I'll go to your place, just share the location, I'll be there" I replied. I hurriedly put on my clothes and started looking for my vehicle keys, finally I started the vehicle and rushed to the location that had been determined by him. And we gathered. At that time we were not alone. There were about six of us. We greeted each other and joked together. In the middle of our conversation, one of us tried to open the issue of adventure. He said "It's been a while since we've had an opportunity, like we've missed nature and nature has missed us. Is there a cool and challenging location for us to explore?". So he asked and opened the discussion. Another friend of mine replied "There is, I found out about it from my friend who I recently returned from there, I saw their photos and it was amazing". And at that time I replied "Okay. What are we waiting for then? Let's get ready for it and decide on the right day for us to go." To cut a long story short, the time we had set had finally arrived. We were ready with all the equipment and supplies. We prepared this because we planned to fight at night at that place. We left for the place. The place we wanted to go was in the Aceh Besar area, more precisely in the Kuta Cot Glie sub-district, Bak Sukon Village. In the village there is a very beautiful hill, the name of the hill is Bukit Siron. And it was this hill that we wanted to go to.


We left our hometown. The distance we had to travel to get there was about 223 Kilometers. At that time we left in the morning. We also hurried a little quickly to get there so that by the afternoon we had to be there. The road we took was the Medan-B.Aceh crossing. Until we finally arrived at a place called Simpang Keumireu, we stopped and asked if it was true from this intersection we were heading there. The locals replied "Right, you are still very far, you still have to travel about 20 kilometers again" as a local resident gave us directions. Finally, we stepped on the gas. And arrived at our destination. At that time there was no parking lot. Maybe there is now. At that time we decided to put our vehicle under a bridge. And it was nearing dusk at that time. We hurried, I tied my bag tightly and tightened my shoelaces. We swung our legs. There was a river near where we put the vehicle. We had to cross it to get to the hill we wanted. We crossed the river without any problem, because the water was quite friendly to us. And we walked slowly towards there. The climbing path was already visible. And we climbed it. We climbed the first hill when we were on the first hill we were amazed by the natural beauty that lay in full of so many hills. I was getting excited and smiling happily. I kept swinging my steps towards the second hill. On the way to the second hill, nature cheerfully welcomed us. I was amazed by the natural surroundings. The scenery was truly extraordinary, beyond my expectations. We were in a field of grass. We were surrounded by savanna fields. The wind was blowing coolly as if to announce our arrival. The grasses swayed and danced with our steps. Birds chirped as if inviting us to sing together in their homes. Until finally we reached the second hill. Our journey from the first hill to the second hill took about 45 minutes. And we headed to the third hill. Because our goal was the third hill. The journey is quite tiring but it all pays off with the beauty of the savanna fields that are so beautiful. Occasionally I wiped the sweat from my forehead and finally we reached the third hill. And the day was almost over. The sun wanted to say goodbye to nature. We set up our camp for the night. And when everything was done. The night came. We relaxed for a while and some of my friends prepared firewood and started a fire to warm ourselves and cook for our evening meal. After dinner, we enjoyed the beautiful night watching the stars twinkle. We were lucky that the weather was not cloudy that night. We spent the night. Until morning came. While enjoying the sunrise, we hurriedly had to go home because we had a goal to go home early. It was all because some of my friends still had activities the next day that could not be left behind.


Finally, we said goodbye to the nature around us. With mixed feelings of happiness and sadness. Happily, we were welcomed by the nature around us and they gave us an embrace of their beauty. I felt sad that I had to leave them so soon. I still want to be together for a long time in this place, while making out with nature. But time invites us to go home. I tried to swing my steps slowly because I didn't really have the heart to leave. Nature also seemed to say goodbye, my friend, hopefully we will meet next time. And I promise to release this longing again at a later time. When time and opportunity support me. I felt the grass around us waving and the birds chirping to say goodbye. Slowly my sweat began to pour out, without me realizing that a few tears had fallen. I wiped the sweat and tears away with my hands. I didn't know whether the tears were sadness or emotion. It seemed like it was tears of emotion mixed with sadness. Finally we reached our vehicle under the bridge. We headed home. We will never forget this moment. And nature is a witness, we have met them.

Okay my beloved friend, here's a little short story of a dear customer neighbor exploring the size filled with savanna in Aceh Besar. An adventure that is so fun. Many lessons and philosophies that I learned from nature. And nature gives it. One of them that I can learn is "Climbing the mountains feels like a trial of life, the higher you climb the stronger the wind blows." So it is with life, the higher you go the more obstacles and challenges you face. And the true climber is the one who is able to conquer it all. Likewise with a dream chaser, no matter how heavy the obstacles and storms, he will pass through.

Thank you for all the participation you have given me. I am very happy to be able to share many things here. Where there are mistakes and irregularities, please understand. I am just a beginner who wants to conquer the world. Trying new things and experiences. That one day I will be able to fly to all corners of the world. From this platform I am sure, I will be able to achieve it all. Support, criticism and advice are still so great I expect from you my friends. Your guidance is very valuable to me. Don't ever get tired of it all. I will continue to work hard. May success and the best things always be with you. Greetings from an adventurous boy.

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