Among the trails in the parish of Sesimbra, one stands out from the last century which hides a very particular story, it is an abandoned palace or castle that belonged to an important Portuguese figure called: (Manuel Martins) who had a rather hard and poor childhood and thanks to garbage he became one of the richest of the 18th century, he was so interested in knowing the abandoned Palace but getting the trail is almost impossible and we must do (trial and error between many paths); with a map that I discovered on the internet and my friends we are going to live the experience and get to the hidden castle.๐๐๐งญ
Entre los senderos de la freguesia de Sesimbra destaca uno del siglo pasado el cual oculta una historia bastante particular, se trata de un palacio o castillo abandonado que pertenecio a una importante figura Portuguesa llamada: (Manuel Martins) el cual tuvo una infancia bastante dura y pobre y gracias a la basura se convirtio en uno de los mas ricos del siglo XVIII, tenia tanto interes en conocer el Palacio abandonado pero conseguir el sendero es casi imposible y debemos hacer (ensayo y error entre muchos caminos); con un mapa que descubri en internet y mis amigos vamos a vivir la experiencia y llegar al castillo oculto.๐๐ก๐ณ
To get to the garbage palace or also known as the "lixo o da witch" palace we have two alternatives according to the mysterious map that I downloaded on the internet, and I say mysterious because it does not indicate the origin, I do not even know if it is correct or where this will take me! The complicated thing about this area is that the palace is surrounded by fenced private land so you have to be careful where you enter so as not to invade private property and look for problems! Adding all these situations the path will be very short but not easy! I will follow the red line that the map shows me.๐๐ก๐ณ
para llegar al palacio de la basura o tambien conocido como palacio "do lixo o da bruxa" tenemos dos alternativas segun el mapa misterioso que descargue en internet, y digo misterioso porque no indica la procedencia, ni siquiera se si esta correcto o hacia donde me llevara esto! lo complicado de esta zona es que el palacio esta rodeado de terrenos privados cercados asi que tienes que tener cuidado donde entras para no invadir propiedad privada y buscar problemas! sumando todas estas situaciones el sendero sera muy corto pero no por eso facil! seguire la linea roja que me muestra el mapa.๐ฉ๐๏ธ๐
Here the walk begins (38.597155, -9.050694) which is in Coina, there we will cross a blue bridge that will take us to another municipality, the bridge passes over the Coina River which for centuries was used for fishing and energy production thanks to the tides through tide mills, when we pass the bridge we have two options the path on the right and left, one longer than the other, on the path on the right we will walk next to the road avoiding entering the nature reserve and therefore easier. Then the path on the left is up to a certain point on the road and then we enter the reserve and this is the one I took!
Aqui comienza la caminata (38.597155, -9.050694) que es en Coina, por alli vamos a pasar un puente azul que nos llevara a otro municipio, el puente pasa por el Rio Coina el cual por siglos fue usado para la pesca y la produccion de energia gracias a las mareas mediante molinos de marea, cuando pasamos el puente tenemos dos opciones el camino de la derecha e izquierda, uno mas largo que otro, por el camino de la derecha vamos a caminar al lado de la calle evitando entrar en la reserva natural y por ende mas facil. Luego el camino de la izquierda es hasta cierto punto en la carretera y luego entramos en la reserva y este es el que hice yo!
I was the one who printed the maps and organized the hike! Some friends and my sister came to visit, we split into two groups of 4 people and competed to see who would get to the palace first, taking the two different paths, my friend Johan is going to use the (B) which is the opposite path to the one I will take hehe, here my pride is also at stake since I am a trail man xD an inexperienced person can't beat me... But let's see how everything goes hehe.๐ท๐บ๏ธ
Yo fui quien imprimio los mapas y organizo la caminata! vinieron de visita unos amigos y mi hermana, nos dividimos en dos grupos de 4 personas y competimos para ver quien llegaba primero al palacio, tomando los dos diferentes caminos, mi amigo johan va a usar el (B) que es el sendero opuesto al que hare yo jeje, aqui tambien esta en juego mi orgullo ya que soy un hombre de senderos xD no puede ganarme una persona sin experiencia.... Pero veamos como corre todo jeje๐๏ธ๐๐งญ
The problem with the Garbage Palace is that we can always see it from the street but then we come across private properties and there is no way to get through here, for that we have to go around all this by the two paths mentioned, we have already started with the walk so we are already competing to see who gets into the castle first, the property in question of the castle is also private, so despite the fact that it is open to the public "it is not entirely legal", that is why we must respect the property, do not touch anything! just enter and take photos and then leave.๐งญ
El problema del Palacio de la basura es que siempre lo podemos ver desde la calle pero luego nos topamos con las propiedades privadas y no hay forma de pasar por aqui, para ello tenemos que rodear todo esto por los dos caminos mencionados, ya comenzamos con la caminata asi que ya estamos compitiendo a ver quien consigue entrar primero en el castillo, la propiedad en cuestion del castillo tambien es privada, por eso apesar que esta abierta al publico "no es del todo legal", por eso hay que respetar la propiedad, no tocar nada! solo entrar y tirar fotos y luego irnos.๐
This is the street we are following before entering the reserve, as you can see on the right side there are only abandoned houses and fences, there is no way to enter the palace directly, we must continue walking north! I am struck by the fact that some houses have 17th century architecture.๐๏ธ๐งญ
Esta calle es la que estamos siguiendo antes de entrar a la reserva, como puedes ver del lado derecho solo hay casas abandonadas y cercas, no hay forma de entrar directamente al palacio, debemos continuar caminando hacia el norte! me llama la atencion que algunas casas tienen arquitectura del siglo XVII๐บ๏ธ๐
View of the Tejo River๐๏ธ๐ท/Vista del rio tejo๐ฉ๐ณ
On one section of the walk we can take photos and enjoy a small view of the Tejo River. This entire area was and still is a fishing area. Already in Roman times there were people established in "Coina". From here, just a few kilometres away, is the mouth of the river into the ocean, hence its importance.๐งญ๐๏ธ
En un tramo de la caminata podemos fotografiar y disfrutar de una pequena vista del rio Tejo, toda esta zona fue y aun es pesquera, ya en la epoca de los Romanos habian personas establecidas en "Coina", desde aqui a pocos kilometros esta la desembocadura al oceano por eso la importancia.๐ฉ๐
Arrival at the reserve๐๏ธ๐ท/Llegada a la reserva๐ฉ๐ณ
This is the entrance to the reserve, and it is not a private access! It is only forbidden to pass with unauthorized vehicles, but you can walk freely and this is where our map begins to have importance, we will follow the red path on the map.๐งญ๐
Esta es la entrada de la reserva, y no es acceso privado! solo es prohibido pasar con vehiculos no autorizados, pero puedes caminar libremente y aqui es donde nuestro mapa comienza a tener importancia vamos a seguir el camino trazado rojo en el mapa.๐บ๏ธ๐ฐ
The "da Mata" reserve is considered the lung of "Coina", and a very popular place on weekends by different people who come to spend a day with their families. As you can see, these paths are made of sand and that already tells us that doing the trail on rainy days is not a good idea at all, summer being the best time of the year.๐ณ๐ก๐๏ธ
la reserva "da mata" es considerada el pulmon de "Coina", y un lugar muy concurrido los fines de semana por diferentes personas que vienen a pasar un dia en familia, como puedes ver estos caminos son de arena y eso ya nos indica que hacer el sendero en dias de lluvias no es para nada buena idea, siendo verano la mejor epoca del ano.๐บ๏ธ๐
The biodiversity of fungi and lichens is impressive and that is why the city council converted this enormous park into a nature reserve.๐น๐ฟ๐๐
La biodiversidad de hongos y liquenes es impresionantes y es por eso que la camara municipal convirtio este enorme parque en reserva natural.๐น๐ฟ๐๐
The palace of garbage๐๏ธ๐ฐ/El palacio de la basura๐ฉ๐ณ
palace of 1895๐ณ๐ฐ
Manuel Martins, the owner of the castle in the 18th century, was born into a humble, rather poor family, who had critical thoughts that went against the Monarchy that still reigned in Portugal, therefore he considered himself a born republican! He defended the poor and wanted to be rich, so he would do everything possible to reach the highest place on the social scale.๐งญ
Manuel Martins el propietario del castillo en el siglo XVIII nacio en una humilde familia bastante pobre, que tenia pensamientos criticos y que iban en contra de la Monarquia que aun reinaba Portugal, por tanto se consideraba un republicano nato! quien defendia a los pobres y queria ser rico por tanto haria todo lo posible para llegar al lugar mas alto de la escala social.๐๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธ
History of the palace๐๏ธ๐ฐ/Historia del palacion๐ฉ๐ณ
Gomes Junior was a born champion and successful, some dare to say that millionaires carry this gift in their genetics! He started with a store that sold products for daily consumption, later he bought a mill that produced flour, a fire occurred which is attributed to him! This made the insurance company give him a good sum of money which he would invest in land for people to use as they wanted, one day he partnered with a man who raised pigs, when his partner died he inherited the business! Then he decided to feed his pigs with garbage ... For this reason he made a contract with Lisbon to collect their waste in ships and then the organic part was fed to his animals.๐ฐ๐
Gomes Jรบnior fue un campeon y exitoso nato, algunos se atreven a decir que las personas millonarias llevan este don en su genetica! comenzo con un local que vendia productos para consumo diario, posteriormente compro un molino el cual producia harinas, ocurrio un incendio el cual se le atribuye a el mismo! esto hizo que la aseguradora le diera una buena suma de dinero la cual iria a invertir en tierras para que las personas la usaran como quisieran, un dia se asocio con un senor que criaba cerdos, cuando su socio muere hereda el negocio! entonces decide alimentar sus cerdos con basura... Por ello hace un contrato con Lisboa para recoger sus desperdicios en barcos y luego la parte organica se la daba de comer a sus animales.๐ต๐ธ๐๐๏ธ
If garbage gives riches...๐๏ธ๐ฐ/Si la basura da riquezas...๐ฉ๐ณ
A castle of a successful Portuguese that can be seen from any part of "Coina", a palace of which he was proud because he built and designed it himself without using any foreigners! Most of his wealth was thanks to garbage! In 1943 he died leaving a vast inheritance! In fact almost the entire city of "Barreiro" was his...๐๏ธ๐
Un castillo de un Portugues exitoso que se ve desde cualquier parte de "Coina", un palacio del cual el se sintio orgulloso porque el mismo lo construyo y diseno sin usar ningun extrangero! la mayor parte de sus riquesas fue gracias a la basura! en 1943 murio dejando una basta herencia! en realidad casi toda la ciudad de "barreiro" era de el...๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธ๐ฐ๐ธ
Clearly, as expected, I won the competition hahaha our other friends had not arrived yet and we were already taking some photos!๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธ๐
Claramente como era de esperarse gane la competencia jajaj nuestros otros amigos aun no llegaban y nosotros ya nos tirabamos unas fotos!๐ธ
Again the two groups met.๐๏ธ๐ฐ/Nuevamente los dos grupos se reunian๐ฉ๐ณ
And here our adventure ends, it was a spectacular day and reading and learning about the history of Gomes Jรบnior was something that left me quite surprised. Who would say that the true value of this palace was thanks to the garbage and hence its name!!๐๏ธ๐ฟ
Y aqui acaba nuestra aventura, fue un dia espectacular y leer y aprender sobre la historia de Gomes Jรบnior fue algo que me dejo bastante sorprendido quien diria que el verdadero valor de este palacio fue gracias a la basura y de alli su nombre!!๐บ๏ธ๐ง๐ปโโ๏ธ
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