How the kings of Portugal lived 🚩🚙/ Como vivian los reyes de Portugal🧭🕌 (En-Es)

in Worldmappin2 months ago
Hello friends who love adventures, today we are going to visit a beautiful palace in the Mafra area, which belongs to the district of Lisbon. I was curious about the customs and lifestyles of the kings of Portugal and to get a better idea of ​​how they slept, ate and/or what they did in their free time, we could get an answer by visiting a space where they lived together all year round! I can tell you in advance that I will show you photos of relics that are worth hundreds of thousands of euros, since they are priceless pieces that were collected by some member of royalty as a "hobby."🚙👑

Hola amigos amantes de las aventuras, hoy vamos a visitar un hermoso Palacio en la zona de Mafra que pertenece al distrito de Lisboa, me dio curiosidad el tema de como eran las costumbres y los estilos de vida de los reyes de Portugal y para tener una mejor idea de como dormian, comian y/o que hacian en su tiempo libre podriamos obtener una respuesta al visitar un espacio donde cohabitaban entre ellos durante todo el ano! puedo anticiparte que te mostrare fotos de reliquias que tienen valores de ciento de miles de euros ya que son piezas con un valor incalculable las cuales eran colecciondas por algun miembro de la realeza como "hobbie"🤴🏻👸🏻


What does the palace look like on the outside?🕌🚩/Como es el palacio en el exterior?👑🧭



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This beautiful palace is a UNESCO heritage site since 2009, the last time I visited this area was when I posted about the basilica that has nothing to do with the palace, they are two independent buildings, as you can see, its predominant style is Baroque, which was popular at the time! When it began to be built was in the Age of Discoveries in 1573, getting here is very easy. I'll leave you the coordinates: (38°56′13″N 9°19′35″W) above you have a free parking area.👸🏻🕌
Este hermoso palacio es un patrimonio de la UNESCO desde el ano 2009, la ultima vez que visite esta zona fue cuando publique sobre la basilica que no tiene nada que ver con el palacio son dos edificios independientes, como puedes ver su estilo predominante es el Barroco el cual era popular en la epoca! cuando se comienza a construir fue en la era de los descubrimientos en 1573, llegar aqui es muy facil te dejo las coordenadas: (38°56′13″N 9°19′35″O) arriba tienes un area de estacionamiento gratuito.🚙🤴🏻


Let's enter the palace🕌🚩/Entremos al palacio👑🧭

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It all began when King John V promised his wife Maria that if she gave him a father as a gift he would build her one of the most impressive palaces in Portugal at the time, and that is what happened and the princess "Braganza" was born who would later become the wife of the Spanish King Ferdinand VI. Clearly something to note is that it was impossible or non-existent to see paintings or portraits in the homes of the "plebs", this was a luxury that only royalty could afford, inside the palace there are paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries so beautiful and rare that they are worth a fortune, some of them collected art.🚙🕌
Todo inicia cuando el rey Juan V prometio a su esposa Maria que si le daba un progenitor como regalo este le construiria uno de los palacios mas impresionantes de Portugal en la epoca, y fue lo que sucedio nacio la princesa "Braganza" quien seria luego esposa del rey Espanol Fernando VI. Claramente algo para denotar es que era imposible o inexistente ver en casas de la "plebe" cuandros de pinturas o retratos, esta era un lujo que solo podia pagar la realeza, dentro del palacio hay pinturas del siglo XVII y XVIII tan hermosas y raras que valen una fortuna alguno de ellos coleccionaban arte.👸🏻🎨🖼️

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The first section of the palace is on the first floor and here the kings for several generations collected articles of sacred art, literally those decorative objects that refer to Christianity more specifically Catholicism! We can delight with crowns and objects of pure gold, sand and precious stones that were used by various popes from the 15th to the 19th century, I am not a big fan of sacred art but the kings had to respect the Catholic laws at the time it was literally mandatory to attend meetings in the chapel.👸🏻🕌🚙
La primera seccion del palacio es en el primer piso y aqui los reyes por varias generaciones coleccionaron articulos de arte sacra, literalmente son aquellos objetos decorativos que son referentes al cristianismo mas especifico el catocilismo! podemos deleitarnos con coronas y objetos de oro puro, playa y piedras preciosas que fueron usados por diversos papas desde el siglo XV hasta el XIX, no soy muy fan del arte sacra pero los reyes tenian que respetar las leyes catolicas en la epoca literalmente era obligatorio asistir a las reuniones en la capilla. 🤴🏻👑🚩

A medical area🕌🚩/Un area medico👑🧭


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I don't know how to express the feeling when you pass through this section of the palace, you know... You feel something heavy and cold, so many beds and that figure in the background representing a nun to treat the wounded is something that we would not expect to see in a luxury palace, however with all these conditions the most important people in the country did not have to go out and expose themselves somewhere to be treated.🧭🫅🏻
No se como expresar el sentimiento cuando pasas en esta seccion del palacio sabes... Sientes algo pesado y frio, tantas camas y esa figura de fondo representando una monja para tratar los heridos es algo que no esperariamos ver en un palacio de lujo, sin embargo con todas estas condiciones la gente mas importante del pais no tenian que salir a exponerse en algun sitio para ser atendidos.🚙🤴🏻

Kitchen area🕌🚩/Area de la cocina👑🧭

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This was the space where rarely anyone of royalty entered and because it was a service area, the kitchen prepared all the meals during the day, there were small rooms here where the servants slept.🤴🏻🚙

Este era el espacio donde raramente alguien de la realeza entraba y por cuanto era una zona de servicio, la cozina realizaba todos las comidas en el transcurso del dia, habian aqui habitaciones pequenas donde la gente de servicio dormia.🧭🚩

Corridors with dozens of meters🕌🚩/Pasillos con descenas de metros👑🧭


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It was important to strengthen the Portuguese empire throughout the world. Between the 15th and 18th centuries, Portugal had territories from South America to China. The royalty could not be present in all of these territories at the same time, so one of the ways to keep the people happy was to give parties in honor of the kings who were ruling at the time. The palace has enormous doors that were popular in the famous "modern era" as they marked power and wealth.🫅🏻👑
Era importante reforzar el imperio portugues por todo el mundo, entre los siglos XV al XVIII Portugal tenia territorios desde sudamerica hasta China, la realeza no podia estar presente en todos estos territorios al mismo tiempo por lo que una de las formas de mantener al pueblo contento era dar fiestas en homenaje a los reyes que estaban gobernando en el momento. El palacio tiene enormes puertas que en la famosa "era moderna" fueron populares ya que marcaban poder y riquezas🚩🧭


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Collectibles of the world🧭🚩

Due to the influence of the world travels of some kings, a collection of objects was added to the palace, some come from China and Macao, others from South America! The palace throughout the history of the monarchy was occupied by all the kings of Portugal from the 15th century until the last one, who was in the early 19th century when the monarchy in Portugal ended.🧭📸

Debido a la influencia de los viajes por el mundo de algunos reyes se fue sumando una coleccion de objetos en el palacio algunos vienen de china y macao, otros de sur america! el palacio por toda la historia de la monarquia fue ocupado por todos los reyes de Portugal desde el siglo XV hasta el ultimo que fue en principios del siglo XIX cuando acaba la monarquia en Portugal.📸



Rooms of the kings🕌🚩/Cuartos de los reyes👑🧭


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Each king who passed through the monarchy of Portugal was built or given a room within the palace, which is why we see in the descriptions when we walk through the corridors that they never shared rooms unless it was father and son; otherwise, everyone had their own private areas! Each room had a rest and reading area, as well as a private bathroom. All the beds were ornamental and luxurious. I liked that during our visit, we were told who each room belonged to and their respective queens. From what I see, the king and queen did not sleep together.🚩👑
Cada rey que pasaba por la monarquia de Portugal se le construia o se le cedia un cuarto dentro del palacio por eso vemos en las descripciones cuando recorremos los corredores que nunca compartieron cuartos al menos que sea padre e hijo de resto todos tenian zonas privativas! cada cuarto tenia un area de descanso y lectura, asi como tambien un bano privado, todas las camas eran ornamentales y lujosas me gusto que en nuestra visita se nos fuera senalando a quien pertenecio cada cuarto con su respectivas reinas, por lo que veo no dormian juntos el rey y la rina.🚙🤴🏻

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This is a summary of the lineage of the kings who lived in the palace. This part is called the "kings' room" and we can see their paintings along with the queens, and a sign that explains who their father was and their descendants.👸🏻

Este es un resumen del linage de los reyes que vivieron en el palacio, esta parte se llama "sala de los reyes" y podemos ver sus pinturas junto con las reinas, y un letrero que nos va explicando quien fue su padre y su descendencia.🤴🏻

Socializing and party area🕌🚩/Area de socializacion y fiestas👑🧭

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Royalty also had a very important social role and I would even say the most influential, since behind them there were trusted people making the most difficult decisions. In the monarchy, the king and queen were always a political "face", and that is why many of them spent more time at parties and social gatherings than in wars or foreign relations. This is the corridor and the festive room where parties were held, there were machines of the time that had board games.🧭📸

La realeza tambien tenia un rol social bastante importante y hasta diria que el mas influente ya que detras de ellos habian gente de confianza tomando las decisiones mas dificiles, en la monarquia el rey y la reina siempre fueron una "cara" politica, y es por tanto que muchos de ellos pasaban mas tiempo en fiestas y renuniones sociales que en guerras o en relaciones exteriores. Este es el corredor y el salon festivo aqui se daban las fiestas, habian maquinas de la epoca que tenian juegos de mesa.📸

Men's sport🕌🚩/El deporte de los hombres👑🧭




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Hunting was one of the oldest primitive practices of man and today it is more of a hobby than anything else! However, from the 15th century onwards it began to have a lot of importance in the social and cultural sphere among royalty. It was not just about looking for food! On the contrary, hunting was synonymous with power, interaction and a way of expressing a personal trophy! Here we see hundreds of hunting trophies in this room. The area around Mafra was an interesting hunting area and there were deer, wild boars among other wild animals.👸🏻🚙
La caza fue una de las practicas primitivas mas antiguas del hombre y que el dia de hoy es mas un hobbie que otra cosa! sin embargo a partir del siglo XV comenzo a tener muchisima importancia en el ambito social cultural entre la realeza, no se trataba de ir a buscar alimento! por el contrario la caza fue sinonimo de poder, interaccion y una forma de expresar un trofeo personal! aqui vemos cientos de trofeos de caza en este salon la zona de los alrededores de Mafra fue un area interesante de caza y habian venados, jabalis entre otros animales salvajes.🚩🧭











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The good architecture that can be seen in the picture, friend, shows it and it is an extraordinary piece of building art.

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Wow! Such an old but beautiful piece of architecture there with amazing history behind its walls.