A beautiful view of the town of Estremoz🌳🌍🧭 (En-Es)

in Worldmappin9 months ago
How wonderful to be able to visit one of the few towns that were cataloged as a "Notable Town" which was attributed to many villages with a high economic and cultural influence in Portugal, this distinction was assigned by the kings at various times, trip more than 100km from Lisbon to get to know the "city of marble", it has the peculiarity that since the Roman era marble has been extracted from its lands and exported to other regions, it was a one-day walk and I will show you the relevant tourist sites and their gastronomy, come with me!🌳🌍🚩

Que maravilla poder visitar una de las pocas villas que fueron catalogadas como "Villa notable" la cual se le atribuyo a muchas aldeas con una alta influencia economica y cultura en Portugal, esta distincion fue asignada por los reyes en varias epocas, viaje mas de 100km desde Lisboa para conocer la "ciudad del marmol", tiene la particularidad que desde la era romana se ha extraido marmol de sus tierras y exportado hacia otras regiones, fue una caminata de un dia y te mostrare los sitios turisticos relevantes y su gastronomia, acompaname!🌎🚙🏰

How to get to Estremoz🧭 / Como llegar a Estremoz🌍🚩

Getting to Estremoz is not difficult at all. I leave you here the coordinates: (38° 51' N 07° 39' W), I came by private vehicle but there is public transportation, the city is in the south of the country in the Alentejo region, specifically in Evora, this part of the country is known for its wines and its arid lands, dozens of kilometers of plain predominate the landscape of Estremoz, upon arriving at the walled city I am greeted by this structure that is like a tunnel, I was reading and it is called: " Porta dos currais" are actually medieval doors which appeared in various areas of the city to only allow the entry and exit of people in a way that protected the village.🌎🚩
Llegar a Estremoz no es nada dificil te dejo aqui las coordenadas: (38° 51' N 07° 39' O), yo vine en vehiculo particular pero hay transporte publico, la ciudad esta al sur del pais en la region de Alentejo especificamente en Evora, esta parte del pais es conocida por sus vinos y sus tierras aridas, descenas de kilometros de llanura predomina el paisaje de Estremoz, al llegar a la ciudad amurallada me recibe esta estructura que es como un tunel, estuve leyendo y se llama: "Porta dos currais" en realidad son puertas medievales las cuales figuraban en varias zonas de la ciudad para unicamente permitir la entrada y salida de personas de manera que se protegia la aldea.🏰🌍🤴🏻👸🏻

Cod a typical dish🥘 / El bacalao un plato tipico🍰

I really like salmon and other species of fish, but I can't eat cod hehe, before taking the tour of the city we first went to have lunch, it was already late, I give you some advice: (in small villages don't leave lunch stop after 2:00 p.m. because then you won't get anything open), we decided to go to this restaurant called: "a talha" which had a good reference in Gmaps, the food was varied and economical, costing a plate between 9-14 euros, the area Alentejo is known for its sausages and cured meats, so there are various dishes using those ingredients, the cod gratin was the dish my wife ordered and it looked good, I ordered some fried chicken pieces that were delicious too! The dessert was a house recommendation like a cake with creams!👸🏻🌎🥘
A mi me gusta mucho el salmon y otras especies de peces, pero el bacalao no consigo comerlo jeje, antes de hacer el recorrido por la ciudad primero fuimos almorzar ya era tarde, te doy un consejo: (en las aldeas pequenas no dejes el almuerzo para luego de las 14:00 porque luego no conseguiras nada abierto), decidimos ir a este restaurante llamado: "a talha" el cual tenia buena referencia en Gmaps, la comida variada y economica costando un plato entre 9-14euros, la zona de Alentejo es conocida por sus salchichas, emburtidos, asi que hay platos variados usando esos ingredientes, el gratinado de bacalo fue el plato que pidio mi esposa y tenia buen aspecto, yo pedi unas piezas de pollo frito que estaban deliciosas tambien! el postre fue una recomendacion de la casa como una tarta con cremas!🍰🥘

Walk through the city and its history🌎 / Caminata por la ciudad y su historia🏰

In one of my past posts, do you remember the town we visited that was small with yellow colors? That village is also located in the Alentejo area but there is a big change in its culture here, we see a lot of marble and white decorations, it is difficult to see houses with colors, which is strange in Portugal! But from what I see, everything happens because of the marble deposits that surround the city and that were used for its architecture. There are records that the Romans, when they occupied Evora between 300-600 AD, took marble from here to other cities to create structures. With this, scientists believe that this area was already occupied by them at that time too!🌍🌎
En uno de mis post pasados recuerdas la villa que visitamos que era pequena con colores amarillos? esa aldea tambien esta ubicada en la zona de Alentejo pero hay un gran cambio en su cultura, aqui vemos mucho marmol y decoraciones en blanco, es dificil ver casas con colores, cosa que es extrano en Portugal! pero por lo que veo todo sucede por los yacimientos de marmol que rodean la ciudad y que fueron usados para su arquitectura, hay registros que los Romanos cuando ocuparon Evora entre el 300-600 despues de Cristo llevaron marmol de aqui a otras ciudades para crear estructuras, con eso los cientificos se basan que esta zona ya era ocupada por ellos tambien en esa epoca!🏰🚩


This is what most apartments are like.🚩🏰

Ugh I love this little city, everything is so pretty, clean and well cared for! As you can see, the sidewalks are made of stones, maintaining that medieval touch. The apartments in the central area are all very old with large windows and a lot of marble at the entrance of the doors. Now I'm going to take some photos in the main park called: (Estremoz municipal park)🧭🌏

uff adore esta pequena ciudad, todo es tan bonito, limpio y bien cuidado! como puedes ver las aceras son con piedras, manteniendo ese toque medieval, los apartamentos del casco central son todos asi antiguos con grandes ventanas y mucho marmol en la entrada de las puertas. Ahora voy a tirar unas fotos en el parque principal que se llama: (parque municipal de Estremoz)🌻🌳

Estremoz municipal park🌎🌳 / Caminata por la ciudad y su historia🏰

My first stop is the municipal park, here I took the opportunity to photograph some aquatic plants, it has a fountain full of cold water fish, there are also benches, it is a good place to relax and spend a pleasant day with the family, it has a space for small children ! As the name indicates, it was a project that was carried out in 2019 by the municipal chamber and has a statue in tribute to a renowned Portuguese doctor who was born in Estremoz, to get to the park I suggest you walk, there is no parking nearby.🌍🌳
Mi primera parada es el parque municipal, aqui aproveche en fotografiar algunas plantas acuaticas, tiene una fuente llena de peces de agua fria, tambien hay bancos, es un buen lugar para relajarnos y pasar un dia agradable en familia, tiene un espacio para ninos pequenos! como el nombre lo indica fue un proyecto que se realizo en el 2019 por la camara municipal y tiene una estatua en homenaje a un doctor Portugues reconocido que nacio en Estremoz, para llegar al parque te sugiero caminar no hay estacionamiento proximo.🦎🌄🧭

"São Francisco" Church🌎 / Iglesia "São Francisco"🏰

This is our second stop, here we are going to visit the church: (Convent of San Francisco de Estremoz) it stands out with Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance architecture, it is a Franciscan church built in the 18th century, it is quite beautiful, I didn't get much history on the internet about it but if you are interested in its architecture in more detail I leave you the official link: http://www.monumentos.gov.pt/Site/APP_PagesUser/SIPA.aspx?id=3833🌎🚩
Esta es nuestra segunda parada, aqui vamos a visitar la iglesia: (Convento de San Francisco de Estremoz) la destaca con una arquitectura, gotica, barroco y renacentista, es una iglesia franciscana construida en el siglo XVIII, es bastante bonita no consegui mucha historia en internet sobre ella pero si te interesa su arquitectura con mas detalle te dejo el link oficial: http://www.monumentos.gov.pt/Site/APP_PagesUser/SIPA.aspx?id=3833🏰

Bernardo de Estremoz Museum🌎 / Museo Bernardo de Estremoz🏰

This is one of the most emblematic artists of Portugal, Mr. Bernardo whose wine business is one of the most important in the country, he is a great art collector and has several museums around Portugal, all the ones I visited left me a " good taste in your mouth" because they are quite interesting, I didn't go here because I didn't have time but apparently these are tiles, something iconic of our culture, the museum is next to the park.🚩🌎
Este es uno de los artistas mas emblematicos de Portugal el Sr. Bernardo cuyo negocio de los vinos es uno de los mas importantes del pais, es un gran coleccionador de arte y tiene varios museos alrededor de Portugal, todos los que visite me dejaron un "buen sabor de boca" porque son bastante interesantes, aqui no entre porque no tenia tiempo pero aparentemente se trata de azulejos algo iconico de nuestra cultura, el museo esta al lado del parque.🌍🌳


City square🌎 / Plazoleta de la ciudad🏰

The city of Estremoz is very old and its foundation dates back to the 13th century. It previously belonged to the Moors and was called: (stremoz) hence the name, as you can see in many of the photos there is marble in all the architecture and this over time they called it the city of marble! and marble is even exported from here to other countries! There is a legend that the founders of the city were a group of exiled people who escaped from King Alfonso III, one of the conquerors.🌎🚩
La ciudad de Estremoz es muy antigua y ya remonta su fundacion en el siglo XIII, anteriormente pertenecia a los moros y se llamaba: (stremoz) de alli el nombre, como puedes ver en muchas de las fotos hay marmol en todas las arquitecturas y esto hizo que con el tiempo la llamaran la ciudad del marmol! e inclusive se exporta marmol de aqui a otros paises! hay una leyenda que los fundadores de la ciudad fueron un grupo de personas exiliados que escapan del rey Alfonso III uno de los conquistadores.🏰🌍


This is another obligatory visit, it is the "Das Maltezas" convent, it is next to the science museum, it is another structure with a mixture of various architectures that served as a religious purpose, it was built in the 16th century.🚩🏰

Esta es otra visita obligatoria se trata del convento "Das Maltezas" esta al lado del museo de ciencias, se trata de otra estructura con una mezcla de varias arquitecturas que sirvio como fin religioso esta se construyo en el siglo XVI🌍🧭

Now I am walking through the center of the city and I pass by this beautiful Catholic chapel called: "Capela do Santo Cristo" it was built in 1574 and closed for the public in 1751🚩🌎

Ahora estoy caminando por el centro de la ciudad y paso por esta linda capilla catolica llamada: "Capela do Santo Cristo" fue construida en 1574 y cerro para el publico en 1751👸🏻🚩

Municipal Chamber of Estremoz🌎 / Cámara municipal de Estremoz🏰

This convent is also used for government functions, however it is called: Convento de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, it also has religious purposes, this convent was built between 1675 – 1706.👸🏻🌎
Este convento es utilizado tambien para funciones del gobierno, sin embargo se llama: Convento de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, tambien tienes fines religiosos, este convento fue construido entre 1675 – 1706.🧭🌍

This beautiful and large building is another tourist attraction but like the others we do not have access, it is a military installation called: "Cavalaria Regiment 3", I think the only negative thing about this city is that many tourist sites are closed to the public . Maybe it's a coincidence or they open on the weekend.
Este hermoso y gran edificio es otra atraccion turistica pero al igual que los demas no tenemos acceso, es una instalacion militar llamada: "Regimento de Cavalaria 3", creo que la unica cosa negativa de esta ciudad es que muchos sitios turisticos estan cerrados al publico. Quizas es coincidencia o abren fin de semana.

Road to Queen Elisabel Castle👸🏻🌎 /Camino al castillo de la reina Isabel🏰

legend of the queen👸🏻🌼

There is an interesting legend that is told about Isabel in Entremoz, a group of people went to ask her for food but she did not have food and she told them: "I don't have food in my hands but I do have flowers" and by art and magic flowers appear in their hands and delivered to the villagers.🧭🌏

hay una leyenda interesante que se cuenta de Isabel en Entremoz un grupo de gente fue a pedirle a ella comida pero ella no tenia comida y les dice: "yo no tengo comida en mis manos pero si tengo flores" y por arte e magia aparecen flores en sus manos y entrega a los aldeanos. 🌻🌳


What a thrill to discover another castle! and publish it in the community, those who know me know the project I have to publish all the castles in Portugal, the truth is I already lost count hehe but they are all in pinmaple and now in this community, about The Estremoz castle is believed to have been built in the 12th century during the possible invasions of the Moors. Previously, archaeological remains were found in this area and they indicate that it had been occupied by people thousands of years ago. It was here that Queen Elizabeth herself died at the age of 63.🌍🧭
Que emocion descubrir otro castillo! y publicarlo en la comunidad los que me conocen saben el proyecto que tengo de publicar todos los castillos de Portugal, la verdad ya perdi la cuenta jeje pero todos estan en pinmaple y ahora en esta comunidad, sobre el castillo de Estremoz se cree que fue construido en el siglo XII en las posibles invasiones de los Moros, anteriormente en esta zona se encontraron restos arqueologicos que nos indican que habia sido ocupada por personas hace miles de anos. Fue aqui donde la misma reina Isabel murio a sus 63 anos. 🌎🚩

Currently the castle is called: "Pousada da Rainha Santa Isabel" and if you search for it on gmaps you will see that it is a very luxurious hotel with the best view of Alentejo, including a pool and everything!🧭

en la actualidad el castillo se llama: "Pousada da Rainha Santa Isabel" y si lo buscas en gmaps veras que es un hotel muy lujoso con la mejor vista de Alentejo incluye piscina y todo!👸🏻


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Esse lugar é lindo e as fotografias estão incríveis. Tenho de colocar esse lugar no meu roteiro. obrigada pela partilha 😃

eyyyyy moras ondeee?

Porto 😃

Estemoz looks really a nice place a city full of art, history and culture, and the food you tried looks really yummi by the way akso here its hard find restaurants open after 2 pm .

Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos

Oh! I have been there, years ago. All that beautiful white marble. Thanks for your lovely photos and reminding me how beautiful Estremoz is.

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