When my two friends and I arrived at this place, the sun was still quite high, but we decided to wait until the sunset process occurred, so we decided to take some photos beforehand and chat to wait for the moment. Until what we expected finally happened. We realized it was worth the wait ... The sunset was splendid, it looked like a movie, here I show you so you can enjoy!
It was worth the wait to see this beautiful sunset ...
Otra faceta de este hermoso atardecer. Este lugar se encuentra en el Cerro El Morro, en la localidad costera de Lecherias, Estado Anzoátegui, Venezuela.
Another facet of this beautiful sunset. This place is located in Cerro El Morro, in the coastal town of Lecherias, Anzoátegui State,
Esta soy yo, disfrutando de la naturaleza mientras esperábamos el momento. A lo lejos se observa la cima del "Cerro El Morro". Estábamos por la parte trasera del mismo.
This is me, enjoying nature while we waited for the moment. In the distance you can see the top of "Cerro El Morro". We were in the back of it.
My friend @ mirla33, enjoying this beautiful place
Mi amiga @mirla33, disfrutando de este bello lugar.
Hasta la próxima, todas las fotos son de mi propiedadcon mi BLUE G6 , Las dos primeras fotos tuve que tomarlas con el teléfono de mi amigo, ya que mi teléfono se descargó y el amablemente me lo cedió.
Until next time, all the photos are my property with my BLUE G6, The first two photos I had to take with my friend's phone, since my phone was downloaded and he kindly borrow it to me.