A long journey around the land of Aceh-North Sumatra that takes days with a distance of approximately 1,600 kilometers.

in Worldmappinlast year

Hi my traveling friends, lovers of beautiful tourist attractions! Glad to see you again in my post this time. How are you my friend?
I hope you are doing well and happy. I am very happy to be here. Sharing many things with all the hivers. I hope you feel the same way. May the word success always be with you.
Okay my friends, this time I want to share with you about a long journey by bus. A trip that takes quite a lot of time even days. This trip started one night, I discussed with my friends to plan to travel around the land of Aceh by land with a bus vehicle that we would rent. I was very excited for all of this, because I had wanted this trip for a very long time. We finally decided on the right time to leave and how much it would cost to rent the vehicle that we would use for our adventure. The time we had hoped for arrived and I was ready with my supplies and clothes. My group and I set off. It was around midnight. And our group numbered about 30 people along with the driver and accompanying driver.


The next day we arrived in the capital of Aceh Province, Banda Aceh City. We stopped at a mosque that symbolizes religion, the struggle of the Acehnese people and the culture of the Acehnese people. Because the majority of Acehnese people are Muslim. As far as I know, this mosque was built during the kingdom of Aceh. If I'm not mistaken, it was during the Iskandar Muda Kingdom. And became one of the pride of the people of Aceh. This mosque is called Baiturrahman Mosque. The distance we traveled to get here was about 230 kilometers.
We also captured this beautiful moment.



My friends and I didn't stay too long. Because our journey was still very far away, we finally hurried to leave. The route we took was the Meulaboh-Banda Aceh route. After traveling for hours, our driver wanted to rest. Finally, we decided to stop and enjoy the beautiful scenery at the top of Mount Geurutee. The view from the top of this mountain offers coolness and beauty of its natural panorama. From the peak we can see the sea and the coastline which is so beautiful and can spoil the eyes of visitors. We stopped and relaxed at a cafe set up by a local resident on the edge of the ravine. The mountain is located in the Babah Ie Village area, Jaya District, Aceh Jaya Regency. While relaxing we captured the moment there. The distance we traveled from Baiturrahman Mosque to the top of this mountain was about 66 kilometers.


After the driver and I recovered, we continued our journey. We finally arrived in the West Aceh region of Meulaboh. We stopped and spent the night there, right at a mosque that became an icon of the city of Meulaboh. A very beautiful mosque and very suitable for religious tourism. This mosque is called Baitul Makmur Mosque. Located in Seuneubok Village, Johan Pahlawan District, West Aceh Regency. The journey to get from the summit of Mount Geurutee to this place is about 169 kilometers.
After morning came, we hurried to have breakfast because our stomachs were already hungry. Until time invites us to leave again. Before leaving you devote a moment at this mosque.


Finally, we were off. The long journey to travel around Aceh was very beautiful. I felt very happy. The exhausting journey paid off with the beautiful moments that we went through. On this trip there were still several places we stopped. Until finally we arrived in the area of North Sumatra Province. Because we intend to visit a Lake Toba tourist spot located in the Parapat area. More precisely on Jl. Sisingamangaraja, Girsang Sipangan Bolon sub-district, Simalungun Regency. The path we took to get here was through the West Sumatra crossing. The distance we had to travel from West Aceh was about 600 Kilometers.
We also stopped at the tourist spot with a happy state and captured the moment there.


My friends and I chose to go to Samosir Island. Because in that place a ferry was provided to cross. We were taken under the ferry to cross it. And we had fun while joking and taking pictures together.





When I arrived on the island of Samosir, we were welcomed by a tour guide to be taken to one of the places considered historic in the area. Eventually we were taken to a museum and ate King Sidabutar. Once there he told us many things about the history of King Sidabutar. And we were also taken to a place to see the traditional Batak house, Jabu Bolon. I didn't take many pictures of the place because my smartphone had run out of battery. And this is a photo from my friend's smartphone.


After we enjoyed a few places around. We left to go back across the island to get to our bus parking lot. Because we had to hurry to return home to our beloved Aceh. When we arrived at the parking lot, it was already evening. The way home we traveled was to the city of Medan, North Sumatra. We arrived in the city around midnight, we did not stop there because it had been so long on the way. We were chasing time because the bus we rented was running out of time that we had agreed together. And the driver stepped on the gas, finally in the morning we arrived in the Langkat area, North Sumatra. We stopped briefly at a mosque. And after resting for a while we continued our journey until we arrived back in Aceh, right in the city of Langsa. At that time we had lunch together and visited a well-known tourist spot, the Mangrove Forest. The forest is so beautiful. Has an area of 8000 hectares. And became the pride of the people of Langsa. There have been many awards won by this tourist attraction. And we captured the moment there.
A glimpse of the distance from Lake Toba tourism to get here about 345 kilometers.


After touring the forest. Time took us home. We were homesick. But this trip was really fun. We shared many stories together. Both joy and sorrow. Our tiredness was satisfied with so much beauty and lessons that nature gave us. What an amazing creation of the Master of the Universe. We will never forget this experience.
So we arrived at our hometown. I was happily welcomed by my parents and family. I told them many things about the excitement of the trip and about the obstacles and dishes that I passed with my friends.

This is a short story about my journey around the land of Aceh-North Sumatra. It was a long journey, taking about 7 days. It was an experience that I rarely do and will never forget. I tried to estimate the rarity of this trip around approximately 1,600 kilometers. This includes the most incredible ha I've ever done.
This is the end of my travel post and story. Hope you like it. Mistakes and oddities of a human being, it's a natural thing to happen. Please understand and be wise. Criticism and constructive suggestions are always my hope from dear friends. I hope that friends are always loyal to show the path that we must go through together. Hopefully we can join hands to achieve the success we dream of. Best wishes to all of you.

FOLLOW ME @azmirulamin


That is amazing when you and your friends had a trip for 7 days. That is not easy to do when traveling 1600km. That is interesting.😍

Thank you @whitebean. It was a fun experience. I intend to try more of that someday.