Hiking to the Viewpoint of the Coast - A rewarding experience 📷 Malaga - Spain

in Worldmappin2 months ago

When the sight, the eyes are enlarged by the beauty they admire and the heart swells with joy, it can be said that the experience has been really good, rewarding.


I still have a lot to see in this marvellous city, and each experience is unique if it is done intensely.

The castle of Gibralfaro, in its surroundings, has a part that is perhaps little known, because it is almost always admired from the front, from the Mediterranean Sea or when entering. But behind the castle there are impressive sights to see.

When I arrived in the city in 2018, I could see for the first time, and it was accidentally because I got lost, this wonder surrounding the castle, but without exploring it much, just the beginning.

There is a forest park there called Gibralfaro forest park, and in this park there is a lot to see and enjoy, especially in its countless paths that lead to various places with beautiful views.


In particular, today I will show you a section of this route or this exploration that I have made of the place, where in the shadows, under the trees it is quite cold and when you are in the sun it is very pleasant and beautiful. In a place with many paths and each one leads to different places within the same forest park, but in this first exploration I decided to take one of them that was marked with two signs.




At a fork in a large path I came across a sign with an arrow announcing a path to a viewpoint and then another huge sign explaining more about the route.

The path would take me to the Viewpoint of the Coast, which I had never known existed, so every step I took was new and surprising to me. The sign warned me of wonderful views of the city and the harbour, and that's what I wanted to discover that day.




It also spoke of the vegetation of the place and the fauna that I could find on my way.
Among the vegetation, which is repopulated to protect the city from the rains, you can see carob trees, pines of various shapes and species and many olive trees. The variety of shrubs is also astonishing.

According to the information I read, you can see squirrels, blackbirds, of which I saw many, butterflies, chameleons, which are listed for special protection in Andalusia.

The sign also warned me that the approximate duration of the walk from this point to the viewpoint on the coast was 25 minutes, of course it took me longer because I stopped at every step to take photos and look at the landscape.



I started walking along a path of dirt and small rocks but the difficulty in going up was not too much, although I thought that when going down I had to be careful because of the small rocks that slide and the humidity of the ground that could make it slippery.

On this path to my right I had rocks, extremely varied vegetation with different shades of green, some very bright, and wonderful trees.

I could look up at how steep the terrain was and what I probably had to climb and I couldn't see the whole path, just sections of it.





When I walked eastwards the paths were sunny and the shadows of the trees were drawn on them, my shadow too. In several photographs I think my shadow has appeared. It was about 4 or 4.30 p.m. or maybe a bit later, I had lost track of time, in fact, I wasn't looking at that but only at the road and the view.

Many trees were crooked, maybe because of the wind, the inclination or because they want to reach the sun, but they were all beautiful. I love trees and the life they signify.




Every step I took was a new landscape, a new view and more trails. I couldn't see the whole path because the trail zigzagged and every time I turned around it climbed a long way. Many times I would turn around to see the completed path and take pictures of it.










On the left side, I could see the views of the city on the east side and each part, each view was more wonderful than the other. When the road turned the other way round, on my right I had the city and on the left the vegetation, rocks and trees.

The city was drawn in the middle of the vegetation and the tall trunks of the pine trees and created dreamy postcards. I always say that I am surprised by nature and what it does, and I am. This occasion was no exception.








The zigzags of the paths went on and on, climbing higher and higher and the air was different, purer and the sensation is very pleasant. It is a colder air but its purity is unbelievable.






The sun was getting lower and lower and it was sneaking through the treetops, something I always like to see. Although I could see the city I was very high up there in that park in the mountains and I was very excited.






Finally I came to a path that was narrower and steeper to climb, steeper and with more loose stones, I had to be very careful. That path led me to a smooth, flat, circle-shaped place where trees surrounded me and there were two seats.









There it was, I had reached my first goal of the forest park, the first stop which is the Mirador de la Costa. I stood there for a while admiring the grandeur of the place and how rewarding it was to get there. Oxygen by the bucket load, surrounded by pure beauty.





The views were breathtaking and I wanted my eyes to hold that moment, it was great.

Thank you all for joining me today on this adventure and exploration. I send you all a big hello. See you all soon.

All photographs are my own.
Separators created by me in Photoshop.
Used translator Deepl.com free version.
//:# (!worldmappin 36.724602 lat -4.408811 long Hiking to the Viewpoint of the Coast - A rewarding experience 📷 Malaga - Spain d3scr)

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Thank you!!

Comunidad de Worldmappin.¡Hola @avdesing! Aquí @ninaeatshere, me paso para informarte que este post ha sido curado manualmente. Muchas gracias por publicar en la

Qué bonito descubrir que Málaga es más que playa, fiesta y espetos jajaja. Una hermosa ruta de senderismo por ahí no era algo que pudiese preveer en una visita, gracias por mostrarnos una ciudad diferente a través de tus ojos.

Jaja perderse paseando es divertido, uno se topa con lugares curiosos y que valen la pena conocer, si has decidido volver a explorar mas es porque así es.

¿Camaleones? ¡vaya sorpresa!
Leer tus sensaciones mientras ascendías, adentrándote en la vegetación y respirando el aire fresco es inspiradora, que me hago las maletas y voy para allá jajaja que agradable recorrido.

A mi también me gusta ver como la luz del sol se cuela entre las hojas, es una cosa mágica. Sin duda, es un acompañamiento genial para llegar a alcanzar esas vistas de las fotografías al final. El contraste del azul del mar es increíble, un paisaje encantador.

Para cualquier consulta, no dudes en comunicarte con el equipo a través de nuestro Discord hemos creado un canal en español para mayor comodidad.

¡Un saludo!

Muchas gracias!!! Hoy te digo que tengo terribles agujetas jajaja pero valió la pena. Málaga es más que lo que muestran los tours y cuando subí allí me encontré con varios caminos, presté algo de atención a cual elegía y seguía... otro día emprenderé otro camino, me gusta explorar y ver que encuentro por ahí, pero si que quiero ver camaleones jajaja.

Y los barrios no están nada mal, ya me adentraré en ellos también. Muchas gracias nuevamente, siempre es un placer estar aquí como mi casa!😘

Jajajaja pues si duele es que ha valido la pena. 🤣😅🧗‍♀️
Pues tienes que irte en búsqueda de camaleones, qué cosa más divertida para hacer!
Bueno, estaremos muy contentos de continuar leyendo tus paseos mostrándonos todo lo que tiene la ciudad para disfrutar.

¡Con mucho gusto!


Gracias por usar @worldmappin 😀

Quiero encontrar todo, camaleones, ardillas, búhos! jajaja aún queda mucho por recorrer, pronto iré nuevamente!

Gracias a todos ustedes!😃

😍 ¡Qué fauna! 🦎🐿️🦉
💪 esa es la actitud 🏃‍♀️
Disdruta mucho explorando 🤗

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Thank you so much @worldmappin 💞

Hey @avdesing you are welcome. Thanks for using @worldmappin 😘

Many thanks always to you!😃

It's very true, each visit experience is unique, and you always see something really interesting
I love the aerial views and the beautiful landscapes you were able to photograph. Excellent shots
Have a lovely afternoonHow are you dear friend @avdesing

It is a beautiful place, full of fresh air and incredible postcards. Thank you always!

Excellent hike! The views are spectacular. I like this sign along the way.


It indicates the beginning of the path to the viewpoint, I loved this hike, I enjoyed it very much! Thanks😃

The photo where the two seats are is beautiful 😊 and it is true when the activity that was performed leaves a feeling of joy is because it met the expectations the truth is that it is a very nice place.

Those two seats had to be here because they have the best view. Thank you very much Monica!😃

I thought I wasn't going to stop climbing, I think I saw a chameleon cheering me on. I liked the views of the city from that forest. You had already shown us (I think) the views of the sea from a nearby viewpoint, but the view of Malaga from that height also has a lot of charm.

A big hug @avdesing.

Yes, there are two viewpoints at the castle below, the Alcazaba but it doesn't have the forest park, this climb was great!!!! I loved it! Thank you!!!

Not so much for me, without the chameleon's encouragement I would never have made it to the top. 😅

I didn't see it! I'll have to check the photos hahaha


Espeo que por casa vayan mejorando las cosas.

Va lento pero mejor, se va recuperando, gracias!!!

Está bien acompañada, esa es la mejor medicina.

Av Aunt, is it possible to put up a blanket and have a picnic? 🦉 With a sea view preferably 🦉

Of course and also from there we can dominate the world!!!! Yes! 💞



This intense hike has also been characterised by long shadows. I love that place and all the trails you visit, @avdesing. The scenery, the wonder of being in such a fresh place with rewards at the end: enchanting views. Keep enjoying these escapades. They are really great and particularly make me want to join you every time.

I didn't know this viewpoint existed... but when I saw the sign I said to myself I'm going that way, I love exploring and it has its rewards. Thank you!😃

Sigue la naturaleza entregándonos belleza. Qué lindas vistas desde ese lugar!! Me encanta todo lo que he visto de Málaga, gracias por mostrarnos los lugares que descubres. Un abrazo 🤗💚

Fue un descubrimiento para mi ese camino y hay muchos más, iré a explorarlos próximamente. Muchas gracias!!🤗

Cómo no enamorarme de Málaga con tantas publicaciones de ensueño, wow, sí que es un placer visitar tu post y encontrarme con tantos tonos rojizos y verdes, un verdadero placer Avesita. Gracias por compartir...

Ojo, es mi perspectiva... es que me enamoré de la ciudad el día que llegue y es hermoso caminar y decirme a mi misma, amo esta ciudad, es mi lugar. Pocos lo entenderían. Gracias a vos!

I love this place you visited in the city, as you know, I love nature, I would love to walk there.
Your dotography is beautiful as always
Have a beautiful afternoon @avdesing

I tell you that this place fascinated me especially the beautiful views. Thank you very much!😘