Exploring Excellence ==> Inside Sarhad University of Science & Information Technology, Peshawar

in Worldmappinlast year (edited)

Hey guys!

How are you? I hope you are all well.

After a long journey, I have reached Peshawar today from Faisalabad.

The Peshawer University journey



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Yes, the very beautiful and beautiful city of Pakistan called Peshawar, the people here, the clothes here, the culture here, everything is priceless.

There is a lot of sweetness in the accents of the people, there is a lot of morality in the residents here.

I am very happy to come here.

Well, I have come here for the first time. Before that, I came to his small town Bannu, which was very high quality.

I also had a great trip. But here is a What is very special is the veiling of women.

Anyway, it is very important for women, here women keep themselves covered a lot, understand this principle here or understand the law.

No woman will be seen by us without a veil, every woman must have either worn an abaya or a burqa.

Means will be seen in hijab and they look very beautiful.

It seems like all the ladies of heaven have come to earth.

Being so veiled and following all the rules, I like this atmosphere here very much.

While coming here, I saw the fading evening and I captured this beautiful scene of that evening in my camera, you can also see this fading evening.





**The weather was amazing surrounded by sun and trees. **

It was a long journey, so I couldn't even write a blog yesterday.

Because I was very tired and today after resting I visited this valley and took the beautiful scenery here.

I spent a whole day touring the villages and towns of this city and took many pictures, which I would like to share with you. That's not all. Now, I'm just sending you some pictures of Peshawar's weather that I made during this trip.

After that, we will go to the very famous University of Peshawar, which is a very great university. Today I will introduce you to this university which has an importance in its name as well as its location. This city is very famous for its beauty and greenery. The most amazing people here are friends of friends and enemies of enemies. And there is a lot of pride in them, that's why they look very cute and also very angry. Well, that's later, I'm sanding some pictures here. Which are of the famous Sarhad university here.

Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology is located in the beautiful city of Peshawar,

Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology is located in the beautiful city of Peshawar,Pakistan and is a prominent and well-known educational institution that provides higher education in various fields of knowledge.




This university is exemplary especially in the field of science and information technology and is known for all educational facilities. People from far and wide come here to study,

regardless of whether they hail from any province.

As I had some friends here, I came to visit this university on the pretext of meeting them,

so I am very fond of visiting universities to check their academic quality, that's why most of my blog visits.

And I often travel whether it is a tour of universities or Badshahi Masjid or the clock tower of Faisalabad,

I love to capture the different stories and culture of Pakistan in every place.

Sarhad University is no less than a boon for those who seek knowledge and strive to prove their skills.

Therefore, this university is a great blessing from Allah Ta'ala for these people.

It is a very dear and strong university. brings their skills to the world.

The staff here, the officers here and the students here understand their responsibility well and spend most of their time on their studies instead of futile activities.

I have come to the city of Peshawar,

all this is new to me, but coming here I feel as if I have been living here for centuries.

All these things will continue to happen.

Let me take you all here to visit Sarhad University.

First of all, I will send some pictures here. You can see that its building is very beautiful.




It will be seen that they are putting four moons on this university.

Here I was finding it very difficult to capture pictures because everyone was staring at me because I was a newbie to them but I tried my best to capture the beauty of the university here.

I can capture it on camera. To share all this with you,

you can guess from these pictures that this is a really beautiful university of Peshawar in which the future of Pakistan's new generation will be decided and is being decided.

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The campus of this university has all kinds of facilities,

all kinds of arrangements can be seen here with high quality and high standards which play their role in providing an ideal learning environment to the students.

The availability of modern technical equipment in libraries,

laboratories, computers, labs and classrooms helps students in acquiring knowledge.

And it creates awareness and interest in them. That they come here and present their talents to the world in front of their teachers through their activities.

This is the reason why you will see millions of students here because of the laboratories, labs, computer rooms and technical equipment.

Ever since its inception, Sarhad University has produced many proud graduates for the country and has brought out such talented children who are truly worthy of being called the glory of Pakistan and will continue to play a role in the development of Pakistan.

The importants of this University





who contribute to the development of the country by making the best use of their skills and knowledge in various fields.

Which is an effective way to make the students successful not only academically but also in professional life and highlighting the abilities of the students is their biggest goal, so a lot of activities are conducted in this university.

So that boys and girls can participate in it and take their confidence level to a high level.

The purpose of this university is not only to provide knowledge, to promote knowledge,

but to prepare a generation that can play its role in social,

economic and technological development.

The commitment and dedication of this institution sets a bright example in the field of knowledge.

Who is playing his role in the effort to raise the educational standard not only in Peshawar but also in Pakistan.

I would like to describe more important aspects about Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology.

Research and experimental opportunities Global partnership and dealing with all matters together This inculcates the passion of the students to do something internationally.

Where they can participate in the search and development of new knowledge by using modern research methods and technologies.

And can compete with other students it is the aim of this university to highlight the potential of the students and improve their careers globally so that they never feel inferior and discouraged at any point in life.

Not to be.

And to be able to withstand all kinds of situations.

All the roles here provide world-class education and research opportunities to the students.


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The rules and principles of this university are the same for all kinds of students.

Global partnership:

Professional development programs .

Welfare of students Technology and Innovation.

Social responsibility activities.

Library and research facilities.

Student Societies and Clubs.

Sports and physical activities.

Career Development Services.

Campus life and student facilities.

Competition at international level.

The spirit of revolutions among the students.

Keeping up with modern times internationally.

To highlight one's abilities and talents The desire to participate in various activities means that all kinds of facilities are available to the students in this university and they can participate in all kinds of activities.


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And social development is given equal importance. From which all the students are a great asset for the development of this country and can go ahead and take this country on the path of development at the best of their abilities.

And here there are lakhs of students who got educated from here and are currently serving their country in great positions.

The university also attaches great importance to sports and physical activities.

Students have facilities to participate in various indoor and outdoor sports like cricket, football, badminton and swimming. These activities improve students' physical fitness and teamwork skills.

My heart is dying to discuss this further but I think I should go now till then you guys will take care and remember me in my prayers and I will meet again tomorrow with a new blog and a new topic.

Until then,
God bless you.

Who is Anila Ashraf?

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@anilaashraf has been a teacher by profession. Currently she is devoting her full time to content writer, her aim is to prove herself based on her multiple skills, she likes to write on multiple topics like cooking, nature of beauty, village life, country conditions, culture and photography, chef, calligraphy, crafting, story writer are all her hobbies. She has also done her work on YouTube and will do more inshallah. She wants to convey a good message and share happiness to people through her skills and words. You can present your talent to the world and become an example.

Allah Hafizhttps://youtube.com/@anilaarts?si=aMJoxABdIDj_lQvU .................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................


Hermosas fotógrafias se ven geniales

Thanks sis for visit to my post.......

Academically, this university is very good. I've heard about it from many of my friends. Hopefully, there are some good hostels nearby.

Wow university is so big and i also visited this university. You gave and shared excellent info.nice photography , 🤗

Thanks sir for visit to my post you are always guide to me and appreciate to my work thanks for for everything....