(Ascenso al cerro La Gemela)
El 1/12/24 , nos fuimos de vacaciones junto a mi marido a Córdoba, Argentina a unos 800km de Buenos Aires. Estas vacaciones se venían planificando hace un año atrás por dos motivos principales: Festejar el cumpleaños de mi cuñada que reside allí y ascender el cerro mas alto de las sierras chicas pero antes de ese desafío que ya les compartí, hicimos uno mas pequeño como para entrar en calor.
El día de hoy contare nuestra repetida experiencias, ya verán porque digo esto, en el ascenso a uno de los cerros de las Gemelas: Se llaman así por ser dos cerros prácticamente iguales.
On 1/12/24, my husband and I went on vacation to Córdoba, Argentina, about 800km from Buenos Aires. These vacations had been planned a year ago for two main reasons: Celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday who lives there and climb the highest hill in the "sierras chicas", but before that challenge that I already shared with you, we did a smaller one to warm up.
Today I will tell you about our repeated experiences, you will see why I say this, in the ascent to one of the hills of the Gemelas: They are called that because they are two practically identical hills.
A este lugar con un predio llamado Agua de Los Palos, vinimos 3 veces en total y la anterior, subimos el cerro gemela Norte pero nos quedamos a medio camino ya que nos agarro una tormenta horrible así que tuvimos que bajar pero, dijimos que la próxima que volviéramos , lo haríamos ¡Y así lo hicimos!
To this place with an area called Agua de Los Palos, we came a total of 3 times and last time, we climbed Twin North Hill but we stopped halfway because we got caught in a horrible storm so we had to go back down. However, we said that the next time we came back, we would do it! And we did!
El camino de este sendero. ya lo conocíamos bien. Sabíamos que no era dificil pero que se requería de: Buen calzado, mucha agua (2 Litros por persona), protección solar y frutos secos para adquirir energía. Para que se den una idea, esta caminata es solo la mitad del Uritorco así que no nos costo completarla.
The path of this trail. we already knew it well. We knew it was not difficult but that it required: Good footwear, plenty of water (2 liters per person), sunscreen and dried fruits to acquire energy. Just to give you an idea, this hike is only half of Uritorco so we didn't have trouble completing it.
El paisaje era hermoso realmente aunque aun podían verse los vestigios del incendio que devoro gran parte de la zona hace un par de meses atrás.
El ascenso se hace a partir de las 10 AM y se debe registrar uno en la entrada al predio pagando la entrada al mismo que son unos 3 dólares por persona (Todo por cuestiones de seguridad esta prohibido subir sin avisar a los empleados).
The landscape was truly beautiful even though the remnants of the fire that devastated much of the area a couple of months ago could still be seen.
The ascent begins at 10 AM and one must register at the entrance to the premises by paying the entrance fee of about $3 per person (It is strictly prohibited to climb without notifying the employees for safety reasons).
El día estaba caluroso pero eso nos nos impido llegar hasta la cima. En medio del camino había una bifurcación en la cual, había otro camino que te conducía al Dique Los Alazanes. Por allí vimos pasar a un hombre con sus caballos. Este sendero es de 9km aprox y el sol pega de lleno así que no es para todos.
The day was hot but that didn't stop us from reaching the summit. In the middle of the trail there was a fork where another path led to the Dique Los Alazanes. There, we saw a man passing by with his horses. This trail is approximately 9km long and the sun shines directly so it's not for everyone.
La vista desde la cima era impagable. El ultimo tramo si debo aceptar fue potente porque sufro de vértigo y estaba bastante empinado pero lo superamos y allí llegamos victoriosos. Una tarea que había quedado pendiente quedo lograda ¡Genial!
The view from the top was priceless. The last stretch, I must admit, was tough because I suffer from vertigo and it was quite steep, but we overcame it and arrived there victorious. A pending task was successfully accomplished. Awesome!
Al descender estábamos sedientos y sobre todo, hambrientos así que comimos en la confitería de allí que, fue el lugar donde Hernán me propuso matrimonio la primera vez que vinimos así que fue bastante tierno ja,ja,ja.
La pasamos super y si, lo volveríamos a hacer porque la caminata es un poco larga pero vale la pena estar rodeados de paz y naturaleza. Nos vemos en la próxima ¡Saludos!
On the way down we were thirsty and above all, hungry so we ate at the cafeteria there, which was the place where Hernán proposed to me for the first time when we came, so it was quite sweet haha, haha, haha.
We had a great time and yes, we would do it again because the walk is a little long but it is worth being surrounded by peace and nature. See you next time. Greetings!
Hive Translator✏️ Tex by: @aibi93 | ✏️ Translated and formatted with by @noakmilo.
📸 Photos taked by me and cover edited on Canva.com
✂️ Separador y banner hive de ikasumanera.
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Thank yo so much!
The climb was worth it, you get a very amazing view, I was also very entertained seeing it❤️
Yes, the truth is that it was worth every step taken haha mission accomplished! Thanks for commenting
You're welcome my friend❤️
It's great that you went there with full preparation by carrying water,dry fruits and good footwears. Otherwise, I remember my time.... I went on hiking without any bottle of water and I was so out of my breathe.
Well, we were already doing the same thing several times. Our first time was the same as yours haha, we really suffered. Thanks for commenting
Pero que vistas más hermosas!!! Me encanta hacer senderismo, es genial, el oxígeno increíble... dije que me encanta? Bueno si! Y lo mejor no es la comida... es el gato!! Abrazo reina!!😃
A todos lados que iba pum! Michi.. me seguían o que? jajajajajajajajaajjajaa
Travel Digest #2443.
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Hiya, @ybanezkim26 here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @worldmappin team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Thank you 😍
Keep up the great work 💪
Wow, to travel you have to immerse yourself in nature. Your travel experience was beautiful. Actually it is very difficult to climb the top of such a big mountain. A great effort of travel, the spirit in the mind is just like that in nature, the energy is provided by seeing the beauty of nature.
The place is strangely beautiful but this travel experience was not that difficult. Because I saw it very difficult to climb the mountain and I struggled with the help of a stick. However, since there are fruits to provide energy along with water, it was a little less difficult. However, traveling to the mountain so many times is difficult.
This travel experience was beautiful. Best wishes
It was too beautiful but exhausting hahaha the exhaustion is compensated by the experience. Going to the mountains is a novel of supreme relaxation, greetings
Yes, traveling to the top of the mountain is very difficult, when you are able to reach the top of the mountain, all the hardships merge with the beauty of nature, everything becomes peaceful. Anyway, the travel was beautiful. Best wishes
Hermosas fotos, a mí me gustaría hacer una caminata así, aunque no se si logre aguantarla jajaja, pero de seguro vale la pena, como dices, por disfrutar la naturaleza y ese hermoso paisaje, se nota que fue un gran trayecto, hay que tener mucha energía, los felicito jiij
Bueno mira, yo soy media flojita para el ejercicio y eso pero si yo pude, cualquiera puede jajajaja Ojala te animes a hacer este tipo de actividades relaja mucho Saludos bella
Nature regenerates at its own pace.
It seems that you made it up there. 🙂 1695 meters above sea level is quite a lot, so it was a great victory and you celebrated with an energizing meal and the company of a very calm cat. 😄 The views are very spectacular.
Hey, it was enough but the other hill we climbed days later was much more complicated and high haha this was training for that and we passed the test... the view was priceless Regards!
Yes, you have to train for those things hahaha... congratulations.
That's a great achievement! The view is so breathtaking tht you cannot mind how exhausted from hiking
Not really, when you arrive nothing matters anymore. You come down tired but renewed, greetings and thanks for commenting.
La vista es espectacular, me encanta el muro de piedra, hacer senderismo requiere resistencia física, felicidades por lograr la tarea pendiente.
Mira, mi condición física no es de las mejores pero se pudo hacer. Una persona con un excelente estado lo hace incluso en menos de una hora jaja saludos
Mi madre, el lugar ideal para tantas cosas......que tierno final, pero faltó sangre........
Siempre pensando en maldad? Que no ves que yo ya cambie? jaja