An impressive trip to the Iberostar Selection Varadero Hotel, Cuba.(Eng/Esp)

in Worldmappin3 months ago


A warm greeting to all lovers of cities, roads, mountains, valleys, lakes, trails, the sea, the forest and everything that smells of pure oxygen, adventure, and peace of mind.

First of all, I must tell you that I don't know when December surprised me so much with another trip, and although normally around this time I manage to relax after an intense and heavy year of work, I couldn't say no to this one, and I let myself be carried away by a beautiful Hotel located on the beautiful coasts of Varadero, Cuba: Iberostar Selection Varadero.

"The thing," -- and we cubans use that word a lot linguistically -- was that I received a personalized invitation to participate in an event celebrating International Soil Day, December 5, but, without ceasing to give the deserved value on that date, I felt that I was living one of the most beautiful and exotic experiences of my life...

I already left my good impressions on TripAdvisor , they deserve it, but they owe me some money for having spoken so well about them...😂...for the second time.

As an ordinary Cuban, I am "accustomed" to enjoying the beautiful beaches of my northern coast, but I was not aware of the excellence of its services in the tourist facilities.







The design of its main buildings seems straight out of a fairy tale, and it is easy to feel like a princess or prince in their natural habitat, although maintaining awareness of who you still are is important.

When you arrive at a place like this you cannot understand much, the spaces are united between furniture, mirrors and colored marble floors, and you feel lost within a scenery that brings a mixture of several ancient and modern cultures.

I felt so lost that I couldn't get into the room they assigned me, and luckily I found a Russian couple who helped me understand how my magnetic card opened the door...😅...Spasibo.

The rooms were terribly neat, with very practical and comfortable white furniture, and the hot water bath on the first day was spectacular... oh, and I also put a music channel on the TV that was enough for me to sing karaoke... so lucky that no one heard me...😂








The beautiful lobby is connected to a cafeteria bar that maintains a 24-hour service, while the eternal smile of its bartenders and waiters shout to you with sweet voices: "please just tell us your wishes and we will fulfill them."

The large colonial-looking windows with thick transparent glass let in divine light that saves a lot of energy. The living room spaces with very comfortable tables and furniture make you feel as pleasantly good as if your whole life had passed there... .🙃








A Cuban rum shop could not be missing to seduce foreigners, and another in case a customer had forgotten their beach attire.
There was no shortage of Christmas trees and festive decorations, sopranos next to them, and surprise toasts to make people enjoy and socialize with each other.


We had several restaurants, but I liked the largest one where the majority ate to their liking and the view was clear and without much sophistication. The food was good, although perhaps it could have been better...


The handles on the wrists that authorized your stay there were green-blue, pink, and yellow...I guess he was referring to VIP, VIPP, and VIPPP clients...😄...I didn't ask.

The pools surrounded us all the time, children's pools with slides, pools for foam parties, pools with their bars... but in all of them the water was very cold and at this time of year only Europeans was able to enjoy them. At least they don't get colds because of it, but we do...

The beach.

It had been many years since I was able to walk on a beach in the afternoon and the sun was setting, some friends accompanied me but they wasted a lot of time looking for some beers, and I didn't want to miss "that."

I walked along the entire shore, and the water was just as cold, but the sea was calm and immensely peaceful. The hotels followed one after another, while people entered and left the sea.


I came across a Russian Forbes magazine, highlighting some of its main businesswomen...and I just wondered when that narrative will reach my country.


I arrived at a point of the beach where the dog's tooth was beginning to grow, I was amazed, because I thought that on this side of the peninsula there would only be white sand...however, they looked good within the landscape, and a couple of tourists were there very much in love enjoying the smell of the sea and the evening...



There were spectacular houses next to the beach, and I felt safe even though night was almost coming.


Something that I loved was the presence of birds that coexist with humans on the shore, they looked "calm" fleeing very quickly between waves, children, and some like me, who just wanted to take some photos of them, but they got very agitated when someone He offered them something to eat, and they flew over you in search of whatever you had in your hands.

We also trick them so we can take photos of them....😎


At night, my Taller colleagues forced me to "not miss" the night show, with magicians, the circus of the sun, the Cuban rumba, voices that sang like Celine Dion, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, and again the sopranos and the tenors, and what a surprise! They are from my province, and one night they asked us to bring them some sweets from the Snack Bar because they had not eaten, and it was a pleasure to help them.


I ended up at the disco convincing the rust that invades my bones to give them a chance to move, the difficult part was the next day when I couldn't even walk, right now my hip still hurts... it must be something from the bones and not from me sedentary lifestyle...😐

It has really been a very nice trip and full of experiences that I never thought I would be able to live a day. Amen to the work issues, which were equally intense and have left me with more work for this end of the year in a challenging and committed way, but As the saying goes: Always one step at a time.

I seriously hope I haven't bored you with my chatter, and I hope that one day you can live an adventure like this for your enjoyment and the well-being of your family.

Espanish Version

Un viaje impresionante al Hotel Iberostar Selection Varadero,Cuba.
Un cálido saludo para todos los amantes de las ciudades, las carreteras, las montañas, los valles, los lagos, los senderos, el mar, el bosque y todo aquello que huela a puro oxígeno, aventura, y paz mental.
Primero que nada debo decirles que no sé en qué momento Diciembre me sorprendió tanto con otro viaje, y aunque normalmente por esta época logro relajarme después de un intenso y pesado año de trabajo, no pude negarme a este, y me dejé arrastrar por un hermoso Hotel ubicado en las bellas costas de Varadero, Cuba: Iberostar Selection Varadero.
"La cosa", -- y los cubanos explotamos lingüísticamente mucho esa palabra -- fue que me llegó una invitación personalizada para que participará en un evento que celebraba el día internacional de los suelos, el 5 de Diciembre, pero, sin dejar de darle el merecido valor a dicha fecha, sentí que estaba viviendo una de las experiencias más lindas y exóticas de mi vida.
Ya dejé mis buenas impresiones en TripAdvisor, se lo merecen, pero me deben algo de dinero por haber hablado tan bien de ellos y para ellos...😂...por segunda vez.
Como cubana común estoy "acostumbrada" a disfrutar de las lindas playas de mi costa norte, pero no tenía consciencia de la excelencia de sus servicios en las instalaciones turísticas.
El diseño de sus edificios principales parece salido de un cuento de Hadas, y es fácil sentirse como una princesa o un príncipe en su hábitat natural, aunque, mantener la conciencia de quién sigues siendo es importante.
Cuando llegas a un lugar como este no logras entender mucho, los espacios se unen entre muebles, espejos y pisos de mármoles de colores, y te sientes perdido dentro de una escenografía que trae una mezcla de varias culturas ancestrales y modernas.
Me sentí tan perdida que no lograba entrar a la habitación que me asignaron, y la suerte fue que encontré un matrimonio ruso que me ayudó a entender cómo mi tarjeta magnética abría la puerta...😅...Spasibo.
Las habitaciones eran terriblemente pulcras, con una mueblería blanca muy práctica y cómoda, y el baño de agua caliente del primer día fue espectacular...ah, y también puse en el TV un canal de música que me alcanzó para cantarme un karaoke... con tanta suerte que nadie me oyó...😂
El hermoso lobby está conectado con un bar cafetería que mantiene un servicio de 24 horas, mientras la sonrisa eterna de sus cantineros y camareros te gritan con dulces voces: «por favor solo dinos tú deseos y lo cumpliremos».
Las grandes ventanas de aspecto colonial y tupidas de cristales transparentes dejan pasar una luz divina que permite ahorrar mucha energía.Los espacios para salones con mesas y muebles muy cómodos te hacen sentir un confort tan agradable como si toda tu vida hubiera transcurrido allí....🙃
Una tienda de roneria cubana para seducir a los extranjeros no podía faltar, y otra por sí algún cliente hubiera olvidado su atuendo de playa.
No faltaron los árboles de navidad y los adornos festivos, los sopranos junto a ellos, y los sorpresivos brindis para lograr que la gente disfrutara y socializará entre sí.
Teníamos varios restaurantes, pero me gustaba el más grande donde la mayoría comía a su gusto y la vista era clara y sin mucha sofisticación.La comida estuvo bien, aunque tal vez hubiera podido estar mejor...
Las manillas en las muñecas que autorizaban tu estancia allí eran verdes- azules, rosadas, y amarillas...supongo que se refería a clientes VIP, VIPP, y VIPPP...😄...No pregunté.
Las piscinas nos rodeaban todo el tiempo, piscinas para niños con toboganes, piscinas para fiestas con espuma, piscinas con sus bares...pero en todas el agua estaba muy fría y en esta época del año solo los europeos son capaces de disfrutarlas, al menos ellos no se resfrían por eso, pero nosotros sí...
La playa.
Hacía muchos años que no podía caminar por una playa en la tarde y cayendo el sol, unos amigos me acompañaron pero perdieron mucho tiempo en busca de unas cervezas, y yo no quería perderme "eso".
Caminé por toda la orilla, y el agua estaba igual de fría, pero el mar tranquilo y con una paz inmensa.Los hoteles se sucedían unos detrás de otros, mientras la gente entraba y salía del mar.
Me encontré una revista Forbes rusa, destacando alguna de sus principales empresarias...y solo me pregunté cuándo llegará esa narrativa a mi país.

Llegué a una punta de la playa donde comenzaba a nacer el diente de perro, me quedé asombrada, porque creía que de este lado de la península solo habrían arenas obstante, se veían bien dentro del paisaje, y una pareja de turistas disfrutaban muy enamorados el olor a mar y a atreví a tomarles una foto a escondidas...😎
Habían casas espectaculares junto a la playa, y me sentí segura a pesar de que la noche casi iba a llegar.
Algo que me encantó fue la presencia de aves que conviven con los humanos en la orilla, se veían "tranquilas" huyendo muy rápido entre olas, niños, y algunos como yo, que solo querían tomarles algunas fotos, pero se alborotaban muy fuerte cuando alguien les ofrecía algo de comer, y volaban sobre tí a la caza de lo que trajeras entre manos.
También las engañamos para tomarles fotos...😄
En las noches los compañeros del Taller me obligaban a "no perderme" el show nocturno, con magos, el circo del sol, la rumba cubana, voces que cantaban como Celine Dion, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, y nuevamente las sopranos y los tenores, ¡y que sorpresa!, ellos son de mi provincia, y una noche nos pidieron que le trajeramos unos dulces del Snack Bar porque no habían comido, y fue un placer ayudarles.
Terminaba en la discoteca convenciendo al óxido que invade mis huesos a darles un chance para moverse, lo difícil era al día siguiente cuando no podía ni caminar, ahora mismo aún me duele la cadera... deben ser cosas de los huesos y no de mi sedentarismo...😐
Realmente ha sido un viaje muy lindo y lleno de experiencias que nunca creí poder vivir un día.Amen de las cuestiones de trabajo, que igualmente fueron apabullantes y me han dejado criminalmente con más trabajo para este fin de año de manera retadora y comprometida, pero como dice el dicho: Siempre un paso a la vez.
Espero en serio no haberte aburrido con mi parloteo, y deseo que un día puedas vivir una aventura como esta para tu disfrute y el bienestar de tu familia en común.

Always very grateful for your reading.

The text is entirely my own
All photos are my property
Using the Lightroom application, free version
Translation done with Deep Translate, free version.

y que más da ser preciosamente imperfectos...png


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Que maravilla de sitio... now I already know why my aunt and uncle used to travel to Varadero so many times, they loved Cuba. I carefully looked at all the photos to find this covered object:


🎹 :))

Gracias por llevarnos a este hotel con tu publicación 😊

Dear friend, as soon as I saw that object I remembered you, in fact, although I didn't tag you, it's a photo put up for your enjoyment...😄.

I can imagine your aunts enjoying this place, believe me it's amazing.There were a lot of old people enjoying quietly in the place....

I wish one day I can visit this dreamy place.

Thanks for stopping by.




BEERHey @adaluna1973, here is a little bit of from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

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Es un lugar impresionante!!! Una gran belleza lujosa y hermosa en medio de la naturaleza aún más bella sobre todo en el atardecer!! 😃

It really is beautiful, there are even more fantastic places, but they are only for "more sophisticated" tourists, the truth is that most people can not access this or other sites as they are a luxury for our small salaries ....

But we can't deny that they are spectacular...
Thanks @avdesing.


I know something of the reality there, my uncles travelled there once and they told me about it.... I understand the situation but it's true... you can't deny it, it's beautiful. I wish the reality was different for many people.💞

That's right, look, all Cubans say: do not spend more money on hotels, invest in improving the infrastructure of electricity generation in the country ... and we are right, but when you get to places like this you realize that they are gold mines, as long as the tourist demand warrants it, but there is also the blockade to which the country is subjected that limits the entry of Americans, then, it is an endless spiral to see so much beauty built and Cuba destroyed inside.

It is hard, and at the same time, seeing so much beauty makes you understand certain things, although it does not justify them.
This world of ours...😔.

Grandes contradicciones que se dan en este mundo, eso de corazón eso cambie y beneficie a todos.

Me alegra mucho saber que disfrutaste a plenitud, sin perder la perspectiva de saber que era solo durante la estancia. Felicidades, te deseo unas felices navidades.

Así es amigo, pero me gustó muchísimo algo, el trato, no importaba que fueras un nacional, siempre eras bien tratado,sabes que hemos adolecido muchísimo de discriminación turística, independiente del concepto que tenemos de hacer turismo,que no lo tenemos, y entonces no sé si algunos están cambiando o fue mi pobre percepción de las cosas.


That's right my friend, but I really liked something, the treatment, no matter if you were a national, you were always well treated, you know that we have suffered a lot of tourist discrimination, regardless of the concept we have of tourism, which we do not have, and then I do not know if some are changing or it was my poor perception of things.

Thank you !!!!

Así es, ya nos asombramos cuando nos tratan bien. Feliz fin de semana

Es u a belleza extraordinaria, naturaleza increíble y construcciones para admirar.

Así es amiga....tan lindo nuestro país y sus costas, amén de sus instalaciones "prohibidas para nosotros".

I understand your fascination. 😉 I am very glad that you were able to have that great experience.

Do you understand?
So, one of my plans for this new 2025 will be to visit the Hotel again but financed by myself...😂...😂....
And by the way, I will invite you...😉

Thank you @nanixxx my dear...❤️🌹❤️

😃 Oh... Hahahaha great, I'm ready for that adventure from now. There are seasons when they are cheaper.

I'm not interested in the disco at all. My thing is walking on the beach, playing billiards, table tennis, beach volley and any other participative activity they do in the hotel... oh, the sun lounger by the pool, I can't miss it.
I'm not interested in TV either, although I don't rule out karaoke.

Hahahahahahaha....let's meet then for karaoke and beach volleyball, as long as my bones allow it...😂' you can always do something.....

Ahhh strolling on the beach is a given....we're sure to have a blast....sobre todo en la temporada baja. ;)


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It is an honor and a pleasure for me to accept your invitation.

Thank you.

Keep up the great work 💪

You are very welcome @adaluna1973! it was well deserved. ☀️

Las fotos en exteriores son mis favoritas. ¡Cuánta belleza natural! Mezcla perfecta de colores.

Me alegra leer lo mucho que disfrutaste esta oportunidad. 🪸