Good morning dear friends of Hive, it is an honor to write in this beautiful community and extend my sincere wishes that you are well. I want to share with you an exciting trip that I recently made and that captivated me in a big way. I hope you like it.
Buenos días queridos amigos de Hive, es todo un honor escribir en esta hermosa comunidad y extenderles mis más sincero deseos de que se encuentren bien. Quiero compartir con ustedes un viaje emocionante que hice hace poco y que me cautivo en gran manera. Espero que les guste.

The Medanos de Coro National Park is located in the Falcon State of my beautiful country Venezuela. Even though I am Venezuelan and have wanted to go to Los Medanos since I was a child, it was not until recently that I was able to visit it. The experience was very emotional because it brought to my mind memories of my childhood and believe me, being still in the car as we arrived at one of the entrances to the park, seeing mountains of sand from side to side, my heart became very nostalgic, it was literally going back in my mind to a childhood with a lot of innocence.
El Parque Nacional Medanos de Coro está situado en el Estado Falcón de mi hermoso país Venezuela. A pesar de que soy venezolana y que desde niña había querido ir a Los Médanos no fue hasta hace poco que pude conocerlos. La experiencia fue muy emotiva porque me trajo a la mente recuerdos de mi niñez y créanme que estando aún en el carro mientras llegábamos a una de las entradas del Parque, viendo de lado y lado montañas de arena, el corazón se me puso muy nostálgico, fue literalmente retroceder en mi mente a una infancia con mucha inocencia.

When I was in school, the teachers asked me on some occasions which was my favorite state, without hesitation I answered that the State of Falcon and they were surprised because it is not my state of origin, so they asked me why, to this, my answer was immediate: "Because there are Los Medanos de Coro". It was not until almost twenty-five years later that I got to know them. Although my parents wanted to take me there as a child, they did not have the resources, but good things come to those who wait.
Cuando estaba en la escuela, las maestras me preguntaron en algunas oportunidades que cual era mi Estado favorito, sin titubear yo respondía que el Estado Falcón y ellas se sorprendían porque no es mi estado de origen, así que me preguntaban el porqué, ante esto, mi respuesta era inmediata: "Porque allí se encuentran Los Médanos de Coro". No fue hasta casi veinticinco años después que pude conocerlos. Aunque mis padres querían llevarme de niña no contaban con los recursos pero lo bueno se hace esperar.

I was able to go with some friends who invited me to a beach in Falcon State, what I did not know was that I was going to pass through a part of that beautiful desert whose mountains of sand I dreamed of caressing since I was a child. The truth is that being in my friends' car, when I saw the mountains of sand I was filled with an ineffable joy, they did not know how much I had wanted to know Los Medanos, so for them it was normal because they had already been there and as we were going to the beach they did not give so much importance to that beautiful desert but I asked them to please stop. Even though it was not the main entrance to the park, it was enough for me to be there for just a few minutes.
Pude ir con unos amigos que me invitaron a una playa del Estado Falcón, lo que no sabía era que iba a pasar por una parte de aquel desierto hermoso con cuyas montañas de arena yo soñaba acariciar desde que era niña. La verdad es que estando en el carro de mis amigos, al ver las montañas de arena me sentí llené de una alegría inefable, ellos no sabían lo mucho que yo había deseado conocer Los Médanos, así que para ellos era normal porque ya habían ido y como íbamos para la playa no le dieron tanta importancia a ese bello desierto pero yo les pedí que por favor se detuvieran. Aunque no era la entrada principal del parque, me bastaba con estar aunque fueran pocos minutos.

We got off at the entrance that is on the road that goes to the Paraguana Peninsula and there was a small souvenir store, but as it was very early it was closed, anyway I took pictures and from there I went running to climb the mountains of sand. I took off my sandals, felt the warm fine sand, then left my friends behind to go as far as I could into my lovely desert. It wasn't hot, the day was perfect, it was as if Los Medanos was presenting itself to me in its best version.
Nos bajamos en la entrada que está en la vía que se dirige a La Península de Paraguana y allí estaba una pequeña tienda de souvenirs, pero como era muy temprano estaba cerrada, de todas maneras me tomé fotos y de allí me fui corriendo a subir las montañas de arena. Me quité las sandalias, sentí la cálida y fina arena, luego dejé atrás a mi amigos para adentrarme lo más que podía a mi encantador desierto. No estaba haciendo calor, el día estaba perfecto, era como si Los Médanos se presentaran ante mí con su mejor versión.

So much was my enthusiasm that my friends also went up even though they had already gone, although others who were with me had not gone were not so enthusiastic because they did not like the sand to stay on their clothes, even so I convinced them to take some pictures, as my joy was noticeable, they went up and took them. They were beautiful, the color of the sky, the horizon, the sand, the clouds, it was a delight to my eyes. My five senses were at their maximum with this amalgam of beauty that made me fall in love completely.
Tanto fue mi entusiasmo que mis amigos también subieron aunque anteriormente ya habían ido, aunque otros que estaban conmigo no habían ido no estaban tan entusiasmados porque no le gustaba que la arena se le quedara en la ropa, aún así lis convencí de que se tomarán unas fotitos, como se notaba mi alegría subieron y se las tomaron. Quedaron hermosas, el color del cielo, el horizonte, la arena, las nubes, era un deleite a mis ojos. Mis cinco sentidos estaban al máximo con esta amalgama de hermosura que me enamoró por completo.

It is incredible the vegetation there, it is strong and resistant, ideal for that landscape. It makes me think about how resilient we must be to adapt to the different scenarios of this world full of difficulties and face the problems without ceasing to flourish.
Es increíble la vegetación que se da allí, es fuerte y resistente, ideal para ese paisaje. Lo que me hace pensar en lo resilientes que debemos ser para adaptarnos a los diferentes escenarios de este mundo lleno de dificultades y encarar los problemas sin dejar de florecer.

On the way back we passed again and that time the breeze was strong, very strong, however, I went back up the mountain. I swallowed sand but I was simply too happy and didn't care. Due to gas problems I was not able to visit the main entrance of the park but the part I saw was enough to remind me that at any moment our most hidden desires materialize, they do not remain mirages, they are strong desires that God grants you. As I mentioned, it took more than twenty five years to get to know my favorite state and its fabulous desert but the day came and I am sure that many of my dreams will also be fulfilled.
De regreso volvimos a pasar y ese momento la brisa estaba fuerte, muy fuerte, sin embargo, volví a subir a la montaña. Tragué arena pero simplemente estaba demasiado feliz y no me importaba. Por problemas con la gasolina no pude conocer la entrada principal del parque pero la parte que conocí fue suficiente para recordar que en cualquier momento nuestros deseos más recónditos se materializan, no se quedan siendo espejismos, son deseos fuertes que Dios te va concediendo. Como mencioné, tuvieron que pasar más de veinticinco años para conocer mi Estado favorito y su fabuloso desierto pero el día llegó y estoy segura que muchos de mis sueños también se cumplirán.

The photos are my own, taken with a Realme 7i.
Las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con un Realme 7i.
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Thank you very much for the welcome, it is a pleasure to share with all the members of this community. It really generates a lot of emotion 🎊🎊
There is no doubt that the chorus dunes are extraordinary. Excellent photographs
I totally agree with you, they are extraordinary, beautiful, magical. The truth is that my words fall short before so much beauty.
Thank you very much for your appreciation and for stopping by my publication 😃
Greetings 💫💫💫💫
Travel Digest #2407.
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Hiya, @glecerioberto here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Your post has been manually curated by the @worldmappin team. If you like what we're doing, please drop by to check out all the rest of today's great posts and consider supporting other authors like yourself and us so we can keep the project going!Hello @glecerioberto 🤗🤗
What a pleasure to be among those selected. It brings me a lot of satisfaction. I really thank you very much for taking my posting into consideration and of course I will stop by to support other members of this wonderful community.
Greetings 💫💫
Keep up the great work 💪
que hermoso lugar, no hay otra manera de describirlo, debe ser increible estar ahi :D
Esa es una palabra clave para este lugar "increíble". Literalmente es como si te escaparás del Planet y te llevarán a otro lugar. Es genial 😀😀
Muchísimas gracias por tu receptividad y por dejarme tu valioso comentario 🤗🤗
How beautiful always Los Medanos de Coro, place that I went a lot with my cousins and lunch this post brings back those memories, although I did not like Falcon, I always called my attention to this place. Greetings !
I'm so happy that my post evoked beautiful memories with your cousins. I imagine they were going down the dunes tumbling 😃😃😃😃 It must be fantastic to go down like that.
Thanks for the responsiveness and for leaving me a nice comment.
Greetings 💫💫💫💫.