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RE: Solos Solar Array production stats - August

in STEMGeeks4 months ago

Solar energy is something I have been thinking about for a long time. But I haven't taken any steps yet. I am constantly researching solar energy. It is said to damage the area and soil where it is located, and to damage the structure of the soil. This aspect is bad.

That's why my favorite right now is wind panels. Wind panels also kill living things by hitting them.


Ah, I researched it for a few years before getting started on big projects. For awhile I just did single 12v battery and 300w of solar panel kind of setups.. But now my two arrays are much bigger and serious builds.

Not sure how its bad for the environment. I guess trenching for cables is not good.

Yeah wind energy probably is not much better, from what I have read using solar is the way to go for cost saving.