Experienced Advice - Acquisition of Trachemys scripta or Pond slider.

in STEMGeekslast year

There are two happy moments in my life the first is when I opened my pet store and the second happy moment happened when I closed all my pet stores including the online store.

Yes it was a childhood dream to have my own pet store and I realized it but I did not take into account some aspects, including my health asthma made itself felt very strongly and I could not be in the walls of the store where it smells of various feeds chemicals for animals and where high humidity from eight tons of water in eighty aquariums.

But before there was a divergence in different directions between me and my pet business I gained valuable experience that I can share with you.

Hope this will be helpful.

As in any store, there are hot goods and goods that have been on the counter for a long time and are waiting for their special buyer.

From the pet store any pet store the red-eared turtle or Trachemys scripta, can be noted.


Dozens maybe hundreds of thousands of these cute animals pass through customs posts in different countries.

They arrive in plastic bags that have been pumped with some oxygen and sealed with a rubber band.

Little turtles come having endured severe stress and often get sick and illnesses pass very imperceptibly simply the turtle suddenly dies.

Therefore try not to buy small turtles in the first days of bringing them to the store, you need them to go through acclimatization quarantine.

For many children turtles are a welcome pet and parents are happy to give them to their children because on the one hand this is a very affordable gift and a great return of positive emotions on the part of the child.

But after a while the parents again come to the pet store and buy another turtle due to the fact that the previous turtle died.

This is how the cycle of turtles in nature happens sadly.

People do not understand that a turtle needs a terrarium with a section of water and a section of land equipped with an infrared lamp to warm and treat the turtle which like people can catch a cold ..

But this equipment is much more expensive than the turtle itself and this is neglected.

Also, turtles should not be given anything to eat I fed freeze-dried shrimp it's not cheap.

And, it should be noted the second extreme in the content of the turtle.

Time will pass the turtle will grow up and many will bring it back to the store wanting to exchange it for a small turtle or sell it for next to nothing and pet store owners will find someone to sell a big turtle for dearly.

Therefore I advise you to think ten times before giving in to the desires of your child to receive a red-eared turtle as a gift.


All photos are taken at my pet store.

Author @stem-shturm

Posted with STEMGeeks


Congratulations and welcome to Hive @stem-shturm!

I've always wanted to have my own mini aquarium but taking care of any pet is not a simple task as you did mentioned. I think people will definitely learn a lot from you with your knowledge of pets in Hive Pets.

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This is @indayclara from the @ocd team and we wish you all the best! Feel free to tag @lovesniper @indayclara once you have made your introduction blog! See you around.

Thanks for pointing the way, I'll think about it. I do not advise you to start a mini aquarium, you will torture yourself and your pet, at least 50 liters to start in this hobby :).