I know for a fact that some people comment on my posts because I am generous with comment votes. Is my content OK? I would like to think so, but I have never thought of myself as a great writer.
I just throw this stuff out, stick it through Grammarly, give it the 'once over', and then it's out.
Some people comment but they do not vote. It's been a bugbear and pet hate of mine since I joined STEEM in March 2018. I always voted if I commented, it showed the poster some love even when I had little VP. Why wouldn’t you?
‘… but I have 25HP so I can’t give you a 100% vote as I won’t have any VP left...’
'… but you already have $70 of votes, so my little vote won't make a difference...'
I am not asking for your full vote. If you want to give it then fine. If you have 25HP it will make barely any difference. It doesn’t matter in terms of reward value; it’s simply a mark of consideration, or ‘thanks’.

...'I like to give out comment votes, it gives a little to commenter and we both gain in terms of rewards. My words are not aimed at the people in this image'...
10% will work, and understand that if you are one of those guys who ritually only comments on Orca posts only expecting a comment vote, it's not just me who finds this practice irritating.
People like this come and go, it's been the same for the last few years and my 'bullshit commenter' radar is well-tuned to intercept them.
I could warble on about this topic, but the point of all this is now I can launch a script to see who's taking the piss.
… and besides, it's a great excuse to add to my GitHub repository (this code will be added soon) and brush off the Python cobwebs which seem to grow extremely fast.
@pizzabot, @pinmapple, and @poshtoken I don't expect votes from, the rest of the red marks…, I am not calling you out, but seriously.., don't expect a comment vote though I may well comment back.
Portions of this Python script were taken from my yet-unpublished RandomVoter script. It still needs a partial rewrite but is fully working and used by me daily.
Function 'getlastpost' does just that, it returns a Beem.Comment object which is the last post made by the account via passed argument 'account'
Function get_commenters returns a list of users who dropped a comment on the ‘lastpost’
… and finally get_nonvoters cross-references the commenters with the voters on the post, and displays the sordid details.
I found this part the toughest as the Beem documentation for the ActiveVotes Beem.vote method comes supplied with no examples.
After farting around with it for a while, I noted it returned a Beem.vote table which I was struggling to extract data from.
My methods are hardly the best, but I found I could change the whole table into a string and then use some split string jiggery pokery to get the voters' data out.
…. ‘use whatever works, however crude it may appear’…
The script is hung together with a tiny main loop that exits when the data is shown.
In more recent times, I get a ton of blockchain errors always with the node 'https://rpc.ausbit.dev’ as the primary culprit.
I guess there is a list of nodes somewhere in the libraries that needs editing, but so far I have been unable to find it.
When running the script (and other ones that use BEEM), they always work but look incredibly untidy with all this bullshit scrolling up the screen.
If anyone has any clues on how to fix this, then please drop me a comment and I will reward you appropriately.
whodidntvote.py can now be found at https://github.com/BrynRogersTHG/HIVE-Blockchain---Hive-Who-Didnt-Vote-/tree/main/.idea
Meanwhile, if you would like me to run this script against your latest post, just to see those 'terrible people' who have commented but are not voting for you.., then drop me a comment.
Please feel free to comment and criticize my code. I am a beginner Python coder, so don't expect perfection... . and ...don't take all this too seriously...
- Earn currency while you play brewing virtual beer with CryptoBrewMaster
- Earn currency while you play and become a global Rock Star with Rising Star

And here you are casually writing code... Laughs
Well note taken, I usually upvote the post 🤣 but I suppose it is the gesture that counts...
Btw those stories you write... Well they read pretty well.. As you said "stick with it grammarly"
... They read story like
Thanks.., I honestly just type them out, without being too stodgy. It's too brash and direct to publisher anywhere else.. besides here! That's why I like it.
Yeah, laughs and that's also one of the great things about Hive...
It's certainly a very underrated social media platform but I think as web3 gets explored more and more everyday... Well we might just get lucky.. Perhaps you'll be known world wide someday 😂😎
I ain't counting on it!
I vote comments too, most of them, and yep it's the same for me, loads of them who comment but don't vote on the actual post. It seems counter productive to me.
I don't have the ability to track it as you do so tend just to move on with things...But the G-dog remembers. 😉
Nice post. Great ideas we should all share. Follow and upvote please! ;)
Looks like you have a trail of comment votes. Is it people looking to sweep up that lucrative comment upvote curation coinage?
I don't know, but valueless comments don't get my vote. I've heard that behind the scenes those who vote comments are talked about and shared, and the shit comments come rolling in.
Maybe I should give those comments votes - Downvotes. 🤔
There is?... now where did you get that info? You can tell me 'elsewhere' 😀
Messaged you mate.
Dish up that juicy scammer gossip!
Yeah, if only it was idle gossip; it's a reality though.
It doesn't have to be idle just because it's gossip!
Well yeah, I guess gossip is gossip either way.
LOL.. so do I, or did! I ran this script again this morning against this post.. and only 1 person didn't do the biz. There's always one heh..
Remember Highlander?
"There can only be one."
But we know there's more than one huh?
😀😀.. how could I forget..!
'many different places'...
A top notch movie from ye olden days.
Okay, I LOL'ed at "The G-dog remembers".
Nothing wrong with a lol now and then right?
I don't get annoyed when people comment but don't vote on my posts. I guess I'm too nice. Personally I do like to always give an upvote myself. Well I might forget sometimes when I am focused on replying, but I do try to always try to upvote too. I really like using engage because it gives you the button to upvote at the same time you post your comment. Anyway, like you say, it's just a mark of consideration.
I also always try to upvote comments even if I don't have anything to reply. It's a nice "thanks for the comment", but I think it also functions as a "seen" indicator. On a platform where it is sometimes easy to overlook replies, I like giving a "seen" so people know I did read the comment.
That's a pretty cool script! I haven't coded since university (some 25 years ago) so my coding skills are practically null, but I am always impressed by these python scripts people post on here. I saw you mention ChatGPT in a comment to Steve; I was exploring using it for code a few weeks ago, but the problem was I wasn't sure what to ask or where to use the code 😂 Well it did help me with some of my AppleScript, so that was cool.
Anyway, that's a cool idea for a script. I need to take the time to start learning Python one of these days. Just to access HiveSQL seems invaluable.
I was getting into it yesterday and it did help with some of this script, but has a limit of how many uses you can post per hour. Talk about pissed off when I saw that. Google will stick around a while longer I guess!
Yes, it's great, I do use it.
I saw mention in my RSS feeds a few hours ago that Google today released their own AI bot to compete with chatGPT. I didn't read the story yet so I don't know the details behind that headline. This AI race is only going to heat up.
I'd be inclined to go easy on brand-new accounts with no RCs and no vote power to spare in the first place, but yeah, I generally comment without upvoting onnly if I am expressing a fundamental disagreement with a post, or warning a bad actor about bad actions.
And yes, I upvoted this post. !PIZZA
LOL, I know you did. The comment votes farming gang are the ones that piss me off. Some of them will be reading this and I will be struck off the 'generous list'. Hallelujah!
@slobberchops, sorry! You need more to stake more $PIZZA to use this command.
The minimum requirement is 20.0 PIZZA staked.
More $PIZZA is available from Hive-Engine or Tribaldex
People like this come and go, it's been the same for the last few years and my 'bullshit commenter' radar is well-tuned to intercept them.
Even in your "relatively serious" posts about programming, you can't help but "shoot" something hilarious dude!...
PS: I already voted this post!... Please, don't testing your script now!!!... haaa haaa haaa... 😂😂😂
Sending hugs @slobberchops friend!!!!
LOL... looks like your safe...
.. it's back to the UX stuff next, a pub complete with 'used panties', collapsing stairs and a little voyeurism.., it's all go 😀
¡Yes!... I'f safe!!!... haaaa haaa haaaa!!!! :))
Oh!!!... "Used panties"... Sounds like those things you get, which seem to come out of the head of a drunk Savador Dali!!!!...
You are a crack!!!!... Greetings MF!!!
As much as I would love to help and solve the issue I haven't got a clue.
However on your point about comments I have two things to say to that.
For the most part I kind of expect some type of upvote even if it's 1% on my post if someone spends the time to write a comment on it. A built in vote per comment could be interesting lol
I also agree that comments should be given a small upvote as long as it's of quality and not straight up spam. By rewarding engagement and quality engagement you invite more quality and more engagement on your posts. It's one of the most powerful ways to build a following here on hive.
It is as long as it's sincere and I can generally tell the difference. It's not a question of forcing my ideals on to my voters, I know some will have differences of opinion about this and I generally respond regardless of vote. Now I can check with ease.. just launch the script.
That's pretty cool. I wish I knew more about Python. I wouldn't really even know where to start though. This seems like it was a really good idea for a way to track that stuff. I don't always get that many comments on my posts, so I am not sure how useful it would be. I do enjoy giving out comment votes now. It's only 4 to 6 cents, but it makes me feel like I am giving back to the community.
I enjoy giving out comment votes, it makes all this worthwhile. Python is a steep learning curve but it gets to the stage where all you have issues with it are syntax and library API's after a while.
I might have to find something simple to try it out with.
I do not usually read higher awarded posts but sometimes a topic catches my attention.
It is just common courtesy to comment and upvote a post you read if you liked it. Rarely do I read something that I do not do this with. I am on a trail so those upvoted through the trail usually do not get commented on.
Agreed, as I mentioned I did this from day 1. I also remember emptying my VP pool before I knew what I was doing!
Comments but no votes always feels weird to me. If I've taken the time to read a post, I always upvote with whatever I can. Sometimes that's 100%, sometimes that's 10%... but I try to always vote. Sadly, I'm not always unoccupied enough to comment though. I read a lot on my phone while I'm putzing about the kitchen making my kids snacks and such, but it rarely leaves me time to comment.
As to the error... that's likely something in the config but I haven't looked personally at how Beem works. If you toss me whatever libraries you're using I can probably dig through it and find out though!
A lot of it is time, I try to comment properly on my own post at least.
A few months ago, there were no errors (same code). I know BEEM is deprecated but what else is going to replace it?
Yeah... until it really breaks, probably nobody's going to bother replacing it.
Looks like there's a function to call for nodelist, and an optional param to remove dev nodes. Might solve your problem if you toggle that bool. The .dev suffix could be a red herring though and not actually a dev node. Gods only know.
Thanks, I'll have a look at it, in the next few days.
I started learning Python just a couple of weeks ago so I find this pretty interesting.
Great to bump into posts with code in 'em!
I am not a great coder and never have been, but I can get by. Part of my job is coding, and many who do what I do can't do it properly.
It's not necessary but advantageous, so when I vying for work, I always state that I can do it. It tends to work.
You can use some of my routines as examples. There are other HIVE bits about but you do need to search.
I like this attitude, it also applies to other fields too. Being confident from the beginning.
Thanks! I'll take a look. The whole GitHub is still totally unexplored for me. Btw, looking for a community where people sharing code/discussing, etc. Is it the STEMGeeks, or some other one?
Yes, there's little on HIVE, but that is the place.
Cool, thanks!
Hehe, you know it's a bugbear of mine. The excuses that come flying in when you challenge them too. Exactly as above.
Funkers. I used to just downvote them by default. I think I am kinder now 🤣
LOL, I have more issues sticking the code on GitHub that writing this. It's horrendously complicated with all that version control stuff. I managed to upload it, but have probably fucked up one of my other repos while doing it!
Where would we be without version control!! Hopefully it hasn't messed anything up!
I ended up placing the .py file manually. I have Git Desktop which is connected to my repo as well as PyCharm which connects to both. Talk about a bloody faf. If I ever become a dev I will need to know how all this shit works!
If you become a dev you will do it so often you will wonder what all the fuss is about!!
Nice scripting, congrats. I might try it out.
Personally, I am more baffled by the voters who didn't even see my posts 🤔
If there would be a way to connect views and users and votes... And then send an automated comment under their latest post if any - hey, why did you vote for my post link and didn't even read it?!
I know, impossibile.
@tipu curate
You will never know if someone has read, skimmed or just voted.. so yes.. impossible!
Hmm, there might be some ways for anonymous view tracking, I guess. But for connecting logged-in Hive users and their views ... probably impossible without the frontend directly supporting it.
@ervin-lemark denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@ervin-lemark thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
I share your thoughts about those who comment and do not vote.
When I read a post I like I always vote and if I have time I leave a comment and never the other way around.
When I get a comment I always vote on the comment as you do because the person who reads and comments on a post of mine has taken time out of their time and I think it is fair to vote on that comment.
I have never paid attention and never checked if there is someone who comments on my posts but does not vote for them and I will pay attention from now on.
In all likelihood those who comment and don't vote are often also those those who self-vote, want to receive and don't want to give.... !LOL
I don't know if adding this check (self vote) to your script is difficult to do but it would be a nice addition that would detect a bad hiver!
When I read posts like yours with Phyton codes I feel like taking up programming again but it's been a long time since I studied programming in college and today I have very little time for the activities I would like to do.
I must try to follow the instructions you gave in the comment to revisesociology
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
But it was too corny.
Credit: reddit
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ
(6/8)@slobberchops, I sent you an on behalf of @libertycrypto27
Impressive work Kinglibertycrypto27(7/9) is in awe of the time and energy you put into creating this post. Your contributions to this community are invaluable. @slobberchops,
You are a true talent! @libertycrypto27 is sending you 0.075 FT as a way to support your amazing work.
BTW! FT is the token of our game RAIDS, it will serve to make your NFTs stronger warriors and earn more rewards
Impressive work Kinglibertycrypto27(8/9) is in awe of the time and energy you put into creating this post. Your contributions to this community are invaluable. @slobberchops,
Your content never ceases to amaze us! @libertycrypto27 wants to show their appreciation with a gift of 0.05 SOULS.
BTW! with SOULS you can access our infernal coliseum game, conquer territories and earn rewards
The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-0.1 THGAMING-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]
5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!
Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP
Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide
I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444
It would not be tough. At one point I was thinking of writing something that would check many aspects of a user and generate a report. Like a criminal record so to speak heh..., it's all fun and coding practice.
i usually vote on your Tales of the Urban Explorer posts, but i don't comment. so i was doing it wrong 😂
You are doing fine Bill!
I had someone fairly well known author write a post about reading one of my posts and enjoying it immensely. They even mentioned me but they said they did not leave an upvote or a comment on my post intentionally as they don't heart every tweet they read which is fair enough. No harm done. Just don't tell me about it. What I don't know won't hurt me. 😂 😂Then they felt bad and left a vote in the end. Hardest 3 cent I've ever earned. The poster received quite a few Hive for the "I didn't upvote his post" to which I took the higher ground and upvoted.
Everyone has their own ideals, here is not Twitter.., and we could get a much bigger audience on Twitter. They should know better.
oh really?
Oh yeah.., some days more others. Thursday are best before 7am especially if its snowing, and I have a pimple growing on my left nostril.
can you run the script on my last couple posts too XD ?
I would need to change the code to do anything other than the last post (I might do that).., all looks good.
Neat, tanks
My inner voice is saying I should ask for it (joke obviously) but I think I am expecting too much. Besides my posts are depressing so most people don't find them interesting in my opinion :D. I think everyone has choices and as Hive is a social platform so I think it's people's preference if people wanna vote without comments or just leave a comment. I really do appreciate it when people take the time to vote on my content or leave a comment.
I don't comment often and I rarely leave comments but I do vote posts manually, am I doing it wrong so far? Well, most of the time I am a silent reader... I really love your urban exploration content and I am one of your silent readers.
You are doing fine.
Thanks, they are simply personal experiences.., of the best kind, without restrictions or people telling you what to do.
Thank you once again :)
Love this project!
I personally don't just find it irritating, I find it irritating in the extreme!
Maybe that's your next script - ratio of of comments to Orca and Whale accounts!
I know you have expressed some interest in Python before. It's easy to run others' scripts. Downloaded Anaconda, import the BEEM libraries with pip3, grab my code and create a shortcut.., like this..
'E:\Anaconda3\python.exe "E:\Anaconda3\Scripts\WhoDidntVote\whodidntvote.py'
.. and run it.., easy!
Hey cheers, I might give it a try sometime!
Expects them to go or to vote 😂😂😂 nice one
I keep running the code against this post..., there's gonna be one surely!
Good work here!
actually, I have a few daily commenters that never upvote me as well... I wonder why 😂
It's my bugbear, not everyone's!
HAhah hell yah give em shit!
I reciprocate support from old friends who showed me the way here and have great content. On your worst day, you still get a vote from me when I am around.....which I am again! Now you are running scripts to give you even more perspective and intelligence on your Hive business? Solid.
Good to see you broheem!
They save me a lot of time, and the best one I am holding back for the mo!
I don't worry so much if people voted as long as their comments add value. Some of them are marginal as they just recite back some things I said or claim to worry about my health when running. The will get smaller votes, if any.
I know there are ways to build browser extensions that actually change the page you are looking at as I have played with some. It would be really cool if you could highlight people's comments in different colours according to whether they voted. That is next level shit though.
I may check out your code anyway. I may find things that could be improved. The Python data structures are so powerful, but you have to know what to expect.
It would be great to link together examples of Hive programming to make a useful reference. That's a project for someone to look at.
It's useable, some re-used code from RandomVoter. Have you tried Chat-GPT yet? If not.. then do it. Ask it to write code for you.. in English and it does. It feels like cheating, and doesn't work so well with BEEM stuff as it's not exactly mainstream.
AI technology is coming, and I got quite hooked on it today until it told me I was using it too much. Google will be staying for a while I guess...
I've not actually used ChatGPT yet. There seemed to be a waiting list when I tried. I did try the cat version. Apparently the 'AI' was used to create it.
When an app has access to everything that's out there it could be doing some cool stuff. We can only absorb tiny amounts of data with our brains. I'll have to look into this stuff though.
Seriously.. have a go, there's no wait for an account here.
This thing writes code for you.
I understand what you mean, but I'm not sure it's always a bad intention of people commenting but not voting... Sometimes I do comment with tip tokens but don't vote because I believe people would like more the tipping token than the vote. Apparentely that's not the fact in your case, but I'll give you one anyway !LOL
For some, I'm sure it's not, but as @galenkp pointed out...
In that case I'll quickly vote this comment too !LOL
I'll hang around here while you go on ahead.
Credit: reddit
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.
(3/8)@slobberchops, I sent you an on behalf of @svanbo
Comments - no need.
I wasn't putting in enough shifts.
Credit: reddit
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP
(6/8)@slobberchops, I sent you an on behalf of @svanbo
Now I'm nearvous as to whether I should vote, comment or not (just joking).
This is pretty handy stuff ! Content loyalty checker !
I'm full of useless scripts, that's what I do when not falling through dodgy stairs.
Lol - thats an impressive mix of skills !
Who didn't vote... I like that! I'll have to check to be sure, but I feel pretty confident that most people who comment also gave at least some percentage of a vote. I suppose it's time to find out! Thanks for this!
Was fun writing it, not so fun trying to figure out how obscure BEEM methods work without examples.
Commenting without voting really makes no sense. I'm far too lazy. It makes sense to me to vote but not comment (i.e. you enjoyed the post but really don't have anything of value to add). But if you take the time to comment, it seems to me that you are doing yourself a disservice by not voting. There's a tiny bit of curation reward waiting for you. And that vote button is right there. I don't even need to scroll!!!
Unless.... they are doing it simply because they know that it ticks you off. In that case, it's simply funny.
Looks like a pretty useful bit of code, as for voting usually it's my only comment unless I got something say.
I'm the reverse commenter, I usually vote after I've read everything of interest. 20 minutes of reading, 30 seconds of voting.
Still have to get back into throwing down some code. My cobwebs are thicker than my hair.
Coding is something I have always aspired to, but never quite got there. I have RL fiends who could code me under the table!
Leaving comments for Votes? Honestly, if the author upvoted my comment I appreciate it as aside from getting some earnings for me It's a way of showing that somehow my comment was acknowledged rather than ignored. Though only a few, I had encountered some users who didn't bother even responding to comments, especially when I was a newbie.
I was just thinking maybe they are busy and don't have time to engage with their readers.
Thus, aside from votes, I believe this was also the best way of engaging.
I don't have an idea with coding but this was cool!
I wont expect a newbie to upvote comments, but posts is a different matter. It's and educational thing at times.
I found your post on the "Hot" section of Ecency frontpage, it's really cool using Pyton in this kind of activities as it makes you save a lot of time and headache.
It's more like weird that someone comments but doesn't even upvote a post, its just a simple click!
Guess I'm not the only one doing so 😂
You have to, otherwise your writing reads so badly, and you come across as an uneducated turd.
It's true and on the other hand, it'll help improve your english!
Sounds ver similar to your instagram and twitter vibes people look and watch and put a comment on the post so others will see the comment in the hope for a follow but they won't like the post I believe if you comment on a post its because you have something positive to say on it and in turn that means you like the post so a upvote is required but then not everyone will do this for them exact reasons I believe .
I enrolled in a coding class (for the Python language) just this year and am still learning the basics. I admire you for being able to code on your own.
I have been coding since the 80's, it's kind of built-in now!
It sounds like a neat way to collect data and I tend to vote on the posts that I comment on. On some of the giveaways, I may not give a vote but instead, give a tipping token instead.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I never think that something like this could be created. You get to know who voted on your content. Btw if someone is not voting as just commenting that could also mean that the person only wants to take a voter from you by making a relatable comment to your post.
And be it any amount of HP , the VP is recovered so there is no need to worry right ?
Thank you for sharing this.
VP is recovered over time, it's not a big deal.. simply a bugbear for me.
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I always vote first then comment if i have time.. usually if i'm busy and my vp almost reach 100 i only vote whoever i think look good although i only read the front not open it. Except for giveaway post i read it first if i like it and want to join i comment then vote it.
I usually comment on a post when I have something to add. I think this dynamic of voting in the comments is cool and I always try to remember to vote for those who comment on my posts. As my account is small, people don't appear there commenting on anything just to get a vote, but I can imagine how annoying it must be for an account with a valuable vote to be reading disconnected comments just to get votes. I think one of the things that makes hive annoying sometimes is that people want to make money the easy way, without paying the price of spending their time creating good content. This is what fills the hive of giveways and makes it difficult to find content that adds something to the reader!
Hahaha well, what I really wonder is if it really took you that long to realize that this casual social behavior is just the most common thing that happens and will continue to happen in an engaging "social network" with monetary rewards on the blockchain. LoL
And yeah, no need to run your script on me to find out the naked truth! ;o)
I already did.., there's always one.
There's always one... ¿what?
Always tell the truth, solely the truth and only the truth! Don't you even dare to think in lying. :D