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RE: Solos Solar Array production stats - August

in STEMGeeks4 months ago

Nice post. Interesting to see that despite the differences in geography/location and weather (storm season for us), we produced very similar amounts of energy for the month. Your 1.8 MWh vs. my 1.6 MWh. The competition is on, lol! Rain, Rain Go Away.. :) Hoping the winter sun difference isn't as much with us further south here in central Florida.


Oh yeah I bet many of your days have been overcast. Luckily we have had mostly sunny days, when debbie passed over it was dark for a few days but besides that mostly sunny here.

Hah yeah, we shall see month to month how our stats play out.

I am curious too about the sun intensity and how it will be affected when its lower on the horizon this winter.
