Tácticas  matemáticas. Mathematical  ploys.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

in STEMGeeks8 months ago (edited)














x + 1/x = √ 3   ,

qué vale  x 2024  +  ――
            x 2024

   Este tipo de problemas pertenecen al ámbito de las funciones simétricas y aunque es posible solucionarlos de una forma algebraica , vamos a seguir la senda del análisis combinatorio .
















x = α ,  1/x = β

-a1 = (1) = ∑ α = α + β =  √ 3   

a2 = (12 ) = ∑ α β = α β = 1 

Nos facilitan los valores de las funciones simétricas elementales (1), (12).
Nos piden determinar el valor de la suma de potencias de índice 2024.

s2024 = (2024) = ∑α 2024 = α 2024 + β 2024











































   La relación entre las funciones simétricas elementales y la suma de potencias es la razón de ser de las identidades de Newton ,

sna1sn-1 + a2sn-2 − ... + (−1)nnan = 0

Esta ecuación nos permite establecer una relación de recurrencia en sn

s1 = a1              
sn = a1sn-1a2sn-2 + ... + (−1)n + 1nan

    s1 = − √ 3   
    s2 = (− √ 3    ∙ − √ 3   ) − (2 ∙ 1) = 1

     an = 0  , n > 2

    sn+2 = − √ 3    ∙ sn+1sn

Hemos obtenido una recurrencia de orden dos, su ecuación característica determina el término general de la sucesión,

p2 + √ 3   p + 1 = 0

Con soluciones,

p = e ± i ∙5/6∙π

De la naturaleza de las soluciones de la ecuación característica inferimos que la sucesión es periódica,

5/6 ∙ n = 2k   
5n = 12k
n = 12

 ∴   sn+12 = sn    
sn+6  = -sn









2024 ≡ 8 mod 12

s2024 = s8 = - s2

s2024 = - 1















x + 1/x = √ 3   ,

calculate  x 2024  +  ――
            x 2024

   This is a problem on symmetric functions , solvable by pure algebraic methods, but here we are taking the combinatorial route and seeing...
















x = α ,  1/x = β

-a1 = (1) = ∑ α = α + β =  √ 3   

a2 = (12 ) = ∑ α β = α β = 1 

We know value of the elementary symmetric functions (1), (12).
We are asked for the value of the powers sum with 2024 index .

s2024 = (2024) = ∑α 2024 = α 2024 + β 2024









































   Symmetric elementary functions related to powers sum ones by means of the Newtonian identities ,

sna1sn-1 + a2sn-2 − ... + (−1)nnan = 0

That is a recurrence relation on sn ,

s1 = a1              
sn = a1sn-1a2sn-2 + ... + (−1)n + 1nan

    s1 = − √ 3   
    s2 = (− √ 3    ∙ − √ 3   ) − (2 ∙ 1) = 1

     an = 0  , n > 2

    sn+2 = − √ 3    ∙ sn+1sn

We have a recurrence of second order, the general term is formed with solutions of its characteristic equation ,

p2 + √ 3   p + 1 = 0

p = e ± i ∙5/6∙π

We can infer that the sequence is periodic as the solutions of its charaterisitic equation .

5/6 ∙ n = 2k   
5n = 12k
n = 12

 ∴   sn+12 = sn    
sn+6  = -sn









2024 ≡ 8 mod 12

s2024 = s8 = - s2

s2024 = - 1



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