πŸ“ˆπŸ“Š 'STEMGeeks' Weekly ( Sep 25, 2021 to Oct 01, 2021 ) stat report πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆ

in STEMGeeks β€’ 3 years ago

Hello Guys

Here is the weekly update of STEMGeeks (hive-163521) stats πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆ report.
These stats are generated from posts created between 2021-09-25 to 2021-10-01.
Except 'Top Token Earners' Chart, which is generated based on tokens issued during these dates.

These stats cover below :

  • Highest Number of Posts by users
  • Highest Number of Up-Votes by users
  • Top HBD Earners
  • Top Token Earners

Highest Number of Posts by users

This Chart shows Top 10 users who have posted highest number of posts with STEMGeeks (hive-163521) tag.
@secondmedicalop, @mubeenalee, @migka topped the list with 5, 4, 3 posts.


Highest Number of Up-Votes by users

This Chart shows Top 10 users who have upvoted highest number of posts with STEMGeeks (hive-163521) tag.
@enforcer48, @babytarazkp, @yggdrasil.laguna topped the list with 38, 35, 34 up-votes.


Top HBD Earners

This Chart shows Top 10 users who fetched highest number of HBDs from their posts with STEMGeeks (hive-163521) tag.
@alokkumar121, @emiliomoron, @thisismylife topped the list with 24.267, 20.214, 14.593 HBD.


Top Token Earners

This Chart shows Top 10 users who fetched highest number of 'STEM' tokens from their posts/purchase.
@chronocrypto, @enforcer48, @adamada.stem topped the list with 203.767, 69.721, 68.054 tokens.
Note : These Figures are rounded to 3 decimal places.


Thanks for stopping by.
Please up-vote and re-blog to support.


Posted with STEMGeeks