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RE: My Take on Jeff Bezos' $60 Million Plant-Based Meats Pledge: Why I Have Reservations

in STEMGeekslast year

There is no healthy vegan food or artificial meat. They are carcogenic, have been created often to harm the consumers or, at least, experiment on their digestive organs while not knowing the results of eating recycled toxins. People do not want to eat fake shit to save environment that has been destroyed by the richest so that they can buy the land cheaply, create a campaign on carbon dioxide reduction. People are this CO² as one of major chemical components of our bodies. I am not happy to get eliminated to reduce the number of CO² I produce while top 1% richest companies, particularly Black Rock and Vanguard, are profiting on political donations and charities system to produce Leaders of Tomorrow in their masonic and iluminati or other religious hierarchy controlled orders that were cashin in on collecting data on your private lives or lives of other Brians that gonna reassure you to obey political boards and chairs at round or square tables under spectrum of bi-rainbow of LGBTIQ0 that promote separation of children from their parents to make them more vulnerablr in orphanages as victims of international war conflicts that pay off to human traffickers that used to scoring hi on 'crypto exchanges' of ganglords governed tokens or shitcoins or other ideas of how to make us rich without working that can result in rug pulling schemes when the rich simp that decides investing in crypto being influenced by a kitty or other puss in boots falls in love and discloses their private info to this individual and soon after whole cohort of those that were not told certain aspects of ur life becomes ur closest followers of 'surely s/he knows me, Im her cousin from South Africa she never knew she had' type. When one mf that cannot keep his mouth shut collects evidence about ur life, even sends u gifts to hook u on cheap product with happy ending delivery service gratis and you did nothin wrong except for blobing that u have a wallet with this or that coin and he already made plans a few days ahead where you should be burried and how to put his grabs on your coin that is worth for him more than u could ever value in his eyes and he calls you names after u confront him and threatens to do this or that things to himself or kills this or that number of innocent citizens You start wonderin: shouldnt his parents take his numb controller away cause he may seriously hurt quite a few girls or boys while playin with their hearts that are not yet on this level of disconnection with logic or clear thinking to always assume this tempting bullshit artist is ill and sique and enjoys hurtin and is prone into bestiality thanks to his addictiin that he developed at young age while showin off how cool he is and how sexy chick he can get, not even paying a bill at the restaurant cause she was paying him as male prostitute that got invited into 25th floor of hotels in supercool buildings of hexagonal shape that he can admire from the fall of a star view in his next premiere of lab or studio or other business of promoting products at ur health costs in Mr Jeff Bezos style maybe, well breasted to perfection and worth every btc per sqm while you consume greenery from his experimental farms and talk maths.

Just a story I just thought about but decided it is too impossible to believe in to produce on Broadway.