I read a post in the last days where the author was bringing up the possibility of a new Russian vaccine that would cure cancer! As a human citizen, my first reaction is "WOW we are saved". But as a grown human citizen after so much experience reading about the topic I breathe, and think "hmm is that so? How is the mechanism of that? Maybe that is another sensationalist news just to give not fundamental hopes?". I wrote a very long time ago about the topic of finding a universal cure of cancer and explained why the probability was so low to find something like that.

I was listening this morning to a podcast about astrophysicists debating about dark matter. For those who never heard, dark matter is part of the big majority of space, they know that doesn't contain atoms, like you, me, and all things that we know on our planet, but it has a gravitational effect on things. But they don't know what is made of and they even don't have a clue about it. It isn't uncommon to go to this type of roadblock in any science area. And that's how scientists still have jobs! We face the unknown quite frequently.
Going back to cancer research, we probably know much and much more a lot compared to 20 years ago. We also evolved in the same way ways of fighting the multiple diseases that we call cancer. As my post years ago explains each type of cancer in every person is different. So if I have lung cancer can have different genetic characteristics compared to other lung cancer patients. That's why we are going towards personalized medicine. The technology to decode all living beings' genetic code evolved very quickly and nowadays we can sequence genomes and transcriptomes. We understand better genetics of diseases like the different types of cancer. But still, there are unknowns. Why do certain types of cancer evolve faster than some other types? Why not all types of cancer can be cured?
Humans think that we can have all the questions answered about diseases in a click, but there are still unsolved questions in many biology problems in cancer development. So people start to believe that there is a conspiracy hiding results for some type of profit. So if science was so easy why we can't already time travel or teleport? We need to put everything on the same scale before trying to put everything as a conspiracy theory.

Everyone here on Hive heard about already the discussion about down-votes and the talk that we must hear is why are you complaining about the downvote but you don't question your upvote, why are you special? We can think the same way if we compare some cancer that kills fast or even that medicine can't cure with people who have overcome their life expectations. It isn't uncommon to hear about patients that doctors thought were going to be dead in a maximum of 1 year and they survived for 10 or more years and even died of some other cause, like a car accident. Why people don't question that? Because they prefer to explain that it was magic or even a divine intervention. Why if something that we understand we put in the conspiracy bag and the other thing we say that was luck or god that helped? Because we think that good things are normal and deserved and bad things are against the normal ways.
We fear death and it is difficult to instead of putting two unknown reasons of a disease progression in the same pot, in something that we need to understand the why and maybe progress in the field, we just don't care about it and just judge as something good or bad. But in reality are part of the natural world and the progression of any living cell made of carbon like us. Understanding more and more will just help us understand better the mechanics and bring new treatments, understanding also why the outcome of different people to the same deadly disease is important to help with that.
The Russian cancer vaccine was announced as a similar way to the COVID russian vaccine called Sputnik, the government announced it without any public data published just promising worlds of smelly roses. Does someone see any country still using the Sputnik vaccine around the world? There is a reason for that. So I am very skeptical about this announcement by the Russian health minister.

Li um post nos últimos dias em que o autor estava levantando a possibilidade de uma nova vacina russa que curaria o câncer! Como cidadão humano, minha primeira reação é "UAU, estamos salvos". Mas como cidadão humano adulto, depois de tanta experiência lendo sobre o assunto, respiro e penso "hmm, é mesmo? Como é o mecanismo disso? Talvez seja outra notícia sensacionalista só para dar esperanças não fundamentais?". Escrevi há muito tempo sobre o tópico de encontrar uma cura universal para o câncer e expliquei por que a probabilidade era tão baixa de encontrar algo assim.

Esta manhã, eu estava ouvindo um podcast sobre astrofísicos debatendo sobre a matéria escura. Para aqueles que nunca ouviram, a matéria escura faz parte da grande maioria do espaço, eles sabem que não contém átomos, como você, eu e todas as coisas que conhecemos em nosso planeta, mas tem um efeito gravitacional sobre as coisas. Mas eles não sabem do que é feito e nem têm a mínima ideia sobre isso. Não é incomum encontrar esse tipo de obstáculo em qualquer área da ciência. E é assim que os cientistas ainda têm empregos! Enfrentamos o desconhecido com bastante frequência.
Voltando à pesquisa do câncer, provavelmente sabemos muito e muito mais em comparação a 20 anos atrás. Também evoluímos da mesma forma em maneiras de combater as múltiplas doenças que chamamos de câncer. Como meu post anos atrás explica, cada tipo de câncer em cada pessoa é diferente. Então, se eu tiver câncer de pulmão, posso ter características genéticas diferentes em comparação a outros pacientes com câncer de pulmão. É por isso que estamos indo em direção à medicina personalizada. A tecnologia para decodificar o código genético de todos os seres vivos evoluiu muito rapidamente e hoje em dia podemos sequenciar genomas e transcriptomas. Entendemos melhor a genética de doenças como os diferentes tipos de câncer. Mas ainda assim, há incógnitas. Por que certos tipos de câncer evoluem mais rápido do que alguns outros tipos? Por que nem todos os tipos de câncer podem ser curados?
Os humanos acham que podemos ter todas as perguntas respondidas sobre doenças em um clique, mas ainda há perguntas não resolvidas em muitos problemas de biologia no desenvolvimento do câncer. Então as pessoas começam a acreditar que há uma conspiração escondendo resultados para algum tipo de lucro. Então, se a ciência era tão fácil, por que não podemos viajar no tempo ou nos teletransportar? Precisamos colocar tudo na mesma escala antes de tentar colocar tudo como uma teoria da conspiração.

Todos aqui no Hive já ouviram sobre a discussão sobre votos negativos e a conversa que devemos ouvir é por que você está reclamando do voto negativo, mas não questiona seu voto positivo, por que você é especial? Podemos pensar da mesma forma se compararmos um câncer que mata rápido ou mesmo que a medicina não pode curar com pessoas que superaram suas expectativas de vida. Não é incomum ouvir sobre pacientes que os médicos achavam que estariam mortos em no máximo 1 ano e eles sobreviveram por 10 ou mais anos e até morreram de alguma outra causa, como um acidente de carro. Por que as pessoas não questionam isso? Porque preferem explicar que foi mágica ou mesmo uma intervenção divina. Por que se algo que entendemos colocamos na sacola da conspiração e a outra coisa que dizemos que foi sorte ou deus que ajudou? Porque achamos que coisas boas são normais e merecidas e coisas ruins são contra os costumes normais.
Temos medo da morte e é difícil, em vez de colocar duas razões desconhecidas de uma progressão de doença no mesmo pote, em algo que precisamos entender o porquê e talvez progredir no campo, simplesmente não nos importamos com isso e apenas julgamos como algo bom ou ruim. Mas na realidade são parte do mundo natural e da progressão de qualquer célula viva feita de carbono como nós. Entender mais e mais só nos ajudará a entender melhor a mecânica e trazer novos tratamentos, entender também por que o resultado de pessoas diferentes para a mesma doença mortal é importante para ajudar com isso.
A vacina russa contra o câncer foi anunciada de forma semelhante à vacina russa contra a COVID, chamada Sputnik, o governo anunciou sem nenhum dado público publicado, apenas prometendo mundos de rosas cheirosas. Alguém vê algum país ainda usando a vacina Sputnik ao redor do mundo? Há uma razão para isso. Então, estou muito cético sobre esse anúncio do ministro da saúde russo.

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I hope it could be cheaper or only the rich people can avail it. The poor has no right to live maybe.
Well the problem that scientists are not finding anything that can help to cure cancers, and if you check the new treatments like immunotherapy, and the newest version like using the own trained immune cell of the patient requires an expensive infrastructure. So imagine instead of producing just a chemical compound, all the infrastructure is needed to heal a patient, such as lab technicians, cell culture lab environment... all of that is costly. So yeah it is difficult to reduce the price of this specific treatment. Even for personalized medicine where you are required to sequence the genome of that tumor, it is still costly and I would tell you that the costs of that method have already been reduced in the last 10 years.
So maybe to reduce the cost of the treatment, new cheap treatments need to be discovered.
For example, you probably know BCG vaccine, you probably took it as a baby . An old vaccine for tuberculosis using a weak virus to stimulate our body to create resistance to tuberculosis. It isn't expensive, right? Not a while ago they discovered that using this cheap vaccine directly in bladder cancer in initial stages can bring a good outcome to these patients.
BCG vaccine for specific stages of bladder cancer works very well, so we need to find the cheapest cures for sure for different types of cancer, but it takes some time... Another alternative is to evolve the expensive technologies in a way that won't be expensive in the future, but it is challenging too.
I honestly don't think there is the will to find a real cure, there is too much business around it and when there is business there is money greed, same as migrants no one cares for them but they are good to get the money for the daily subsidies so let's get the most of them even if it means make them die on the sea...
If we spent the same money used to make weapons we would have cured most of all diseases by now
That is a good point. Governments usually don't have science in their priorities of expenses. Probably you cited the US example which has a hugeee investment in army. But we can take Brazil, my home country, example as well, the government doesn't invest so much in the army and still science is the low priority LOL. I just saw that 50 % of the expenses of the government is for public retirement plans, I was expecting something, then you have 10% for health ( in this case to provide health infrastructure, like public hospitals etc), for social security 14% (unemployment plans etc), 7% education (public schools and universities), 5% for expenses related to work, and 10% of others... This others you have somewhere research expenses hehe. I found a value corresponding to 0.5% of the total government expenses. So this is a low investment for sure!
kinda similar to here
Public Debt – Around 24-25% of the total expenditure: A significant portion of the budget is dedicated to servicing the national debt, which remains one of the highest in the EU.
Social Security and Welfare – Approximately 30-32%: This category includes pensions, unemployment benefits, and other social transfers. Italy has an aging population, so this is one of the largest budget items.
Healthcare – Around 10-12%: The Italian public healthcare system is funded primarily through the state and regional governments. It provides universal coverage, but rising costs are an ongoing challenge.
Education – Approximately 7-8%: This includes spending on schools, universities, and vocational training programs, as well as public research funding.
Public Administration and Defense – About 6-7%: This includes salaries for civil servants, spending on local and national government, and defense-related expenses.
Transport and Infrastructure – Around 4-5%: This category covers the maintenance and development of national infrastructure such as roads, railways, and airports.
Public Order and Safety – Approximately 2-3%: This includes funding for police, fire services, and the judiciary.
Environmental Protection and Culture – About 2-3%: This includes spending on environmental conservation, as well as support for cultural heritage and activities.
Economic Affairs and Development – Around 5-6%: Includes investments aimed at supporting economic growth, such as subsidies for businesses and industrial development.
just that we got a shitload of public debt to fix
We complain sometimes about how we manage bad the DHF funds, and then I see how governments manage bad money I just start thinking that humans can't manage money lol
It will probably cause more cancer than it cures, and a bunch of autoimmune diseases to boot. mRNA vaccines aren't safe, and there is no way to produce a universal vaccine. It has to be custom built to the particular cells and depends on it's antigens. I don't believe it for one minute!
Dark matter, don't get me started. I don't think it exists. For one hundred years they have searched for it and come up dry while new gravitational models work without the need for dark matter. A century wasted looking for a needle in haystack when there wasn't a needle in the first place...
hehehe astrophysics is a very challenging field. Since you see so little and you don't have the power to collect evidences like biology and health research. About the vaccine, my belief is close to zero, I only don't downgrade to 0 because I didn't see the evidence to judge that! But we can argue that the lack of evidences also brings to 0 that chances of really working out hehehe
When it comes to medicinal add wince we are still way behind or just barely scratching the surface due to how we’ve shifted all our focus to tech to provide us a solution. I won’t be surprised if we later see a tech version of a vaccine for ailments like cancer
Usually are complex diseases. It is sometimes difficult to treat a disease with only one genetic mutation. In this case we are talking with about cell that changes it patterns inside our body...it is almost like another organism parasitising our body, but it was born from our genes! Well, we evolved a lot, and the outcome of many types of cancer improved a lot in the last 20-30 years. But we are still trying to do our best to solve all the questions.
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