When you think about Canada and when you are moving to this country, the first image that it brings is the snow. Maybe this image can be true for most of the country, with some exceptions and different intensities. But other weather events are very specific to each region that you can live in. Currently, I am living in my third different place and second in Canada. And the weather here is somewhat very different from the previous place that I was living, in Atlantic Canada. But if someone can make a hallmark of the most unique weather here in Southern Alberta I can only remember about one thing: the Chinook.

I mentioned before about it before, but I decided to finally post about this weather event after waking up during a Chinook and my car's door closing by itself when I arrived at work. I had never heard about it before moving here, so it was unexpected, since almost 3 years ago. In the last week, we had at least 3 days with strong winds, with gusts up to 100 km/h. That resulted in a side water spout from my home that detached in addition to pursuing the recycling trash bin that flew.
The Chinook is the result of the battle between the cold arctic air and the humid warmer air that comes from the Pacific, which is the main con that brings these strong winds without any storm associated with it and also some migraines for some people, since the pressure variation is very high when a Chinook comes. But in the good part of it, it brings some warm air that is very welcomed. Sometimes you can see positive temperatures because of that while Edmonton, which is a city 5h north, is still in the -30o Celsius. So all the snow is melted and we don't gather too much snow during the winter since we have these small periods of relief.
For some reason, I got unlucky in the last Chinook that all of them were through the night. So the power of the wind makes a lot of noises in my home that usually wake up everyone. In addition, if we are talking about the strong winds around 100 km/h, they make our house swing a bit, and you can check the water of the toilet moving a bit. I try to avoid problems with our bins after some bad moments which can help me a lot. First, is using the app windy app to see wind forecasts. Usually, the weather apps usually bring warnings and general forecasts of clouds and temperature, but not much about wind. With the windy app, I can prepare more and check specific days of the week that probably we will have a Chinook. And the second one is to store the garbage bins in the garage and avoid the headaches of flying trash/bins around the neighborhood.

Every place has its special weather problems and troubles. In Rio de Janeiro we had torrential rains and extreme heat that could cause problems. In Atlantic Canada, I can say about freezing rain, flash freezing and hurricane possibility during the summer events that are very special to that locality and cause trouble. And now I can cite the Chinook and the summer storms that can bring hail and even tornados. Every place has its own characteristics which also can be more extreme every year that it passes.

Quando você pensa no Canadá e quando está se mudando para este país, a primeira imagem que ele traz é a neve. Talvez esta imagem possa ser verdadeira para a maior parte do país, com algumas exceções e intensidades diferentes. Mas outros eventos climáticos são muito específicos para cada região em que você pode viver. Atualmente, estou morando no meu terceiro lugar diferente e o segundo no Canadá. E o clima aqui é um pouco diferente do lugar anterior em que eu morava, no Canadá Atlântico. Mas se alguém pode fazer uma marca registrada do clima mais único aqui no sul de Alberta, só consigo me lembrar de uma coisa: o Chinook.

Já mencionei isso antes, mas decidi finalmente postar sobre esse evento climático depois de acordar durante um Chinook e a porta do meu carro fechando sozinha quando cheguei ao trabalho. Eu nunca tinha ouvido falar sobre isso antes de me mudar para cá, então foi inesperado, já que há quase 3 anos. Na última semana, tivemos pelo menos 3 dias com ventos fortes, com rajadas de até 100 km/h. Isso resultou em uma tromba d'água lateral da minha casa que se desprendeu, além de perseguir a lixeira de reciclagem que voou.
O Chinook é o resultado da batalha entre o ar frio do Ártico e o ar úmido mais quente que vem do Pacífico, que é o principal fator que traz esses ventos fortes sem nenhuma tempestade associada a ele e também algumas enxaquecas para algumas pessoas, já que a variação de pressão é muito alta quando um Chinook vem. Mas na parte boa, ele traz um ar quente que é muito bem-vindo. Às vezes você pode ver temperaturas positivas por causa disso enquanto Edmonton, que é uma cidade 5h ao norte, ainda está nos -30o Celsius. Então toda a neve derrete e não acumulamos muita neve durante o inverno, já que temos esses pequenos períodos de alívio.
Por algum motivo, tive azar no último Chinook que todos eles estavam durante a noite. Então a força do vento faz muito barulho na minha casa que costuma acordar todo mundo. Além disso, se estamos falando de ventos fortes em torno de 100 km/h, eles fazem nossa casa balançar um pouco, e você pode verificar a água do vaso sanitário se movendo um pouco. Eu tento evitar problemas com nossas lixeiras depois de alguns momentos ruins, o que pode me ajudar muito. Primeiro, é usar o aplicativo windy app para ver as previsões de vento. Normalmente, os aplicativos de clima costumam trazer avisos e previsões gerais de nuvens e temperatura, mas não muito sobre vento. Com o aplicativo windy, posso me preparar mais e verificar dias específicos da semana em que provavelmente teremos um Chinook. E o segundo é guardar as lixeiras na garagem e evitar a dor de cabeça de lixo/lixeiras voando pela vizinhança.

Cada lugar tem seus problemas e dificuldades climáticas especiais. No Rio de Janeiro, tivemos chuvas torrenciais e calor extremo que podem causar problemas. No Canadá Atlântico, posso falar sobre chuva congelante, congelamento rápido e possibilidade de furacões durante os eventos de verão que são muito especiais para aquela localidade e causam problemas. E agora posso citar o Chinook e as tempestades de verão que podem trazer granizo e até tornados. Cada lugar tem suas próprias características que também podem ser mais extremas a cada ano que passa.

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I have seen the winds so bad that a wooden pallet was doing cartwheels. I'm just glad the weather has been getting better as the years go by. Not sure if it's do to climate change or the cloud seeding the insurance company's do in Alberta. But at least our weather has never been as bad as the east cost of Canada. What we call a blizzard here is a flurry down their. Every Province has completely different weather. And that goes for cites to. We have very localized storms in Alberta. When I was living in Edmonton I could travel from one side of the city to the other and experience 2 different weather systems. One side was completely sunny the other side raining to the point of flooding. Flooding because our sewerage system. Not designed well.
I totally understand hehehe i live in a small city and sometimes get lots of rain in on side and none in another ahhaha the weather is wild in here for sure
That's for sure. I'm glad we don't have as big of hail as we did when I was a kid. But I think the cloud seeding has made our summer storms colder. I remember when the rain was warm to the touch but hail at the same time was basket ball size. I don't miss the hail but I do miss the warm rain.
oh man wind is the worst thing ever, even more annoying than freeze, i hate cold but wind more ... i wouldnt want to go to canada, too cold and now even windy 😂 brazil is for sure less depressing
hahahaha but it is an event localized here the east of the Rocky Mountains! If you go to the other side the winter and wind are better I guess! But they have humid winters so lots of clouds through the winter !!! hehehe
Man Brazil floods are terrible, I almost lost a car in a flood.
With humid winters you get mold in the house, it happened here past winter, so annoying...
You get floods even in big cities? Like Rio?
It's common for canada but nowadays we are also experiencing in our country.
Well it weather changes are pretty strong every where nowadays!
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Bzzzrrr, amezam! Chinook em Alberta é mesmo um cliquemático únicos! Buuuuz, feliz que ele traga um ar quente, mas azar que pode causar estragos. #hivebr
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