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RE: Solos Solar Array production stats - August

in STEMGeeks6 months ago

You can run 0 ASIC Bitcoin miners continuously.

Or... you can bring Power to the Hive (but just a little) :-)

Interesting. I have older installation with just 400W panels, very small space for them, suboptimal (shadow-wise) etc. and not to mention that I can get at most 1MW/year from 1kWp that's installed.

You stated 11kWp for second system but it looks like 9kWp (20x450).


Gotta love proof of stake, such low power usage... Oh cool, about two years ago I tried spinning up a VPS and started to replay the blockchain but it kept stalling and would not progress. I think the disk IO was too poor on the VPS's I was looking at.

I would be willing to run a witness at home, but I want to keep my IP address private. And I have yet to be successful in setting up a VPN client working on Linux. If I can figure out that part, so I can keep my privacy I would be open to trying out running a witness at home.

Ah damn, yeah shadows can be hard to deal with. I was very careful to space out my panels to stop shadowing. But I have a whole field to work with, so its easier for me.

Thanks for pointing that out, I indeed miscalculated. Edited the post :-)

No worries, these days setting up a wireguard should be pretty easy. Although keeping things private isn't. There's a lot of mistakes that can be made which will reveal your "location".

Just FYI, I'm not sure what are the rationale behind your decisions, but today you've removed a witness vote from me but approved a witness who is disabled, i.e. not taking parts in a witness schedule.

Check out the comment I left for him. He's resyncing and should be online soon.

While my witness was offline people still voted for me since I said it will be back online.. so I do the same for that witness.

If he does not come back online eventually I will remove my vote. I don't want to support inactive witnesses.

Fair enough :-) And what you didn't liked about mine if I may ask?

It was nothing personal to you, I just want reduce how many consensus witness votes I have outgoing and give them to smaller witnesses. I will be removing more votes as I need to make room for the smaller guys.

OK, makes sense, thank you, it's out of curiosity because getting a feedback is important. Especially that platform wide approval is decreasing (we've introduced expiring votes, and while it's making a healthier environment, it's also a challenge to keep people continuously engaged in the governance processes).

Its a hard choice to remove many that I have supported for a long time. And knowing everything you have done and continue to do for Hive. I will still support you.

I think Hive is moving in the right direction with expiring votes like that.. As a few up in the top 50 are basically ghosts.

Personally I have a lot of faith in Hive, and glad to have people like you building much of it.