Anyone could say that children cannot be corrected when painting because it is their moment of spontaneity but it is not like that.
Cualquiera podria decir que a los niños no se les puede corregir a la hora de pintar pues es su momento de espontaneidad pero no es asi.
Mauricio is 5 years old and I am his art teacher, when I received it I realized that he was a very anxious child, I did not expect to receive instructions, he painted super fast and everywhere.
Mauricio tiene 5 años y soy su profesora de arte, cuando lo recibi me di cuenta que era un niño muy ansioso, no esperaba recibir instrucciones, pintaba super rapido y para todos lados.

In the first class I allowed him to do it, however with the following drawing I worked on it, paying attention, making slower and safer strokes and not leaving free spaces... also clearer lines and little by little we can refine the color in his drawing .
En la primera clase le permiti hacerlo, sin embargo con el siguiente dibujo trabaje en él, prestar atencion, hacer trazos mas lentos y seguros y no dejar espacios libres.. tambien lineas mas claras y poco a poco podremos ir afincando el color en su dibujo.
I taught him to be independent with the scraping of the chalk, to choose a color that he thinks matches his drawing for the background, and to order them when he stops using it.
Le enseñe a ser independiente con el raspado de la tiza, a escoger un color que crea que combina con su dibujo para el fondo y a ordenarlos al dejar de utilizarlo.
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Now if we were going to try to paint straight and more orderly, always motivating him by telling him that he makes it beautiful and that he is a talented child.
Ahora si ibamosa a tratar de pintar derecho y mas ordenado, motivandolo siempre diciendole que lo hace hermoso y que es un niño talentoso.
I corrected it a couple of times because to finish quickly he would color everywhere and very quickly, so I told him to take his time because no one was rushing him, there were still many minutes to go and little by little the result would be better. You may notice that the eyes began to look better painted.
Lo corregi un par de veces porque para terminar rapido coloreaba para todos lados y muy rapido, asi que le dije que se tomara su tiempo que nadie lo estaba apurando, aun faltaban muchos minutos y que poco a poco el resultado seria mejor. Pueden notar que los ojos comenzaron a quedar mejor pintados.

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I believe in children, in their great abilities and in the great things they can achieve with an optimal artistic education.
Creo en los niños, en sus grandes capacidades y en las grandes cosas que pueden lograr con una educacion artistica optima.
Accepting the correction and trying to do it better is a quality of a child who will be successful later on, so it is important to correct and to do it spontaneously with the correct techniques.
Aceptar la correccion e intentarlo hacer mejor es una cuailidad de un niño que mas adelante sera exitoso, asi que si es importante corregir y que la espontaneidad la haga con las tecnicas correctas.