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RE: What do you want to see on in 2021?

in About PeakD4 years ago

I bet you if you run a poll majority would say PEAK DEE.
Due to the fact that the D is red it implies that PEAK is one word and then D for Decentralised.

I get your angle but it's not a project killer.

What I do think is bad for branding though is that there's so many god damn fronts. Ecency,, PeakD and a whole lot of others that are minuscule in traffic. That makes it confusing for marketing and brand recognition. It also makes the user experience messy because there's groups in their little corner of this place. I just hope the future tools get thoughtfully integrated. Or else decentralised is just going to resemble fragmentation to users.. and that certainly can kill a project.


Decentralized is not optimal but antifragile. If tomorrow one website shuts down for any reason, we'll always have another. That's the strength of hive compared to other centralized social media. Not efficient, but over the very long term (100 years) it's better, as it gives time for big companies to fuck up and make mistakes.

But decentralised is an illusion really.
The content that HIVE Blockchain holds is TEXT ONLY.
Ask the coders.. and even though they don't like to admit it or disclose the full details.. all other content is stored on AMAZON SERVERS.
That's why I see this thing as a long game. It pretends to be the next web but it's nowhere near. To really be immutable and censor resistant you can't do that by just protecting text. Early days of steemit they thought that people who blog would only use a picture or two or none at all so it made sense. Yet the internet is very visual now a*and was back then already) so this thing needs to mature and start walking the walk. Too many here just about talk and think everyone believes it.

That's why no real money comes here.
The truth once researched shows that there's a lot of work still needed.

Yes, there is a lot work left to do, but we start with small steps. Text is already great as a first step.

I wish Bitcoin could do fast and cheap transfers, but as you said, scaling always limits the number of usecases. It can only improve with time.

Yeah exactly it takes time. My gripe is not whether the tech has potential. Because it has, it's evolving well. My gripe was against particular heads here cough @theycallmedan + @taskmaster4450 cough making videos not too long ago saying "Hive is finished ready for masses."

Well they've changed their tune now because you can only sell fluff for so long and only to diehard believers. At least they now agree that the tools for builders and also for the user experience needs work. Minor tweaks likes this new PeakD tag popup makes that experience. Chat like the beechat (even though still basic) allows builders to implement what they envision, for which CONNECTIVITY is essential.

I think LEO did a great thing for this chain. It showed that ACTUAL development matters. So Hive can't just sit on its hands anymore. Then the token difference showed that users back something that is in improvement and don't back something that is stagnant.

I'm optimistic for 2021 and beyond.