What do you want to see on PeakD.com in 2021?

in About PeakD4 years ago (edited)
Authored by @jarvie

We wanted to make this post to see what you're interested in seeing on PeakD.com in 2021... we're getting to the end of the year and have the rest of the year pretty much planned out but come 2021 we want to layout our plans (while remaining flexible) and we want to hear from you what is most important for you.


Let's here your brainstorm ideas in the comments.
(VOTES and TIPS will be plentiful on this post)


We are finishing up some features prior to HiveFest (this friday) we are in final stages of a CHAT system and you should see that in the next couple of days.

We are also gonna do some much needed improvements to the experience of the proposal page.

We have a ton of really nice UI changes we want to do after hivefest... most of them are pretty small but they certainly add up. This includes a bunch of wording changes as well to make things more understandable. In general we are going to be working with non-users / new-users to really figure out what they need simplified.

SYSTEM UPGRADES (version 2.0s)
We plan to revisit many of our systems and work on upgrading them all... some of them are basically beta type first editions like "Badges" and "Bookmarks" and "Dashboard" which got released a long time ago and we had lots more plans for them but moved to some other features and decided we would come back around... well that time is coming up soon.

This has been high on our list for a while...
This one isn't "next" but it's for sure on our radar. We either have to take months away from developing new features on PeakD.com or find a developer to pay to do Mobile app development concurrently... we'd prefer the second option and we are open to referrals. However how to find a mix between very capable but still affordable and someone who is good at mobile apps and can make their way around Blockchain.


We really are interested please give us a list here or tag us in your own post. Posts may even get larger tips because they usually have more time and thought put into them and tend to get more people involved in the conversation.

It could also be ideas meant for development of Hive Blockchain which will also impact https://peakd.com/

Let's plan out the RoadMap for our Social Media experience here on Hive TOGETHER.


Love the roadmap of new features, if peakd has chat and goes mobile it will surly be my preferred front end for EVERYTHING


I would love to have a custom section on the profile for creators who accept donations in various currencies and for them to insert their wallet addresses, be it ETH, BTC, Lightning network addresses, EOS. busy.org had something like that It just helps creators make their profile their coin, like coin.tree is doing for a lot of creators, gives them more freedom and willingness to share their peakd profile as their preferred medium, and take some use away from coin.tree a bit, especially if donos could have a memo included, even from guest users so its kept on say a donations tab or something like that

Social networking

I'd also like to see a section for all your socials to be linked like Insta, Twitter so you can find users on other platforms

HE token earnings

If possible if we could see HE token earnings on posts like we did in the steempeak days

Tag suggestions

I don't know if this is possible but tagging suggestions based on handle or username would be freaking epic, so if i @che it autofils like Twitter and Facebook tend to do, I always fuck up peoples user names and then they don't get my tags lol

Just a quick reply on most of the points:

I think this is something that will be available at the chain level in the next HF ;)

Social networking
Make sense and I agree ...just need a bit more time to do it :)

HE token earnings
We discussed about this a few time. Maybe we can restore it but would like more feedback from @jarvie

Tag suggestions
SPOILER: check out beta.peakd.com and let me know ;)

@asgarth ah sweet I tested it out now, looks good, will save me a lot of miss tagging in the future @nickyhavey we got tagging now, well on beta!!!

LOL looks like I need to come up with better complaints then, you guys are making it hard for us to find new features

Here's one, is it possible to add an option on the send HIVE/HBD screen perhaps a checkbox to say encrypt the message and add the # at the beginning of the memo?

Screenshot 20201216 at 13.25.36.png

Main problem with that is that encryption (and decryption) is supported only when using Keychain (and when the MEMO key is set).

So basically only some users will be able to use it (Hivesigner and PeakLock don't handle the memo key at all). And there is a risk of sending the encrypted message to someone that is not able to read it.

Hi! First, I'd like to say thank you for the work that has already been done at PeakD.
Second, I'd like to ask you to change/make the Blog filter system (tags) more useful.

I have 2 points in my wishes, and I apologize in advance for the large amount of text, but I could not explain my thought more shortly, although I tried.

  1. Now I don't understand how it works and how it displays tags and numbers near them. Look at the screenshot. Being on my profile page, it shows such numbers of posts by tags (without touching now on the list of tags itself, we first look at the numbers):

This is a bit strange, I think: do I really have only 5 posts with the tag "russia"? I click on it to filter out those posts that have this tag. Great, it filtered it out (although it's not too noticeable, it would be better to make some kind of brighter selection than a slightly grayer background under the tag, now it's barely noticeable). But I see that all the numbers have changed, so near tag "russia" it shows number 8.

Okay, but I still don't believe that there are only 8 of them in my blog. I start scrolling the page. New posts load, and eventually I stop somewhere at the very beginning of my blog. Well, surely they are not 5 or 8. I go back to the top of the page, and I see third numbers in the blog filters, incl. by tag "russia" it now shows 44 posts. Now this is more like the truth.

The question is: why not display the correct numbers for tags all over the blog at once? This concerns the display of the filter and when I look at the pages of other users, not only when viewing my blog. It would be convenient to see, for example, the most popular tags by number in the blog filter list.

  1. The second question concerns tags of the blog filter list. There are 15 tags, how are they were chosen? Are these the most frequent in this entire blog? This is definitely not the case. And it would be nice if with the correct numbers of tags throughout the blog, this list would display exactly the most frequent 15 and in addition there would be a button / link leading to a separate page, where a list of all tags (with numbers) that occur in this blog would be displayed. For example, I have a fairly large number of posts tagged with "chile". I would like to be able to go somewhere where I could see a selection of my posts with this particular tag. I do not have this tag in the existing blog filter list, then I can't do it.

I need this in order, for example, to see what I have already published here from posts and photos from Chile, so that I don’t have to post it again in the future. But manually scroll through my entire blog to the very beginning to find all Chilean posts are quite tiresome.

If suddenly I have not figured out how the filter blog works and some of this features already exists or the filter use another logics - tell me, please.

 4 years ago (edited) 

Yes it filters based on what is loaded so if you scroll down it loads more posts and therefore has more to filter. There isn't presently a way a solution to this on HiveMind... meaning there is no way to load a users perhaps thousands of posts and then filter them all.
However perhaps there is a solution using Hive SQL and @asgarth is just now starting to look into solutions with hive sql since it was recently made available to everyone.

Okay, got it.
Hope it will be possible to find a solution using SQL. Thank you!

Hey, thanks for reporting this. I don't think this will work well if not provided directly by Hivemind (the official 2nd layer backend for the social part of the chain).

But meanwhile I'll do a small change in the next release so it's easier to understand what's going on :D


Oh yeah. With this change it will at least be clear what we see here :)
Thanks for working on this anyway.

A simple OTP based account creation and login - LeoFinance did a light account, where they store all the credentials and the user can change them later. In India, now majority of the phone numbers are validated using biometrics , which means, the phone number is the new identity. And they can be validated online using Aadhar APIs ( https://zoop.one/).

So if one can create and login to his account just his phone number, it will be easy onboarding and attract new users.

And is there a way, I can see delegation details of a user when I view his profile or wallet ?

We have simple sign up using phone number ... but we don't have a simple type of account where we hold their keys for them. So is that what you're thinking?

Yes, same as Leo, we hold them until they want to take it. I think, they will be interested to take them, once they get involved.

 4 years ago  

Yeah so acting as CUSTODIAN of their keys until they're ready?
A simplified custodian account would be wonderful.

Exactly - I am 100% sure, once they see their wallet filling in with hive, they will themselves try to find out how to take control.

Would like to be able to go back in my blog, similar to how you can go back month by month, year by year, with Apple photos app.

Now that a lot of things moved to Hivemind (and to a 2nd layer) this should definitely be possible.

Looking forward to using that feature!

I want to see any remnants from Steem to get removed, like on the wallet page 😄


Done and included in the next release. Thanks ;)

That was superfast! Thanks a lot!!

 4 years ago  

Thanks for pointing that out... that's worth a tip.

Back in the days of the old blockchain you could see what kind of rewards you were getting from tribe tokens for your posts. Or at least the significant ones.

I find myself doing through quite a few condensers you find out who gave me big upvotes in one of the tribe tokens.

I’d like to be able to see that immediately when I look at the upvotes I got for a post. Rather than realizing after payout that I got an unusual high reward in pal and then have to go to the palnet condenser to find out who did it. Often 7-8 days after that person have new the upvote.

 4 years ago  

I'm not certain that tribe owners are that interested anymore none of them have approached us about it. Any idea why there isn't any interest from owners? Also users have asked but only a few people have asked.

I understand why tribe owners are not interested, as it is a reason people visit their condenser instead of only using peakd.

Especially if there is some advertising going on then I would expect them to want to keep everything in their own condenser.

Id like to see the ability to upload sound files to my posts...possibly like how we can upload photos...

there has been seriously lacking in the music department since dsound went away. The potential for musicians on hive is huge!

That's a good request! 👍

  1. Video uploads
  2. Bug fixes to avoid logouts
  3. Writing blogs while the images are uploaded
  4. Faster page loads and transitions between pages like Ecency
  5. Better Homepage for anonymous users

Posted using Dapplr

 4 years ago  
  1. Yes working with video storage systems to integrate video uploading is on the list.
  2. Work with @asgarth because not many people are getting logouts so we'd need to know more about your logout issue and which login software you are using.
  3. So uploading in the background?
  4. OK
  5. What is an "anonymous user" a user that is not logged in?

I'd like to second the suggestion for a better homepage for logged out users. Right now it shows 12 options for what people can do. It could be reworked to focus on presenting only the essentials of our platform - what is most important that we have here? Give people a succinct overview and let them register, or explore further what's on the platform so they can decide if they want to register.

 4 years ago  

Paywall ability. Let both PeakD and Tribes allow people to unlock content/view via payment in Hive and Hive-engine tokens is my big thing.

 4 years ago  

We would love to see paywall optional option for content creators to impiment. However that requires ENCRYPTION ... we've talked to @howo and @blocktrades and they have discussed it a while back in a developer meeting and Howo is developing other patreon type features, we'd prefer it to be a system that multiple front ends and other apps could use.

They have even mentioned the possibility of a time limited encryption which basically means Early access.

 4 years ago  

I'd love to see what @howo and @blocktrades can come up with. It could be a real game-changer for some industries if we have blockchain level paywalls. We have the social/community aspect with Hive we need to move it to the next level.

They have even mentioned the possibility of time-limited encryption which basically means Early access.

Love it!

Improving searching experience, that for sure.
Big thumbs up for a CHAT! Can't wait for this.
It would be great to see some official tutorials for beginners to improve retention rate o of new users.

A new signup process similar to what Leofinance is doing. This way people won't have to leave PeakD to register, and the registration process is similar to what they're already familiar with.

If in 2021 we are able to implement much of the features suggested during the Communities brainstorming challenge, I think it will make a world of difference and will turn us from Hive being one big community where one size fits all, to Hive being the underlying platform enabling communities to thrive. Whatever PeakD can do to implement these Communities features, to me it is the most important thing.

I agree I would love to see lots more work on communities... I have a bunch of things lined up but would be interested to know which are the most important for you personally?

Also our sign up system is pretty quick and free integrating hiveonboard... what aspect of Leo would you like implimented?

Metamask and Twitter sign up!
Leofinance also have the option to create accounts using twitter.
That is massive! They are onboarding a lot of users thanks to this!
Later they will develop google account login that will be a nice addition!
They are planning to partner with other front ends for the LeoInfra integration which is the part of onboarding! Talk with them!

We should indeed talk with them because we specifically opted against having too many options because every option means 20k+ active users can create a free alt account with no responsibility. I want to know how they're getting around that.

"They are onboarding a lot of users thanks to this!"
I would love to know how they know how many of those users are net positive to them and hive and how many are just people getting a free name-squatting-account.

Adding twitter/fb/google support is indeed pretty simple but each one of those + phone# means that any person can get at least 4 user names. But it doesn't stop there... you can create lots of twitter accounts so essentially people have the option to create almost unlimited accounts. So i want to hear what they're doing to stop this or are they embracing it and telling people that they're onboarding tons of users? I can have a bunch of devices with metamask creating a wallet address on metamask is pretty easy and free not sure if it has to be a separate browser or just a separate wallet address ... either way also easy to abuse.

They have the free account tokens and want to pay for those it's up to them... it does however create an more of a disposition to bring in people who like to abuse systems and not have any financial responsibility for what they do themselves.

BUT... i guess it's a matter of figuring out what it is they do exactly and if it is indeed as simple as using twitter/metamask to be a check for free accounts... it's at least better than allowing a person to take as many names as they want as fast as they can.

Thanks for the response. You are focusing on the "abuse" part, I also think that this is super important.

However we all agree that the signup process is really important, finding ways to improve it will benefit the ecosystem. Would be cool to have a chat with the Leofinance team to improve together.

Sign up has already been super super easy... what hasn't been easy is dealing with blockchain KEYS and blockchain login software

Thanks for your response!

Indeed it would be great if you can talk with Leofinance to see how they've worked out onboarding.

From the list of ideas, my top picks there would be the three ideas from you and the two from me.

I want to use PeakD in Android app. 😁 And I think, there is will be interesting if we can upload a video too in peakD.

Other can swap token become ETH, how about peakD? Can we swap to a BTC (or HiveBasedBTC = HBTC 😅) from Hive? How to connecting our btc wallet to peakd wallet?

Or, is it possible if every we post on peakD we get some PeakD token? 😆

I think that's all I want to see at PeakD on 2021. Cheers!

 4 years ago  

Doing a Hive-ETH swap is probably something that needs to be a stand alone project and then we could likely impliment it nicely into the site.

What would Peak Token do? A token needs to have utility... what kinds of Utility do you envision?

PeakD token for CHAT.
PDM could be marketed as:

PeakD-irect Messaging.

Capture the Discord users.
Attract them to use your CHAT.
!kidding but if you can somehow make the switch for users to see their contacts and chats on your chat then rewarding that with an airdrop would guarantee that every use would be marketing PDM so that their contacts can be on this new chat with them. Then reward chat on peakd to continue the onboarding of users in crypto world and even outside of it.

That's my dream since day one of joining steemit. A chat app for mobile. Realising that everyone was in hidden rooms chatting and it wasn't even benefit the Blockchain system was disappointing of a system proclaiming "we are web 3.0 and superior."

I've not stopped pushing the THIS IS NOT SOCIAL argument since. So I really think chat behaviours of humans and rewarding that in a small way is pivotal to the sustainability of active users on a platform.

PeakD is really looking good for the new year. This community input is also an excellent way to go about that progress.

Well I was going to say proposal page improvements but you already got that down so yay!

Recently, I'm having a slight difficulty switching frontends (PeakD to Leofinance vv.). I had to keep amending the link.

Is it possible to have "widgets" or "buttons" to "Leo-fy" a post? Also to apply to other Tribe frontends. (Sportify, Stemify...etc)

There is a browser extension called "i love peakd" that someone created that helps turn 3rd party hive links redirecting them to peakd. So I think we've done our part haha

Never heard of it... In that case, thanks for leading me to the answer.

And yes, you did your part ;)

mobile app would be awesome, i have some friends who are waiting for eccency to be a little more smooth or another app to come along before they really get into hive.

I would personally love a currency converter with all hive tokens + fiat currencies + a few popular crypto. Sometimes I wonder what my vote in LOTUS is worth in USD or HIVE

I would like to see a rebranding to a name that can be pronounced and that people won't run away from.

 4 years ago  

Do you consider PeakD a hard name? We have haven't sensed or heard any negative feedback ever.

Yes. I also saw negative feedback from users that didn't even want to try it.

I am criticizing because I like the website and I use it everyday. But I don't see a social media named PeakD reach mass adoption, which is what it deserves.

I doubt someone decides not to use it because of its name. How shallow would you have to be?

It's not a conscious decision. It just sounds bad so they go nah...

You are simply projecting man. YOU might not like it OK but to think that it's bad is simply ludicrous. IN FACT it follows the double syllable style of major networks:


Give example as to why you believe it's bad. Give sources to discussions of others saying its bad like you say? Just saying IT IS BAD is meaningless. You need to have substance with your claim or at the least, reason it.

You say PEAK DEE when you understand the name. Someone new might read it as PEAKD similar to the LINKD syllab in LYNKD IN. And it becomes one ugly syllab instead of the syllabs you like.

To improve hive experience I wouldn't show the rewards people earn. And make the hierarchy of the posts to show depend of the quantity of votes it gets, not the amount of hive power it gets. If we depend on showing quality content in the first page from large stakeholders it is bad, for now and for the future. The key of a social media is all the people inside it. I see voting a post with a large hive power as a way of gratitude (a plus other social media doesn't have), not a way to control what posts we show first.

👉Roadmap of a newcomer:
After create a new account and sign in(this part has been optimized pretty much)
You enter to hive. What you first see is how much money people in the front page earn (this content may or may not be quality content, it all depends on the view of the large stakeholder that has upvoted, not the large community behind hive)
Then you may comment on these posts.
You may decide later to create a post yourself (good experience there, from my point of view, has improved a lot).
You upload it and some hours later you see that you have received 0.50$🤑 of hive. What our brain tells us immediately after is that we are losing😥, because in the first page people are earning 50$ with some few lines. Those 0.50$ should be something awesome😍 to the newcomer that comes from the social media that you cannot get money and you see ads.

Also I think this can solve the problem with curation.
Let me explain. Imagine if during the first week you cannot see who voted and with how much hivepower (obviously this should take effect at the level of blockchain to work), only how much votes it gets. Then curation would be another game, we would really need to look for other content creators, for new and quality content that we could show in the first page. People could make real money curating, as getting to the first page would get a lot of eye balls. It would be awesome if the content creator could see the rewards he/she gets but the "content watchers" couldn't.

👉Conclusion: You want to make content of a social media controlled by money or by the community?

 4 years ago  

On blockchain you can create hundreds of accounts and automate them to vote. So that makes vote count algorithms hard to do.

Then we need some way to detect those accounts that are bots. Otherwise we'll be like this forever... Social media content cannot be controlled by money, that is a must I believe. We cannot make this place more anxious for content creators than Youtube or Instagram or whatever out there.

I think we need to work on the reputation system.

Imagine if companies could pay to get views on youtube or instagram... what do you think would happen?

We are making hive a social media of marketing, you pay you get publicity. Or otherwise you make happy the large stakeholders for them to upvote you...

Really good that you include us. Communication between user and development is the most important thing.

Greetings Michael


I noticed LeoFinance has a voting power indicator at the top of the screen. This would be useful. I'm always trying to keep my VP from going too low and have to check it elsewhere if I am about to vote.

I think we also need a more unified Hive branding. It should be more obvious that Peakd runs on that platform and for other dapps too.

 4 years ago  

We have that on your profile page with the info button and it also exists as a little hidden option if you hover on your profile name in the top right corner.

Ah, I never noticed those bands there before! Seeing the numbers would be cool, but at least there is something. Thanks.

Update, I see the numbers do appear if you have the cursor in the right place!

internal market

What market pairs?
Or do you just want a better UI to the hbd-hive pair that already exists?

Or perhaps an integration of a token swap service?

HBD/HIVE, of course.

I understand, not many people are using it, though.

so do you want a new interface? Or do you just want to see more people using it? I'm not sure.

Peakd redirects me to wallet.hive.blog, which is terrible.

I understand, that it might not be worth a lot of effort, because very few people use the internal market. It is a native chain feature though.

What is terrible about it?


  1. After a while it's laggy. (Most annoying)
  2. Transactions on HIVE chain contain more information (who's order was filled, by whom, etc.)
  3. Design is ugly.

the one i mentioned before, the recommended (from communities) and latest posts (from author) on the left or right side of the post would help content discovery.

also today i thought about something while reading about d.buzz and it touches on @nonameslefttouse comment. would be interesting to have d.buzz or the solution leofinance is doing, implemented somewhere. I am not sure where, for it to just not look cluttered. maybe somewhere on the side of feeds page.

Next one is not directly connected to peakd but i would like to see more dapps working together in promotion. As i started to play and learn a bit about SQL and having the option to do queries on hive, i found some data a bit disappointing. One of the obvious is how few splinterlands players ever did anything else on the chain. some number most probably don't even know all of this social part even exists.

would be interesting to have d.buzz or the solution leofinance is doing, implemented somewhere

Can you explain this better as I don't know what they do at all.

They do microblogging. Not sure what bil.prag means either. Maybe a microblogging platform implemented by peakd? I've created one in the last few months, but I'm a bit of a hack coder, so it will never be as professional as the others or something @asgarth could do. But dbuzz is a mess, as it posts them on your blog wall. People getting autovotes for 140 characters. I implemented mine as a comment thread, and I believe leofinance is going to do the same thing.

Ok sounds good a twitter like system has been on my list for years. Glad some others have gone first... wonder if they are establishing any good decentralized protocols so we can all work together.

Creating it wouldn't be hard but I have gone back and forth on how to handle the reward pool issues... I belive dbuzz does a 1hive limit?
I actually didn't know Leo was going down that road... have they already started or just planning? Interested to know how they handle reward system.

As for auto votes I don't think its our job to work around the flawed nature of auto votes. I have told those programmers they should program in a way to skip certain tags etc... they could pretty easily do that.

Khal said it should be up by the end of the year. And i think it is comment based (probably) as he mentioned it will be on a blockchain but not as a main post.

i was thinking that it could be integrated. so one microblogging for everyone.

belive dbuzz does a 1hive limit?

i think you can set the limit


Otherwise, peakd is really killing it!

What do you mean by "onboarding"?
What aspect of it?

 4 years ago  

Check out what LEO did with onboarding via email/twitter.

 4 years ago (edited) 

i'd love it if people just mention what it is they did that they love.
Do you mean qualify for a free account if you use an email or twitter?

So how do they handle essentially UNLIMITED free accounts? Because hiveonboard had the option to do those but decided it was way too easy to abuse... way way way way way too easy. And it may not be presently abused until Hive starts getting popular again. But name squatting and account abuse has been an issue in the past. People getting multiple accounts isn't an issue but giving someone dozens of free accounts because they have access to hundreds of emails? Then we have sites pretending they onboarded hundred of humans when they obviously didn't ... but maybe that will help talking points.

But perhaps they did something else that i'm not aware of. Someone else mentioned the concept of Custodial Accounts which is what I'd love to see on PeakD and that would be nice.

 4 years ago  

Yes, that is fair. I had never used it so I don't know why I would love it, but from what it sounds like what it does it makes it easier for people to sign up. I saw the video of how it works.

Not sure how they do it for UNLIMITED accounts @khaleelkazi?

Yes, it does seem abuse would be an issue. I'd be interested to see what Khal says how it all works. I just figured they figured out how to solve the questions you are asking hence why I mentioned it. 😀

I believe getting people an account is NOT our issue it takes like 10-20 seconds with our system now... the issue is introducing them to the concept of KEYS (multiple of them) and getting them introduced to login software ... so an introductionary CUSTODIAL type account would be awesome in my opinion. And perhaps tell them we will only be willing to be their custodian of their keys if their account stays underneath a certain value. However in my opinion that's find because after a few days or weeks perhaps they're ready to take that step of being a custodian of their own keys and are interested enough to install software like keychain.

 4 years ago  

100% agree with you.

I love the idea of the CUSTODIAL account where you reach certain milestones and it slowly inches its way becoming something you understand. I mean could be as simple as providing simple questions on sign up:

x Are you an expert and can handle your own keys
x Do you want us to walk you through it ( CUSTODIAL )

Just thinking about how we can hand walk them it when it comes to their wallet and keys if they need it. Thanks for the responses.

it has nothing to do with peakd directly but I have post some solution for name squatting and cheaper wallets, it can boost hive really well. But it doesn't get any attention :)


maybe you like the idea, should work also perfect for peakd

Making it as quick, easy, and simple as possible. LEO has custodial accounts that you can get in literally a second or two. Signs up via Twitter or sms. We need that for a Hive front end, not just LEO.

How do you feel about how that leads to rampant abuse and that's why no interface yet allowed twitter to be the gate keeper because you can make unlimited twitter accounts?

I guess it's a potential problem. Do you think there are that many people wanting to make multiple accounts out there?

In any case, even without Twitter, we could have a quick sign up system with a human readable password, until people are ready to take ownership of their keys.

It's a pretty decent sized part of our blockchain history. People did it even when it was much much harder than twitter (cell phone and long waiting periods) ... i suppose it's a matter of the value desired and the cost associated.

There is not likely to be as much abuse NOW because the value of Hive is lower AND not many places are delegating as much SP/HP has steemit used to.

However regardless of how much HP is delegated for free there is value in the user-names and part of that value is lost potential in the hands of those who would have actually use them instead.

I think there is a solution in there somewhere and I'm trying to think through it... but also it doesn't matter how many our interfaces "onboard" it's how many quality users we bring in that stick around.

And we are agreed that I think a Custodial type account where new people sacrifice OWNERSHIP for EASE is a very viable option as long as they have a path toward actual ownership (which means non shared keys) and toward users that are responsible.

Did you folks happen to read this post of mine:

Plenty of apps or features of Hive go completely unnoticed. Content browsing has improved tremendously, especially on PeakD. Digging through blog posts and squirming down rabbit holes to get access to apps is a bit of a pain in the butt. In over four years I've rarely used anything other than the content creation/consumption features of Hive. People say these various apps are the future of Hive but I just don't see it if these things are scattered in every direction. Some folks are using other apps and don't even know about PeakD or hive.blog. How does that even happen?

 4 years ago  

Plenty of apps or features of Hive go completely unnoticed.
So are you looking for us to make a portal to those apps? I'm not sure what you're asking... or are you looking for us to incorporate those apps/features? If so which one?

A little bit of both. In that post I mentioned chat, and how one was developed but rarely used, but I see you're working on your own solution. I realize I could click away and eventually locate a few games in my wallet. Two click access to apps, neatly tucked away over the left, for instance, could help. The post explains things a bit better but I realize it's long. I also suggested apps have some kind of a 'home' button that would lead back to a home base, like PeakD.

With that chat, would individual blog spaces get their own channel? I could use something like that.

The rest involves more than your team. People would all have to be on the same page somehow for what I really have in mind to work. The post explains the importance of corralling consumers into the social setting so their interests and attention can easily spill over onto other features or apps on chain.

i think they are implementing the chat that is developed, currently on NFTShowroom. maybe i am wrong.

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This has been high on our list for a while...
This one isn't "next" but it's for sure on our radar. We either have to take months away from developing new features on PeakD.com or find a developer to pay to do Mobile app development concurrently... we'd prefer the second option and we are open to referrals. However how to find a mix between very capable but still affordable and someone who is good at mobile apps and can make their way around Blockchain.

Theoretically, you could also just improve the UI for PWA. It will have a very similar native feel to it as a mobile app, just without the app-store.

Yeah we have done that approach but people insist on the app store. They don't consider a mobile website mobile enough for them?

Well, you have made it responsive, but it's not fully PWA yet.

Once it's PWA, you're able to convert Peakd to an app on ios and macos (not sure about other os). In case of ios, a new icon is added to the homescreen, which looks like any other app (if icon is done correctly). However, this removes any browser navigation, which means you have to provide a "back button" yourself.

Actually, I already have Peakd as an "app" on my phone, but it's not usable due to the missing back-button functionality.


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I don't know if it's right to say so, but I get many failures when uploading photos to the posts, to the point that I have to lower the resolution. It would be great if they could make it easier to upload the images to the drafts.

Do you mean errors because you are exceeding the allowed image size? Or other kind of issues?