
Yes. I also saw negative feedback from users that didn't even want to try it.

I am criticizing because I like the website and I use it everyday. But I don't see a social media named PeakD reach mass adoption, which is what it deserves.

I doubt someone decides not to use it because of its name. How shallow would you have to be?

It's not a conscious decision. It just sounds bad so they go nah...

You are simply projecting man. YOU might not like it OK but to think that it's bad is simply ludicrous. IN FACT it follows the double syllable style of major networks:


Give example as to why you believe it's bad. Give sources to discussions of others saying its bad like you say? Just saying IT IS BAD is meaningless. You need to have substance with your claim or at the least, reason it.

You say PEAK DEE when you understand the name. Someone new might read it as PEAKD similar to the LINKD syllab in LYNKD IN. And it becomes one ugly syllab instead of the syllabs you like.

I bet you if you run a poll majority would say PEAK DEE.
Due to the fact that the D is red it implies that PEAK is one word and then D for Decentralised.

I get your angle but it's not a project killer.

What I do think is bad for branding though is that there's so many god damn fronts. Ecency,, PeakD and a whole lot of others that are minuscule in traffic. That makes it confusing for marketing and brand recognition. It also makes the user experience messy because there's groups in their little corner of this place. I just hope the future tools get thoughtfully integrated. Or else decentralised is just going to resemble fragmentation to users.. and that certainly can kill a project.

Decentralized is not optimal but antifragile. If tomorrow one website shuts down for any reason, we'll always have another. That's the strength of hive compared to other centralized social media. Not efficient, but over the very long term (100 years) it's better, as it gives time for big companies to fuck up and make mistakes.