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RE: What do you want to see on in 2021?

in About PeakD4 years ago

Love the roadmap of new features, if peakd has chat and goes mobile it will surly be my preferred front end for EVERYTHING


I would love to have a custom section on the profile for creators who accept donations in various currencies and for them to insert their wallet addresses, be it ETH, BTC, Lightning network addresses, EOS. had something like that It just helps creators make their profile their coin, like coin.tree is doing for a lot of creators, gives them more freedom and willingness to share their peakd profile as their preferred medium, and take some use away from coin.tree a bit, especially if donos could have a memo included, even from guest users so its kept on say a donations tab or something like that

Social networking

I'd also like to see a section for all your socials to be linked like Insta, Twitter so you can find users on other platforms

HE token earnings

If possible if we could see HE token earnings on posts like we did in the steempeak days

Tag suggestions

I don't know if this is possible but tagging suggestions based on handle or username would be freaking epic, so if i @che it autofils like Twitter and Facebook tend to do, I always fuck up peoples user names and then they don't get my tags lol


Just a quick reply on most of the points:

I think this is something that will be available at the chain level in the next HF ;)

Social networking
Make sense and I agree ...just need a bit more time to do it :)

HE token earnings
We discussed about this a few time. Maybe we can restore it but would like more feedback from @jarvie

Tag suggestions
SPOILER: check out and let me know ;)

@asgarth ah sweet I tested it out now, looks good, will save me a lot of miss tagging in the future @nickyhavey we got tagging now, well on beta!!!

LOL looks like I need to come up with better complaints then, you guys are making it hard for us to find new features

Here's one, is it possible to add an option on the send HIVE/HBD screen perhaps a checkbox to say encrypt the message and add the # at the beginning of the memo?

Screenshot 20201216 at 13.25.36.png

Main problem with that is that encryption (and decryption) is supported only when using Keychain (and when the MEMO key is set).

So basically only some users will be able to use it (Hivesigner and PeakLock don't handle the memo key at all). And there is a risk of sending the encrypted message to someone that is not able to read it.