What's one exercise, habit or food that has had the most profound positive effect on your health?

in Quello5 years ago

For me: tummy vaccuums. When I contract and and release the muscles around my stomach for reps, it massively improves my digestion. I used to have digestion problems that would often cause lots of bloating and gas several years ago. I tried so many different diets and could never figure out. I thought it was food allergies or something. It turned out to mostly be a weak abdominal wall. Once I started exercising my core by doing tummy vaccuums repeatedly, my digestion improved 100x and I never had those problems anymore. All those years of sitting for long hours and skipping core training when I would go to the gym eventually made the muscles weak. Since then, I don't get bloated easily.

What about you?

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I am so glad to hear your story. I too have digestive issues, from today onwards I am going try Tummy vaccums and other core excercises. If it worked for you, I might as well try it.

One of my favourite core excercise is the Classic Plank. It works on your core and also improves your posture. Also, I started drinking cumin water. I have written an article on cuin water on my Hive Blog, you can check it out. Hope it helps you and also even improve your digestive health.