What Job Is More Fun/Interesting Than You Expected?

in Quello5 years ago

For me, Immigration Consulting. I am currently studying immigration consulting in Canada in order to eventually become certified. Before I started, I thought the material might be a little dry as I am reading a lot of immigration legislation and regulations but I was surprised at just how much I enjoy it.

You basically have to analyze case studies of people and determine whether they would be admissible to Canada and how much they would score under the selection criteria. Sounds boring but the legislation is easy to follow and is separated into logical sections. You can then step-by-step build the case for your client and establish the necessary criteria for them to enter Canada. It's kind of like putting together a puzzle and then feeling satisfied at the end when you've finally completed it. All of your conclusions end up logically founded.

What about you guys?

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Thats sounds fun and interesting. Getting to know people and interacting with them must be humbling. Its a great career path you have chosen. I would myself love to do the job your doing.

I am still searching for a career path. Process of experimentation is still on.

If i had to choose a career, that would be of an Entrepreneur. For the reason that, I can be part of the process from the top to bottom level and play multiple roles. I am person who likes changes and moving around.

For sure, being an entrepreneur is really hard work but the freedom and creativity you have is unmatched. It is satisfying starting from nothing and building it up to where it generates money and you are your own boss.

Good luck to you.

Thank You. Best of luck to you too.