Uspešno montiran dron! 🕹🔌🪛 Successfully mounted drone! 🕹🔌

in BANAT2 years ago

Ako investirste u decu, to vam je najbolje iskorišćeno vreme! Deca će vam uvek biti najiskrenije zahvalna. Niko se ne raduje kao dete. Šta god da radite, uključite i njih. Nekada pranje sudova ili usisavanje vama deluje dosadno ali verujte mi njima je to prava zabava! Još ako začinite glupiranjem i smehom- to bolje! Zajedničke momente sa drugarima, roditeljima i nastavnicima će najviše pamtiti. Ja radim sa decom koja imaju problema u razvoju, i kada njih uspem da zabavim, radost je duplo veća! Oni ne traže puno. Njima zaista malo treba, zato se svakog dana trudim da im ulepšam vreme i izazovem sreću i radost koja će i njima i meni napuniti baterije. Danas kada sam došla na posao, dečaci su mi se pohvalili kako su dobili paketiće i u njima dronove!
Bilo je to veliko iznenadjenje za mene. Iako to nisu tražili od mene, odmah sam im predložila da ga montirano i isprobamo. Celim bićem su bili za to! Sreća je ispunila sobu!
Okupili smo se oko stola hde su bili dron i instrukcije! 🧾🗒🪛

If you invest in children, it is the best use of your time! Children will always be most sincerely grateful to you. No one rejoices like a child. Whatever you do, include them. Sometimes washing dishes or vacuuming seems boring to you, but believe me, it's real fun for them! Even if you spice it up with stupidity and laughter - that's even better! The shared moments with friends, parents and teachers will be remembered the most. I work with children who have developmental problems, and when I manage to entertain them, the joy is twice as great! They don't ask for much. They really don't need much, that's why I try every day to brighten up their time and cause happiness and joy that will recharge both them and me. Today, when I came to work, the boys bragged to me that they had received packages with drones in them!
It was a big surprise for me. Even though they didn't ask me to, I immediately suggested that we install it and try it out. They were all for it! Happiness filled the room!
We gathered around the table where the drone and the instructions were! 🗒





Možda muškarcima ovo nije teško ali ja kao zena nisam imala puno iskustva. 🤪😁
Hrabro sam nastavila dalje.
“Rezervne baterije priključite na adapter. . . Ok. . . Zatim propelere pričvrstite na dron. . . Dobro ok.. .

Maybe this is not difficult for men, but I, as a woman, did not have much experience. 🤪😁
I bravely continued on.
"Connect the spare batteries to the adapter. . . OK. . . Then attach the propellers to the drone. . . Good ok..




Sve smo priključili, zašto ne poleti?? Klik, komanda na gore, power, hm, sve sam namestila? Što ne radi??
Jao!!! Dzojstik nema baterije! Hahahaha.
Bar sam se setila! 😂😂😂
Ali odakle mi baterije?

  • Bojane!!! Zovem kolegu u pomoć. Pitam ga da li imamo baterije u školi. Klima glavom levo-desno, nemamo. Uh, radtuźila sam se.
  • Ali možemo da uzmemo iz daljinskog za Tv! - Setio se kolega!

We have everything connected, why doesn't it fly?? Click, command up, power, um, I've set everything up? What's not working??
Ouch!!! Joystick has no battery! Hahahaha.
At least I remembered! 😂😂😂
But where do I get the batteries from?

  • Bojan!!! I call a colleague for help. I ask him if we have batteries at school. Nods left and right, we don't have any. Uh, I was complaining.
  • But we can take it from the TV remote! - A colleague remembered!






Ok. Ubacili smo i baterije! Klik, klik. Uh, Power, 3, 2, 1. . . Jupi! Naš dron je uspešno poleteo!!!

OK. We also included batteries! Click, click. Uh, Power, 3, 2, 1. . . Yup! Our drone has successfully flown!!!







Kakva je to tadost dečaka, samo da ste ih čuli! Ruke su bile u vazduhu, trudile su se da uhvate našeg “letećeg” drugara! Bio je to glavni dogadjaj! Drooon!💕💓🤩🥰Usrećiti nekoga velika je stvar ali kada usrećite decu, to je pravi blagoslov. 😇😇😇✨💫✨

What a filth of boys, if only you had heard them! Hands were in the air, trying to catch our "flying" friend! It was the main event! Drooon!💕💓🤩 Making someone happy is a great thing, but when you make children happy, it's a real blessing. 😇😇😇✨💫✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


YES!!! 🤓

❤️👋 @ogre.lord

You are doing a very humane and wonderful job. I have always wanted to buy a drone and play with it, despite being 21 years old 😂 I really hope to buy a drone and play with it around the room and outside. 🙈😂


It doesn't matter how old you are. It is important to remain a child at heart! 😍✨

Hey, if you need help with mounting, give me a call! 😆😉👋

I try to keep that child in me as long as possible 😁

I hope I won't have any problems mounting it, unless I run out of batteries 🤪