Tragovi u snegu ❄️Tracks in the snow ❄️

in BANAT3 months ago

Najzad sneg! Baš je napadao! Danima nisam izlazila jer sam dobila neki virus. Jutros mi je bilo bolje. I kao da je znao, moj najbolji drug me je pozvao u snežnu avanturu.
Naravno, odmah sam pristala! ☝️✨🌨️
Krenuli smo... Sve je bilo belo, ali bukvalno...

Snow at last! He was really attacking! I didn't go out for days because I got a virus. I felt better this morning. And as if he knew, my best friend invited me on a snow adventure.
Of course, I immediately agreed! ☝️✨🌨️
We started... Everything was white, but literally...



Bela staza je bila pravi izazov. Usisavala nas je sve dalje i dalje. Nismo se opirali, naprotiv.

The white track was a real challenge. She vacuumed us further and further. We did not resist, on the contrary.



Kao što vidite, mi smo nesumnjivo ostali deca u duši...🤗🥰❄️

As you can see, we undoubtedly remained children at heart...🤗🥰❄️



Nastavili smo šetnju sve više i više. Znali smo da u blizini postoji jedan klub ljubitelja prirode i ekstremnih sportova i da se tamo možemo ugrejati nekim napitkom. Ubrzali smo korak.

We continued walking higher and higher. We knew that there was a club for nature and extreme sports lovers nearby and that we could warm up with a drink there. We picked up the pace.




Ugledali smo malu brvnaru. Da, to je bio taj klub. Čak se osećao i miris kafe u vazduhu ☝️☕ požurili smo.
Stigli smo do ulaza. Veseli domaćin nas je video kroz prozor i ljubazno pozvao unutra...

We saw a small log cabin. Yes, it was that club. You could even smell the coffee in the air ☝️☕ we hurried.
We reached the entrance. The cheerful host saw us through the window and kindly invited us in...



Mmmmm, mirisi čajeva, kafe i štapića su bili neočekivana dobrodošlica.
Naručili smo kafe i krenuli da pričom. Razgovarali smo o aktuelnim temama dok smo posmatrali kako sa stena sklizne poneka grudva snega. Ovo bi mogli nazvati zimskom idilom.
Iskoristili smo priliku da se fotografišemo sa simpatičnim domaćinom koji me podseća na jednog od likova filma "Hari Poter". 😀✨
Ubiće me ako ovo bude čitao. 😂😅

Mmmmm, the aromas of teas, coffee and sticks were an unexpected welcome.
We ordered coffee and started talking. We talked about current topics while watching a few snowballs slide off the rocks. You could call this a winter idyll.
We took the opportunity to take a photo with the nice host who reminds me of one of the characters from the movie "Harry Potter". 😀✨
He's going to kill me if he reads this. 😂😅


Sve što je lepo, kratko traje. Morali smo da krenemo nazad. Pozdravili smo se i brzim koracima ostavljali tragove u snegu iza nas...
Noć je počela da pada...

Everything beautiful is short-lived. We had to go back. We said goodbye and left footprints in the snow behind us with quick steps...
Night has begun to fall...




Veče je bilo fantastično. Bili smo sami, nigde nikoga, ogromnu tišinu je prekidalo jedino škripanje snega naših čizama...

The evening was fantastic. We were alone, no one was around, the immense silence was interrupted only by the crunch of the snow on our boots...



Spuštali smo se niz stepenice koje su izgledale kao dirke klavira koje nam sviraju najlepše Šopenove kompozicije...

We went down the stairs, which looked like the holes of a piano playing Chopin's most beautiful compositions...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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