Tortilja od spanaća! 🌮Spinach Tortilla! 🌮

in BANAT9 months ago

Počele su vrućine i moji letnji recepti! Kada je toplo, organizam uglavnom traži nešto lagano za jelo. Danas sam bila na jezeru i bukvalno sam prokuvala. Zbog toga mi je trebala neka vitaminska bomba! Odlučila sam se za nešto što se brzo pravi, zdravo je i preukusno!
Izmiksala sam dva jajeta sa šakom presinog spanaća i ispekla dve palačinke odnosno podloge za tortilju.

The heat has started and so have my summer recipes! When it's warm, the body usually looks for something light to eat. Today I was at the lake and I literally boiled. That's why I needed a vitamin bomb! I decided on something that is quick to make, healthy and delicious!
I mixed two eggs with a handful of pressed spinach and baked two pancakes or tortilla bases.


Prva mi nije ispala baš kako sam očekivala, ali druga je ispala savršeno.
Trebalo je da se tiganj bolje zagreje. Ispekla sam je na maslinovom ulju.
Zatim sam spremila sadržaj za filovanje.

The first one didn't turn out exactly as I expected, but the second one turned out perfectly.
The pan should have been heated better. I baked it in olive oil.
Then I prepared the contents for filling.


Salata, crni luk, avokado i tartar-sos! Pa sve lepo poredjala.

Salad, onion, avocado and tartar sauce! So she arranged everything nicely.


Zatim sam presekla tortilju na dva dela i ugledala umetničko delo. 😋🌮

Then I cut the tortilla in two and saw the work of art.



Dodala sam paradajz kao prilog. 🍅🍅

I added tomatoes as a side dish. 🍅🍅


Znam da vas boli glava kad razmišljate o tome "Šta sutra da kuvam"? Evo predloga. Posebno ako vam iznenada dodju vegetarijanci. Biće oduševljeni tortiljom!
Pozdrav svima i uživajte u ostatku noći.✨🌜👋

I know your head hurts when you think about "What should I cook tomorrow"? Here's a suggestion. Especially if vegetarians suddenly come to you. They will be delighted with the tortilla!
Hello everyone and enjoy the rest of the night.✨🌜👋

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!