Prva šetnja u Novoj godini!🎄First walk in the New Year!

in BANAT3 months ago

Zdravo dragi Hajveri! Kako ste proveli Najludju noć? Nadam se da ste uživali i bili sa vama dragim ljudima kao i ja. 🥰🥂
Nakon burne i dinamične noći, obično duže spavamo, ali potrudila sam se da ovaj prvi dan Nove godine provedem u prirodi kao i svakog 01.01. Na moje iznenadjenje, nije me očekivao uobičajeni dan u prirodi već prava bajka!
Podeli ću je sa vama...☀️✨

Hello dear Hivery! How did you spend the craziest night? I hope you enjoyed and were with you dear people as much as I did. 🥂
After a stormy and dynamic night, we usually sleep longer, but I made an effort to spend this first day of the New Year in nature, as I do every January 1. To my surprise, it wasn't an ordinary day in nature, but a real fairy tale!
I will share it with you...☀️✨



Ceo grad je bio u magli. Nisam ni mogla da zamislim kako će biti kad se popnem na brdo...

The whole city was in fog. I couldn't even imagine what it would be like when I climbed the hill...


Velikim i brzim koracima sam se penjala uz stepenice neznajući kakva
čarolija me čeka...
A onda...!

I climbed the stairs with big and fast steps, not knowing what kind
magic awaits me...
And then...!



Sve je postalo narandžasto. Magla je ostala iza mene...

Everything turned orange. The fog is behind me...



Kakav raj na zemlji! Da li je moguće? Ogromno narandzasto Sunce je grejalo i širilo neki neopisiv mir...

What a paradise on earth! Is it possible? The huge orange Sun was warming and spreading some indescribable peace...



Uštinula sam se da proverim da li sanjam. Ovakav dan je jednom u nekoliko godina. A onda sam videla crnu tačku kako se približava, pomislila sam da je, to je paraglajder! Da li je moguće da neko već leti? Da, moguće je. Bio je ovo prizor kao priredjen za moje oči...😍

I pinched myself to check if I was dreaming. This kind of day comes once every few years. And then I saw a black dot approaching, I thought it was a, it's a paraglider! Is it possible that someone is already flying? Yes, it is possible. This was a scene as if arranged for my eyes...😍




Pitala sam se kako je leteti? Mislim da će to za sada ostati tajna. To za sada znaju samo Džonatan Livingston i ovaj hrabri letač...

I wondered what it was like to fly? I think it will remain a secret for now. Only Jonathan Livingston and this brave flyer know that for now...



Paraglajder je nestao, Sunce je počelo da zalazi, ostala su samo brda koja su virila iz magle...

The paraglider disappeared, the sun began to set, all that remained were the hills peeking out of the mist...




Kao ostrva koja plutaju usamljena očekujući da ih neko spoji, da im da nadu, da će se sunce opet pojaviti i otkriti ponovo njihovu lepotu...

Like islands that float alone, waiting for someone to bring them together, to give them hope, for the sun to appear again and rediscover their beauty...

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!



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