Posvećeno svim jakim majkama! ❤️ Dedicated to all strong mothers! ❤️

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Počeću ovu temu sećanjem na jedno putovanje sa mojom ćerkom kada je bila mala oko 3, 4 godine je imala. Dan pred putovanje iz Srbije u Španiju, dobila je visoku temperaturu. Svi su rekli da oni ne bi mogli da putuju u toj situaciji ali ja sam se vodila intuicijom. Naravno da sam obazriva, ali tada je to bila moja procena. Stvari su bile spakovane, zaboravila sam da uplatim za osiguranje ali ta situacija me je odvela u pola sata pred put da uplatim osiguranje za vreme odmora u Španiji. Moja mama sa težinom u grudima, ispratila moju ćerku i mene, stisla zube i mahnula za srećan put. Strpala sam kofere, dva ručna prtljaga i dete u svoje krilo. Krenule smo. Sve vreme sam je čvrsto držala. Šta god sAm radila ( čekiranje, odlaganje kofera, dok sam jela, pila, išla u toalet, moju ćerku nisam ispuštala iz ruku!
Morale smo da presednemo u Nemačkoj. Propustile smo let. Ostale smo na recepciji sa dve tašne.Rekli su mi da moramo prenoćiti do sutra. Uzela sam sve kartice i vaučere i sela u taxi. Počela je kiša. Imala sam samo jedan dukser i jedne gačice za devojčicu. Obukla dam joj dukser i zagrlila čvršće. Stigle smo do hotelske sobe.Čim smo ušle, ćerka je počela da povraća. Nekako sam je presvukla u svoju majicu. Ja sam ostala u kratkim rukavima. Ćerkica je zaspala. Ja sam je cele noči gledala i pazila. Nisam oko sklopila. Ujutru sam joj ponudila lek ali je odbijala. Rano ujutru smo otisle do aerodroma taksijem. Sve vreme mi je u naručju. Na aerodromu smo čekale jos 1 sat. Poletele smo. Sletele smo u Španiju.Držeći je u rukama, uzela sam kofere i bacila ih na kolica. Na jedno rame sam stavila tasnu, na drugo ranac. Dete nisam ispuštala. Izlazeći iz aerodroma, ćerka mi je tiho šapnula na uvo: - mama baš si jaka. ❤️

I will start this topic by remembering a trip with my daughter when she was little, about 3, 4 years old. The day before the trip from Serbia to Spain, she developed a high temperature. Everyone said that they wouldn't be able to travel in that situation, but I was guided by intuition. Of course I'm cautious, but that was my assessment at the time. Things were packed, I forgot to pay for the insurance, but that situation took me half an hour before the trip to pay the insurance for the vacation in Spain. My mom with a heavy chest, saw my daughter and me off, gritted her teeth and waved goodbye. I stuffed my suitcases, two hand luggages and the child in my lap. We started. I held her tight the whole time. Whatever I was doing (checking in, putting away my suitcase, eating, drinking, going to the toilet), I never let go of my daughter!
We had to stop in Germany. We missed the flight. We stayed at the reception with two bags. They told me that we have to spend the night until tomorrow. I took all the cards and vouchers and sat in the taxi. It started to rain. I only had one sweatshirt and one pair of panties for a girl. I put on her sweatshirt and hugged her tighter. We arrived at the hotel room. As soon as we entered, my daughter started vomiting. Somehow I changed her into my T-shirt. I stayed in short sleeves. The daughter fell asleep. I watched and took care of her all night. I didn't close my eyes. In the morning, I offered her medicine, but she refused. Early in the morning we went to the airport by taxi. It's in my arms all the time. We waited at the airport for another hour. We took off. We landed in Spain. Holding her in my hands, I took the suitcases and threw them on the cart. I put a bag on one shoulder, a backpack on the other. I did not drop the child. Leaving the airport, my daughter softly whispered in my ear: - mom, you are really strong. ❤️


Od tada je prošlo skoro 7 godina. Nikada neću zaboraviti to putovanje. Ni danas ne znam da li sam bila luda ili hrabra?
Ali mislim da to ne bih opet uradila. Na sve ovo me je danas podsetila takodje jedna majka koja kao i ja živi sama sa ćerkom. Kao i ja radi 3, 4 posla da bi preživela. Upoznale smo se tako što njena ćerka ide kod mene u školu. Devojčica ima autizam i beskrajno je slatka i puna energije! ❤️ Do danas smo vodile površne razgovore shvatajući da smo obe u istoj situaciju. Majke koje se bore da prežive i pruže detetu sve što mu je neophodno, posebno pažnju i ljubav. Znate, kada ste samohrana majka i radite nekoliko poslova, onda je teško naći i vreme za maženje ali morate, jer u suprotnom ostalo i nema toliki značaj. Onda manje spavate i to vreme poklonite svom detetu. Danas se devojčica moje drugarice povredila, nadula joj se ruka pa ju je mama posle skole odvela u bolnicu da joj pregledaju i snime ruku. Rekla sam mami te devojčice da mi obavezno javi šta je rekao doktor.
Otišla sam kući s posla. Nakon sat, dva, javila se. Dok mi je pričala kako se trudila da umiri devojčicu da bi što pre snimili ruku, morala je da joj peva. U suprotnom bi morali nekoliko puta da ponove a to zrači. Sve se uspešno završilo a onda je ta moja prijateljica nastavila da priča neke dogadjaje od ranije. Čutala sam i pustila je da olakša dušu. Setila se nekih situacija gde je reagovala grubo i na šta nije bila ponosna. Tešila sam je govoreči da smo svi ljudska bića od krvi i mesa i da ne brine jer je sve to život i naša borba. Da je slaba kao ljudsko biće i loš roditelj, odavno bi prestala da se bori. Plakala je a ja sam pokušavala da je utešim jer je to najbitnije svakom čoveku kada oseća da tone. Objasnila sam joj da nas deca bezuslovno vole i da ona tačno znaju kada nešto činite iz mržnje ili iz ljubavi. Znate, deca su mnogo inteligentnija nego što mi mislimo. Pitala sam je da li se devojčica trenutno smeje? Rekla je DA. Onda je sve ok, rekoh joj.
Ovo sam ja sa njenom ćerkom na času fizičkog, zar nije slatka? 😍✨

Almost 7 years have passed since then. I will never forget that trip. Even today I don't know if I was crazy or brave?
But I don't think I would do it again. I was also reminded of all this today by a mother who, like me, lives alone with her daughter. Like me, she works 3, 4 jobs to survive. We met because her daughter goes to school with me. The little girl has autism and is endlessly sweet and full of energy! ❤️ Until today, we had superficial conversations realizing that we are both in the same situation. Mothers who struggle to survive and provide the child with everything it needs, especially attention and love. You know, when you're a single mother and you work several jobs, it's hard to find time for pampering, but you have to, because otherwise the rest doesn't matter as much. Then you sleep less and give that time to your child. Today, my friend's little girl was injured, her hand was swollen, so after school, her mother took her to the hospital to have her hand examined and photographed. I told the girl's mother to let me know what the doctor said.
I went home from work. After an hour or two, she answered. While she was telling me how she tried to calm the little girl down so that they could record her hand as soon as possible, she had to sing to her. Otherwise, they would have to repeat it several times and it radiates. Everything ended successfully, and then that friend of mine continued to tell some events from before. I listened and let her ease her soul. She remembered some situations where she reacted rudely and of which she was not proud. I consoled her by saying that we are all human beings made of flesh and blood and that she should not worry because this is all life and our struggle. If she was weak as a human being and a bad parent, she would have stopped fighting long ago. She was crying and I was trying to comfort her because that is the most important thing for every person when he feels that he is sinking. I explained to her that children love us unconditionally and that they know exactly when you do something out of hate or love. You know, children are much more intelligent than we think. I asked her if the little girl is smiling right now? She said YES. Then everything is ok, I told her.
This is me with her daughter in PE class, isn't she cute? 😍✨


Zapamtite, nikada nemojte sakrivati emocije od dece. Pokazujući ih otvoreno deca na taj način uče od vas o životu. O hrabrosti, strpljenju, uspehu, neuspehu, radosti, bolu, sreći. . . A sve se to jednom rečju zove LUBAV!!! ❤️

Remember, never hide your emotions from children. By showing them openly, children learn from you about life. About courage, patience, success, failure, joy, pain, happiness. . . And all that in one word is called LOVE!!! ❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


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You're welcome @vragolana, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍🌹

Thanks, I hope I don't run out of energy. 😉

Pozdrav @hivebuzz !

You're welcome @vragolana, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍🌹

You're welcome @vragolana, it's well deserved! Congrats on your constant involvement on Hive 😊👍🌹