Plava noć ✨💙Blue night ✨💙

in BANAT3 months ago

Kasno popodne. Noć je počela da pada, a ja razmišljam da li da odem u šetnju iako su najavili kišu? 🤔
Da, idem ☝️
Neću daleko, idem u obilazak grada.
Krenula sam u šetnju sa namerom da napravim lepe fotografije...

Late afternoon. The night has started to fall, and I'm thinking should I go for a walk even though they announced rain? 🤔
Yes, I'm going ☝️
I'm not going far, I'm going on a tour of the city.
I went for a walk with the intention of taking nice photos...



Nisam se pokajala. Grad je svetlo i bio umotan u novogodišnje sijalicei svetleo je kao scena nekog mondenskom teatra! 🤗
Šetajući, zaustavila me je jedna arhitektonska lepotica...

I did not repent. The city was bright and wrapped in New Year's lights and lit up like the scene of a fashionable theater! 🤗
Walking, I was stopped by an architectural beauty...


Imala sam utisak da je ispred mane iskočila neka devojka u crvenoj balskih haljini. Pozdravila sam je i nastavila...
Zanimljivi novogodišnji detalji, privlačili su mi pažnju...

I had the impression that a girl in a red ball gown jumped out in front of me. I greeted her and continued...
Interesting New Year's details attracted my attention...




Ušla sam u najširu ulicu iz koje je virila predivna pravoslavna crkva radujući se dolazećem Božiću jer će se oko nje uskoro okupiti stanovnici ovog grada u tradicionalnom paljenju badnjaka, jedan od simbola Božića

I entered the widest street from which a beautiful Orthodox church looked forward, looking forward to the coming Christmas because the inhabitants of this city will soon gather around it in the traditional lighting of the Christmas tree, one of the symbols of Christmas


Kišica je počela sitno da pada, pa sam produžila prema kući...
Prošla sam kroz park čije je visoko drveće pokazivalo na plavo nebo. Na njemu je sijala jedna zvezda...⭐

The rain started to fall lightly, so I continued towards the house...
I passed through a park whose tall trees pointed to the blue sky. One star shone on it...⭐


Uz zahvalnost, potrčala sam ka kući da ne pokisnem. Stigla sam za deset minuta.
Malo sam pokisla, ali to sam rešila toplom i suvom odećom. Skuvala sam čaj podigla noge na stolicu i pomislila kako će moji prijatelji iz Hajv zajednice znati o plavoj noći ako ne napišem o njoj....🤗✨⭐🌜

With gratitude, I ran towards the house so as not to get wet. I arrived in ten minutes.
I got a little wet, but I solved that with warm and dry clothes. I made tea put my feet up on the chair and thought how my friends from the Hive community will know about the blue night if I don't write about it....🤗✨⭐🌜

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanke