Labudovi u magli/ Swans in the fog

in BANAT3 months ago (edited)

31.12. poslednji dan u ovoj godini. Razmišljala sam kako da vam čestitam Novu godinu. Odlučila sam da današnji dan provedem daleko od novogodišnje euforije pa sam otišla na jezero da posmatram labudove. Da, to će biti moja čestitka vama...
Umesto belih pahulja, evo belih labudova...🦢❄️🦢❄️

31.12. the last day of this year. I was thinking how to wish you a Happy New Year. I decided to spend today away from the New Year's euphoria, so I went to the lake to watch the swans. Yes, that will be my congratulations to you...
Instead of white snowflakes, here are white swans...🦢❄️🦢❄️


Divni, misteriozni stanovnici jezera...

The wonderful, mysterious inhabitants of the lake...



Poštovala sam tišinu u koju su se ušuškali, nisam htela da remetim njihov mir...
Bila sam nemi posmatrač...a onda je jedan labud odlučio da me pozdravi. Raširio je svoja jaka i snažna krila...

I respected the silence they had tucked into, I didn't want to disturb their peace...
I was a silent observer...and then a swan decided to greet me. He spread his strong and powerful wings...


Mislim da im se dopalo moje društvo. Dokazali su naše prijateljstvo plesom...

I think they liked my company. They proved our friendship by dancing...



A onda su se izgubili negde u magli, kao da su ipak želeli da budu sami, sa svojom familijom...Pa ipak, hvala im na vremenu koje su podelili samnom. Ulepšali su mi ovaj poslednji dan ove godine. Neka tako i počne nova, puna ljubavi i nežnosti...

And then they got lost somewhere in the fog, as if they still wanted to be alone, with their family... Nevertheless, I thank them for the time they shared with me. They brightened up this last day of the year for me. Let the new one begin like that, full of love and tenderness...


Srećna vam Nova godina dragi moji Hajveri,želim vam puno uspeha!🎄🦢❄️🍾🥂✨🎄

Happy New Year, my dear Hajveri, I wish you much success!🎄🦢❄️🍾🥂✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!