Kada te dan odvede. 🌿🏃‍♀️🐌 When the day takes you.

in BANAT3 years ago

Juče smo slavili ćerki rodjendan u igraonici koja se nalazi na mojoj omiljenoj lokaciji- bregu.
Kada smo se vratili kući, shvatim da sam zaboravila nešto jako važno. Ok, danas sa posla nisam otišla kući nego pravo u igraonicu po zaboravljeni poklon!
Hm, kad sam već dovde došla, razmišljm, a što ne bih nastavila dalje? I tako je krenula današnja šetnja. 😁😇

Yesterday we celebrated my daughter's birthday in the playroom located on my favorite location - the hill.
When we got home, I realized I had forgotten something very important. Ok, today I didn't go home from work, but straight to the playroom for a forgotten gift!
Um, of course, yes, I know this, why it's something known in advance. And so today's walk began. 😁😇



U maju pored puta ima najlepšeg cveća i plodova. Kada plodovi sazru, hranu ne morate ni da ponesete sa sobom. Priroda se pobrine za to. 😇
Pažnju mi je privukla smokva i mlada vinova loza- buduće groždje. 🍇

In May, there are the most beautiful flowers and fruits by the roadside. When the fruits are ripe, you don't even have to take food with you. Nature takes care of that. 😇
My attention was drawn to figs and young vines - future grapes. 🍇



Pre nego što sam se popela na vrh brda, usputna stanica je predivan hotel-“ Vila Breg”
Elegantna zgrada sa bogatim sadržajem za posetioce i goste mog grada. Ono što se meni najviše svidja je cveće kojim je okružen. Meni se najviše svidja lavanda!
Ljubičasta boja, lepi cvetići a miris najlepši! Miris lavande je poznat kao miris koji opušta pa ga kozmetičarske industrije rado koriste u kozmetici.

Before I climbed to the top of the hill, the way station is a beautiful hotel - "Villa Breg"
Elegant building with rich content for visitors and guests of my city. What I like the most are the flowers he is surrounded by. I like lavender the most!
Purple color, beautiful flowers and the most beautiful scent! The scent of lavender is known as a relaxing scent, so the cosmetics industry is happy to use it in cosmetics.





Nakon što sam prešla 431 stepenik, vidik je bio još lepši!

After I crossed 431 steps, the view was even more beautiful!




Zaboravila sam da ponesem vodu sa sobom pa sam se jako obradovala kada sam videla česmu! Vodu nažalost retko cenimo dok ne ožednimo. Čitala sam da će u skorijoj budućnosti biti pravi rat za vodu. 😯😞💦
Čuvajte je i štedite.

I forgot to bring water with me so I was very happy when I saw the fountain! Unfortunately, we rarely appreciate water until we are thirsty. I read that there will be a real water war in the near future. 😯😞💦
Save it and save.



Na putu po planinama, upoznala sam nove prijatelje. 🐕‍🦺🐌

On the way to the mountains, I met new friends. 🐕‍🦺🐌



Nakon što smo se poigrali na travi, ugledala sam tablu- mapu vršačkih planina, koja može da vam pomogne da se lakše snadjete u obilasku planina.

After we played on the grass, I saw a tablo-map of the Vršac mountains, which can help you find your way around the mountains.



Na putu do vrha, odlučila sam da vidim kakva mi je kondicija. 😁

On the way to the top, I decided to see how I was doing. 😁



Nastavila sam sa šetnjom. Pogled mi se zadržao na stenama. Uvek lepe, interesantne i pune zanimljivih detalja okruženi mahovinom. Često izazov za alpiniste.🧗
S obzirom da prošle noći nisam puno spavala, odlučila sam nakon što sam došla do cilja, polako vratim. Izabrala sam drugu stazu.

I continued walking. My gaze lingered on the rocks. Always beautiful, interesting and full of interesting details surrounded by moss. Often a challenge for climbers.🧗
Since I didn’t sleep much last night, I decided after I reached the finish line, to slowly return. I chose another path.




Kada sam se umorna ali zadovolna došla kući, dočekale su me ove lepotice! Jagode!!!🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓

When I came home tired but satisfied, these beauties greeted me! Strawberries !!! 🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓


Bio je ovo dan za uživanje.

Gde ću sutra?
Ko to zna?

This was a day to enjoy.

Where am I going tomorrow?
Who knows?

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.