Igrajte se kao deca. 👫👭 Play like children. 👫👭

in BANAT2 years ago (edited)

Za razliku od odraslih, deca ne razmišljaju o tome da li su u pravu, bitno im je da su srećni, da se igraju.
Nažalost, vremenom postaju čovek produktivnosti. Društvo ih usisa u svet odraslih.

Unlike adults, children do not think about whether they are right, it is important for them to be happy, to play.
Unfortunately, over time, they become a man of productivity. Society sucks them into the adult world.





Deca žive u trenutku. Ne razmišljaju o sutra. Zato se često setimi kako nam je leto izgledalo dugo kad smo bili mali, sad stalno brinemo o budućnosti i vreme zbog toga leti. Vratite se igri. Deca kroz igru uče o životu. Ne oduzimajte im to. Ne brzajte. Ne trošite dragoceno vreme na rasprave sa ljudima, ljudi ionako čuju ono što žele da čuju. Budite vlasnik svog života. Deca to odlično rade. Najlepše je učiti od dece i prirode.

Children live in the moment. They don't think about tomorrow. That's why I often remember how long summer seemed to us when we were little, now we constantly worry about the future and that's why time flies. Go back to the game. Children learn about life through play. Don't take that away from them. Don't rush. Don't waste valuable time arguing with people, people hear what they want to hear anyway. Be the owner of your life. The children do it very well. It is best to learn from children and nature.






Deca u igru unesu celo svoje biće, zato su to kvalitetni momenti, trenuci koji se pamte. Deca poseduju autentičnu slobodu koju smo mi odavno zamenili ciljevima i ambicijom da postanemo ono što nismo.
Mi razmišljamo o hiljadu stvari dok nešto radimo. Pokušajte da pripitomite sebe, počnite ispočetka. Budite opet dete. Kad ostarite, sećaćete se SAMO detinjstva.❤️

Children bring their whole being into the game, that's why they are quality moments, moments that are remembered. Children possess an authentic freedom that we have long since replaced with goals and the ambition to become what we are not.
We think about a thousand things while doing something.
Try to tame yourself, start over. Be a child again. When you get old, you will remember ONLY your childhood.❤️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Bravo Anci,divna poruka❣️
