🌺🐝Cveće, pčelice i po koji slatkiš/ Flowers, bees and the occasional candy 🍭

in BANAT2 days ago (edited)

Svake godine, oktobra meseca, u centru mog grada procveta neočekivano cveće. Hm, ok, ne procveta nekoga donesu dragi ljudi iz različitih krajeva Srbije, da se pohvale najlepše uzgajani biljem. Mnogi pčelari, umetnici, poslastičari, iskoriste ovu priliku da i oni pokažu svoje umeće, odnosno produkte.
Pa da vidimo čega je tu sve bilo...

Every year, in the month of October, unexpected flowers bloom in the center of my city. Um, ok, before it blooms, dear people from different parts of Serbia bring someone to show off the most beautifully grown herbs. Many beekeepers, artists, confectioners use this opportunity to show their skills and products.
So let's see what was there...



Ulaskom u centar zbivanja, odmah sa desne strane, dočekalo me je cveće skoro svih boja...
A onda su mi se sa leve strane, nasmejala gospodjice bundevice, sakrivene u gajbicama kao da su se postidele jer nisu cveće...ali ne shvataju koliko su oplemenile sajam. Pogledajte samo kako ih je priroda izvajala i ukrasila.

Upon entering the center of the event, immediately on the right, I was greeted by flowers of almost every color...
And then, on my left, Miss Pumpkins, hidden in crates, smiled at me as if they were ashamed because they are not flowers...but they don't realize how much they have ennobled the fair. Just look at how nature sculpted and decorated them.


A onda su se moji oči saplele o žbunove roze, ljubičastog crvenog i žutog cveća...

And then my eyes tripped over the bushes of pink, purple red and yellow flowers...


U cveću se našao i Vinko Kozić, fiktivna ličnost našeg grada. Ljubitelj vina i groždja!

Vinko Lozić, a fictitious person of our city, also found himself in the flowers. Lover of wine and grapes!



Sunce je sve više grejali i osunčslo grnčariju...Saksije, bojali, činije od gline. Napravile su ih majstorske ruke mladih ljudi...

The sun warmed more and more and sunned the pottery...Pots, paints, clay bowls. They were made by the masterful hands of young people...


Odmah zatim, ugledala sam predivno i kreativno napravljenu tezgu za med i sve vrste pčelinjih proizvoda...🐝🐝🐝
Idemo dalje. Mirisom me je opčinila novo cveće...

Immediately after, I saw a beautifully and creatively made stall for honey and all kinds of bee products...🐝🐝🐝
Let's move on. I was bewitched by the smell of the new flowers...




Iako nije bilo puno ljudi, došli su oni koji treba da budu tu...

Although there were not many people, those who should be there came...




A onda sam ugledala nešto što ja najviše volim, a to su slatkiši...
Pogledajte te šarene lizalice od čokolade...🥰🍭🍩🍭

And then I saw something that I love the most, which is sweets...
Look at those colorful chocolate lollipops...🥰🍭🍩


Sa slatkišima završavam ovu priču. Dragi Hajveri, nadam se da ste uživali zajedno samnom...❤️🤗☀️

I end this story with sweets. Dear Hajveri, I hope you enjoyed together with me...❤️🤗☀️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!no ljudi



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When it gets bad I have to take something for it.

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