(SRB/ENG) Ladies of Hive Community Contest#120:Mala bića koja mi ulepšavaju svaki trenutak🐱🥰 Little creatures that brighten up my every moment🐱🥰

in BANAT2 years ago

Zdravo Hiveri, pošto se uskoro bliži Valentinovo koje uglavnom proslavljaju parovi, ali to je zapravo i dan prijateljstva. Imam par pravih prijatelja i mogu reći da sam zaista bogata osoba zbog toga, ali oni već znaju koliko ih cenim i volim tako da ovaj put neću pisati o mojim ljudskim prijateljima, već o moja dva najbolja krznena prijatelja. Njima često zaboravimo da zahvalimo na pruženoj velikoj, bezuslovnoj ljubavi i apsolutnoj vernosti. Oni nas uvek razvesele kada nam je teško, kada smo bolesni i uvek nas sa nestrpljenjem iščekuju da se vratimo kući.
Za mene su sve ovo od kada sam bila dete moje dve preslatke mace. One su ulepšale moje detinjstvo i sada ulepšavaju svaki slobodan momenat iako sam odrasla. Crni mačak se zove Lepi, a crno- bela maca Mimi.

Hivery tree, since Valentine's Day is coming soon, which is mostly celebrated by couples, but it is actually a day of friendship. I have a couple of real friends and I can say that I am a really rich person because of it, but they already know how much I appreciate and love them so this time I will not write about my human friends but about my two best furry friends. We often forget to thank them for their great, unconditional love and absolute loyalty. They always cheer us up when we're having a hard time, when we're sick, and they're always impatiently waiting for us to come home.
For me, these are all since I was a child my two adorable kitties. They beautified my childhood and now they beautify every free moment even though I am an adult. The black cat is called Lepi, and the black and white cat is called Mimi.



Svaki dan dobijam ovakve zagrljaje, to mi je jedna od najlepših stvari kada se vratim kući.😍😍😍

I get hugs like this every day, it's one of the best things for me when I come home.😍😍😍



Mimi jako voli kameru, zato su nam selfiji najjači.😎😎

Mimi loves the camera very much, that's why selfies are our strongest.😎😎
Naravno da imam jednog malog krznenog pomagača u krilu kad god spremam ispit.🥰🥰💪💪
Of course I have a little furry helper on my lap whenever I'm preparing for an exam.🥰🥰💪💪

Mojim krznenim prijateljima uvek volim nešto da kupim jer se uvek obraduju, ali pošto je Valentinovo i praznik razmišljam da im kupim novu grebalicu koja će ih sigurno oduševiti. Ne sumnjam da ce njihov poklon za mene da bude jedna tura maženja i uživanja i da ćemo ceo taj naš mali praznik provesti grajući se i stvarajući nove slatke sličice za vas.♥️♥️♥️

I always like to buy something for my furry friends because they always make them happy, but since Valentine's Day is also a holiday, I'm thinking of buying them a new scratching post that will surely delight them. I have no doubt that their gift for me will be a round of pampering and enjoyment and that we will spend our whole little holiday enjoying ourselves and creating new sweet pictures for you.♥️♥️♥️

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Sare.

Greetings to all Hivers from Sara.


Bless your cats. They don't have to work or pay rent. What a team, enjoy your furry friends, because they are sometimes better than people.

