Povratak u firmu nakon 3 meseca, možda mi je posao malo i nedostajao, ili samo ljudi sa posla?😅~Returning to the company after 3 months, maybe I missed work a little, or just people from work?😅

in BANAT2 years ago

Zdravo Hiveri-i🤗
Danas sam posle dužeg perioda, posle 3 meseca bolovanja, napokon otišla na svoje radno mesto🫡. Radim u firmi "Fresenius Medical Care". To je firma koja proizvodi delove i sisteme koji idu u medicinske i stomatološke svrhe, to su uglavnom sistemi za dijalizu i ostali instrumenti👩🏻‍🔬. Posao kao posao, svaki posao je na svoj način težak, kao što i ja smatram da je moj posao težak, pogotovo zbog mog zdravstvenog problema🤷🏻‍♀️. Posao se svodi na konstantan rad ruku i sedenje 8h koji ubija moju kičmu🩻, koja je operisana dva puta. Spajanje sistema ubija zglobove u rukama i ramenima🦴. Sistemi se spajaju sa opasnim hemijama🧪, kao što je alkohol koji je opasan za kožu🤚🏻, uglavnom nagriza kožu pa postane hrapava i suva😖. Isto tako, pojedine sisteme i instrumente radim lepkom koji je jako opasan za nas proizvođače😵‍💫. Ne daj Bože da nam upadne u oči👀, jer možemo oslepiti😵, u slučaju da se to desi na radnom mestu, u firmi imamo "tuš za ispiranje očiju" gde odmah ispiramo oči i direktno posle toga u hitnu pomoć🏥. Lepak takođe nagriza kožu i "pojede" nam ruke, mnogo je traumatično kada nam lepak kane na neku zanokticu ili ranu koju imamo po rukama☠️. Pored svega toga, tu ima još 1000 stvari, kao što je pakovanje sistema, kontrola, šok prostorija za pregledavanje sistema, laboratorije i mnoge druge stvari.🔬

Hello Hivers🤗
Today, after a long period, after 3 months of sick leave, I finally went to my workplace🫡. I work in the company "Fresenius Medical Care". It is a company that produces parts and systems for medical and dental purposes, mainly dialysis systems and other instruments👩🏻‍🔬. A job as a job, every job is difficult in its own way, just as I find my job difficult, especially because of my health problem🤷🏻‍♀️. The work is reduced to constant hand work and sitting for 8 hours which kills my spine🩻, which has been operated on twice. Connecting the system kills the joints in the hands and shoulders🦴. The systems are combined with dangerous chemicals🧪, such as alcohol which is dangerous for the skin🤚🏻, it mostly corrodes the skin and makes it rough and dry😖. Also, I make certain systems and instruments with glue, which is very dangerous for us manufacturers😵‍💫. God forbid it gets into our eyes👀, because we can go blind😵, in case it happens at the workplace, in the company we have an "eye wash shower" where we immediately wash our eyes and immediately after that go to the emergency room🏥. The glue also corrodes the skin and "eats" our hands, it's very traumatic when the glue gets on a cuticle or a wound we have on our hands☠️. In addition to all that, there are 1000's of other things, such as system packaging, control, system review shock room, labs and many other things.🔬


Zaposlila sam se 2021 godine 17 februara. To je bio moj prvi posao🧏🏻‍♀️, i još sam tu, što znači da će u februaru biti 2 godine kako radim svoj prvi posao u velikoj firmi🙆🏻‍♀️. Zbog mog zdravstvenog problema kojeg imam, trebala bih naći drugi posao, ali je to na žalost u Vršcu malo teže🙁... U firmi sam upoznala mnogo ljudi, mnoga nova lica, sa kojima se danas i družim, a neke izbegavam čak u širokom luku.😂 Upoznala sam čak 3 osobe za koje mogu slobodno da kažem da su danas moji prijatelji a ne samo koleginice😊. Super se slažemo, sve radimo zajedno, pomažemo i uskačemo međusobno🫶🏻. Uglavnom se ne razdvajamo, idemo zajedno na pauze i na jelo🍽. Imamo kantinu koja je zaista jako velika, imaju solidnu hranu, nas četiri volimo u toku jela da zasednemo u kantinu, makar i da ne jedemo, čisto da se malo istračarimo onako ženski🤣

I got a job in 2021 on February 17. It was my first job🧏🏻‍♀️, and I'm still here, which means that in February it will be 2 years since I did my first job in a big company🙆🏻‍♀️. Due to my health problem, I should find another job, but unfortunately it's a bit more difficult in Vršac🙁... In the company, I met many people, many new faces, with whom I still hang out today, and some I even avoid at large port.😂 I even met 3 people whom I can freely say are my friends today and not just colleagues😊. We get along great, we do everything together, we help and jump in with each other🫶🏻. We usually don't separate, we go to breaks and eat together 🍽. We have a canteen that is really big, they have solid food, the four of us like to sit in the canteen during meals, even if we don't eat, just to have a little girly fun🤣


Prva smena je moje "ubistvo"... 🔫
Kada krenem na posao, napolju je još uvek mrak😱🌙. U svojoj ulici čekam moju koleginicu da dođe autom🚘 da me pokupi i da odemo na posao a imam osećaj kao da ustvari idem u treću smenu a ne u prvu koliki je mrak🌠.

The first shift is my "murder"... 🔫
When I go to work, it's still dark outside😱🌙. In my street, I'm waiting for my colleague to come by car 🚘 to pick me up and go to work, and I have the feeling that I'm actually going to the third shift and not the first because it's so dark🌠.


Uglavnom ne spavam prethodnu noć pred prvu smenu, pa izgledam kao zombi na poslu.🧟‍♀️ Pijem energetska pića u nadi da ću se razbuditi, ali nikada me skoro nije razbudilo nego čak i uspavalo, da mi se desilo da dok sam na pauzi sa drugaricom da samo zaspim sedeći napolju ispred vrata. Kritično.🤦🏻‍♀️

I usually don't sleep the night before the first shift, so I look like a zombie at work. 🧟‍♀️ I drink energy drinks in the hope of waking up, but it almost never woke me up, but even put me to sleep, that happened to me while I was on break with friend to just fall asleep sitting outside in front of the door. Critical.🤦🏻‍♀️


U firmi moraju da se nose bele uniforme, kada se izađe u hodnik moraju da se nose klompe i mantili🥼
U pogonu se nose samo kape, za rad rukavice🧤, cipele, maske protiv covida, mada je to od skoro ukinuto.

White uniforms must be worn in the company, clogs and coats must be worn when going out into the corridor🥼
In the plant, only hats are worn, gloves 🧤, shoes, anti-covid masks for work, although this has since been abolished.


Najviše volim da provodim vreme u "sobi za odmor"⏳️
Imamo automate za grickalice, sokove🧃 i vode. Imamo malu kuhinju i tv.📺
Ali iskrena da budem, najviše volim tu "sobu" jer kada su neki rođendani tu se dolazi da se poslužuje, tako da stalno nešto grickam, a obožavam grickalice🍫.

Most of all, I like to spend time in the "rest room"⏳️
We have vending machines for snacks, juices🧃 and water. We have a small kitchen and TV.📺
But to be honest, I love that "room" the most, because when there are birthdays, people come here to be served, so I'm always snacking, and I love snacks🍫.



Firma je uspešna📈, ali isto tako ima i svoje padove📉, svoje manjke💸 i loše strane, ali opet jedino što me još uvek drži jeste to što je "humana" firma, tačnije sve što radimo, radimo za bolesne ljude, koji računaju na nas, koji mogu ozdraviti uz pomoć naših sistema🥰. Isto tako, veže me to što je verovatno moj prvi posao, ljudi❤ ali definitivno ne i novac🙃...

The company is successful📈, but it also has its downfalls📉, its shortcomings💸 and bad sides, but again the only thing that still keeps me going is that it is a "humane" company, more precisely everything we do, we do for sick people, who count on us, who can heal with the help of our systems. Also, I'm bound by the fact that it's probably my first job, people❤ but definitely not money🙃...


Nisu plate sjajne, plate po drugim firmama su mnogo bolje😅, ali kada budem bila spremna da dam otkaz i pređem na to nešto bolje, nadam se da će to biti veća onda plata, ali onda ne mogu da očekujem i da imam dobru platu i dobre ljude oko sebe, ne može ipak i jedno i drugo.🤷🏻‍♀️

The salaries are not great, the salaries at other companies are much better😅, but when I'm ready to quit my job and move on to something better, I hope that the salary will be higher, but then I can't expect to have a good salary and good people around him, he can't do both.🤷🏻‍♀️


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke👩🏻‍🔬

Greeting from your Rebecca👩🏻‍🔬


Interesting story, your day at work seems very interesting, especially when something is being celebrated😅 I hope you find a better job with better conditions for your spine 🙏

Thanks for the comment. I hope to find something better for my health, I'm waiting for something better than this.😊