I neglected my body because of my depression and complexes, but then I took a big step in my life.

in BANAT2 years ago

Zdravo Hiver-i🙋🏻‍♀️
Od kada sam upala u 3F agenciju🥳, morala sam da počnem zdravije da se hranim🥬, da krenem u teretanu🏋🏻‍♀️ i da se posvetim sebi. Za mene je to bio veliki izazov🤯, prvo hrana jer sam jako izbirljiva i ne jedem sve i to što jedem je uglavnom nezdravo, brza hrana i grickalice🍔. Što se teretane tiče, to je tek nemoguća misija bila za mene🙃. Krenula sam u teretanu, uplatila sam članarinu, obezbedila sebi proteine i krenula sam da jedem redovnije, malo zdravije i da budem redovna u teretani😊.

Hi Hivers🙋🏻‍♀️
Ever since I joined the 3F agency🥳, I had to start eating healthier🥬, go to the gym🏋🏻‍♀️ and dedicate myself to myself. It was a big challenge for me🤯, firstly the food because I'm very picky and I don't eat everything and what I eat is mostly unhealthy, fast food and snacks🍔. As for the gym, it was just mission impossible for me🙃. I went to the gym, I paid the membership fee, provided myself with protein and I started to eat more regularly, a little healthier and to be a regular at the gym😊.


Kombinujem se zbog posla, kada sam prva smena idem posle posla, kada sam druga smena idem ujutru🌄, a kada sam treća idem popodne. Malo sam zapostavila PekaD🥱, ali ne mojom voljom, trudim se da koliko toliko budem "aktivna". Na žalost, ako mi aktivnost skroz padne, možda samo i odustanem od ovoga🤷🏻‍♀️. Biće mi žao, ali najmanje je do mene, već do mog vremena🫤.

I combine because of work, when I'm on the first shift I go after work, when I'm on the second shift I go in the morning🌄, and when I'm on the third shift I go in the afternoon. I neglected PekaD 🥱, but not by my will, I try to be "active" as much as possible. Unfortunately, if my activity drops completely, I might just give up on this ♀️🤷🏻. I will be sorry, but the least is up to me, but up to my time🫤.


Iskreno me zanimaju rezultati mene, mog tela, nakon mesec, dva, tri pa i godinu dana.
Ako ništa, potrudiću se da budem barem u tome istrajna. Volim svoje telo, a verovatno ću ga voleti još više.🥰
Nekada me je sramota i stvorim kompleks kada vidim sve one lepe i zgodne devojke na spram mene, ali onda nekako u glavi shvatim da su i one dostigle neke svoj cilj i da u teretanu nisu došle već zgodne već su to od sebe napravile, izvajale svoje telo.💪🏻

I am honestly interested in the results of me, my body, after a month, two, three, and even a year.
If nothing, I will try to be at least persistent in this. I love my body, and I will probably love it even more🥰
Sometimes I feel ashamed and create a complex when I see all those beautiful and hot girls in front of me, but then somehow I realize in my head that some of them have also reached their goal and that they didn't come to the gym looking hot, but made it themselves, sculpted their body.💪🏻

Vežbanje u teretani mi polako postaje rutina🫡, imam volje, želje i motivaciju da treniram svakog dana. Imam potrebu da makar sat vremena odvojim za to. Imam podršku i to mi je najbitnije.😇
Oduvek sam volela sport, da sam u pokretu i da se krećem. Možda teretana nije ono što bih najviše volela, ali mi je neka aktivnost koja je našem telu potrebna. Pronalazim se polako u ovome, a nadam se najboljem.

Exercising in the gym is slowly becoming my routine🫡, I have the will, desires and motivation to train every day. I need to set aside at least an hour for that. I have support and that is the most important thing for me.😇
I have always loved sports, being in motion and moving. Maybe the gym isn't what I like the most, but it's an activity that our body needs. I'm slowly finding myself in this, and I'm hoping for the best.


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🫠

Greeting from your Rebecca🫠


Your dedication is definitely paying off.
Keep doing what you're doing
Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️