Da li je dobro imati intimne odnose u toku bolnih menstruacija, i kako ih mi žene doživljavamo.🩸~Is it good to have intimate relations during painful periods, and how we women experience them.🩸

in BANAT2 years ago

Zdravo Hiveri-i🤗
Mislim da će ova tema više zanimati žensku populaciju koja ima isti problem kao i svaka žena, a možda će i nekog znatiželjnog muškarca.😏 Menstruacija i menstrualni bolovi.🩸 Kako se vi žene nosite sa time? Na primer, moji menstrualni bolovi su takvi kao da sam predporođaj, da ja ne mogu da funkcionišem na žalost bez tableta i lekova💊. S obzirom da sam baš mlada, imam rane menstruacije, dobijam na svakih 27 dana🗓, nekada mi i porani zbog stresa ili sličnih stvari🤬. Ako ne popijem tabletu dok imam bolove, padam u nesvest ili povraćam🤮. Preksinoć na poslu sam dobila menstruaciju. Očekivala sam da ću je dobiti, čak mi je i poranila jedan dan😵‍💫. Sva sreća na poslu nisam imala bolove, nisam imala ni tablete kod sebe😶... Kada sam došla uveče kući, bolovi su bili sve gori i gori, kao kada mi je bio krenuo kamen u bubregu🪨, takvi bolovi su bili, vuklo je i na to da ću se ispovraćati🤮. Naravno da sam popila lekove, ali nisu delovali i bilo mi je sve gore i gore🙄. Sve sam se plašila da mi se u međuvremenu nije kamen u bubregu vratio😪. Imala sam na sreću i lekove za tu vrstu bola od prošlog puta kada sam se lečila od kamena. Celu noć nisam mogla da spavam😮‍💨, mnogo me je boleo stomak i mnogo mi se povraćalo. Uzela sam da povraćam, i povratila sam sve što sam jela🍔. Nekako mi je bilo malo lakše ali sam i dalje osećala bolove. Mislila sam da je to to, da mi se kamen vratio i da ću opet prolaziti sve ispočetka🤦🏻‍♀️. Uzela sam lek koji je namenjen za bolove ako imam kamen, umirila sam se i uspavala oko pola 5 ujutru😴. Probudila sam ujutru za posao, bilo mi je malo bolje, ali nije baš prolazilo. Popila sam neki lek, jela, sredila za posao i otišla sam u drugu smenu😅. Tamo sam jedva funkcionisala, i tamo sam morala popiti barem jedan lek i izdržala sam 8h🫡. Dnevno popijem barem 3 tablete, što je jako loše, ali trudim se da smanjim i nekada trpim bol samo da se ne trujem☠️. Valjda nisam jedina, ali uglavnom me svi osuđuju kako preterujem, ali ja stvarno sve mogu da izdržim ali ne i bolne menstruacije koje su iz mesec u mesec sve bolnije🤷🏻‍♀️.

Hello Hivers🤗
I think this topic will be of more interest to the female population who have the same problem as every woman, and maybe to some curious man.😏 Menstruation and menstrual pain.🩸 How do you women deal with it? For example, my menstrual pains are such that I am pre-birth, that I cannot function without pills and medicines💊. Since I'm very young, I have early periods, I get them every 27 days🗓, sometimes early due to stress or similar things🤬. If I don't take a pill while I'm in pain, I pass out or throw up🤮. I got my period the night before at work. I expected to receive it, it was even a day early😵‍💫. Fortunately, I didn't have any pain at work, I didn't even have any pills with me😶... When I came home in the evening, the pain was getting worse and worse, like when I had a kidney stone🪨, it was such pain, it dragged and that I'm going to throw up 🤮. Of course I took medicine, but they didn't work and I was getting worse and worse🙄. I was always afraid that the stone in my kidney had not returned in the meantime😪. Fortunately, I also had medication for that type of pain from the last time I was treated for stones. I couldn't sleep all night😮‍💨, my stomach hurt a lot and I was vomiting a lot. I started vomiting, and I threw up everything I ate🍔. Somehow it was a little easier for me, but I still felt pain. I thought that was it, that the stone had returned to me and that I would have to go through it all over again🤦🏻‍♀️. I took medicine that is intended for pain if I have a stone, calmed down and fell asleep around half past 5 in the morning😴. I woke up in the morning for work, I felt a little better, but it didn't really go away. I drank some medicine, ate, got ready for work and went to the second shift😅. I could barely function there, and I had to take at least one medicine there and I lasted 8 hours🫡. I take at least 3 pills a day, which is very bad, but I try to reduce it and sometimes I suffer pain just so I don't get poisoned☠️. I guess I'm not the only one, but mostly everyone condemns me for exaggerating, but I can really handle everything, but not painful periods, which are getting more and more painful every month🤷🏻‍♀️.


Kada imam menstruaciju volim popiti topli čaj🫖, jesti malo laganiju hranu🥗, ugrejati se u ćebetu🛌🏻 i zgrčim celo svoje telo. Ako muškarac ovo čita👀, sigurno je vaše pitanje "da li je moguće da to toliko boli"?🤔 Da, moguće je, zato što se naša materica svakog meseca sprema za oplodnju i njen unutrašnji deo se zadebljava. Pošto u većini slučajeva ne dolazi do oplodnje dolazi do toga da se arterije grče✊🏻, a iste te arterije ishranjuju taj unutrašnji deo koji se zadebljava a kada se on zgrči to znači da nema hrane za taj deo i taj deo umire😵. On kad umre, taj deo mora da se oljušti i prilikom ljušćenja on kida arterije i zbog toga žene krvare😳. Sama informacija da se naš organ ljušti deluje bolno🤯, ako nekome ne zvuči to bolno onda stvarno ima neki problem😱.

When I have my period, I like to drink hot tea🫖, eat a little lighter food🥗, warm up in a blanket🛌🏻 and I contract my whole body. If a man is reading this👀, your question must be "is it possible that it hurts so much"?🤔 Yes, it is possible, because every month our uterus prepares for fertilization and its inner part thickens. Since in most cases fertilization does not occur, the arteries spasm ✊🏻, and the same arteries feed that internal part that thickens, and when it spasms, it means that there is no food for that part and that part dies😵. When he dies, that part has to peel off and during the peeling he tears the arteries and that's why women bleed 😳. The very information that our organ is peeling seems painful🤯, if it doesn't sound painful to someone, then they really have a problem😱.


Takođe ima par dobrih razloga zašto je sex u menstruaciji dobar😌. Jedan od njih je taj što rešava glavobolje😬. Drugi razlog je taj da krvarenje brže prolazi, mišići materice se grče i opuštaju što znači da se brže guli materica i samim tim krvarenje brže prolazi👍🏻. Treći razlog je taj da ublažava te bolne menstruacije😊. A zašto je sex loš tokom menstruacije?🙃 Zato što je lakše doći do prenosivih polnih bolesti ili nekih vaginalnih infekcija.🤐 Takođe većina žena ima dismenoreju, groznice🤒, ekstremne bolove u stomaku, glavobolje i dijareju, što u prevodu znači da bi takvim ženama pomogao sex u menstruaciji ali preporučljivo sa zaštitom😉. Moje menstruacije traju po 6-7 dana, što je izuzetno mnogo, nekim ženama traje do 3-4 dana, to su neki Božiji favoriti😅. Iskrena da budem, ponosna sam na svaku ženu koja prolazi kroz bolne menstruacije jer ni malo nisu lake, hormoni nam se poremete, razmišljamo o svemu i svačemu i pokušavamo da imamo samu kontrolu😇. Zato muškarci, taj period u mesecu kada nam je, malo više vodite računa o nama, mnogo nam to znači🥹, pogotovo kada nam se plače a ni same ne znamo zbog čega.😂 Kupujte nam čokolade🍫

There are also a couple of good reasons why sex during menstruation is good😌. One of them is that it solves headaches😬. Another reason is that the bleeding passes faster, the muscles of the uterus spasm and relax, which means that the uterus peels off faster and therefore the bleeding passes faster👍🏻. The third reason is that it alleviates those painful periods😊. And why is sex bad during menstruation? 🙃 Because it's easier to get sexually transmitted diseases or some vaginal infections. 🤐 Also, most women have dysmenorrhea, fevers🤒, extreme stomach pains, headaches and diarrhea, which means that such women would sex during menstruation helped, but recommended with protection 😉. My periods last 6-7 days, which is extremely long, some women last up to 3-4 days, those are some of God's favorites😅. To be honest, I'm proud of every woman who goes through painful periods because they're not easy at all, our hormones are disrupted, we think about everything and anything and try to be in control😇. That's why men, that period of the month when we're feeling down, take a little more care of us, it means a lot to us🥹, especially when we feel like crying and we don't even know why. 😂 Buy us chocolates🍫


Pozdrav od vaše Rebeke🙋🏻‍♀️

Greeting from your Rebecca🙋🏻‍♀️


I think this topic should interest all men because without women we are one big nothing, so it would be desirable for everyone to know this, I will buy chocolates and I will have patience and understanding for you💗🤗

Thank you for understanding love💗